Ace Manager of the Green Field

333 Extreme oppression, ultimate breakthrough!

One thing is the consensus of the outside world.

Situ Yunbing has accumulated a lot of championship winning experience in the first two years of coaching!

Having won 8 championships in Monaco made him actually have many choices before the final battle against Dortmund. His fault tolerance rate is higher than Dortmund, this advantage is too huge!

Even with a group of recruits, he is confident to win the championship in a conservative and utilitarian way in the 6-round league!

But he is not satisfied deep down in his heart, he devoted all his energy to this championship!

Those sour and distressed, he swallowed into his stomach, those lonely tortured souls and complicated work, he did not complain at all.

He gave everyone on the team enough tolerance, support, encouragement, he let the people around him bathe in the sun, and he leaned back against the cliff above the dark clouds.

At this time he is not venting, not complaining, he just knows that the team is affectionate and the champion is desperate!

The friendship is enough, it is time to plunder the cherished champion!

If someone can't meet his request, it's because of it.

If someone thinks his demands are too high, then part ways.

This is not a personal grudge, only everyone is not like-minded!

The season has come to an end. Situ Yunbing should do what he can, and he dare not say that he has done his best, but he has gone all out!

Now, it is time for the Hamburgers to prove to Situ Yunbing!

Are they worthy of pursuing higher goals, surpassing their limits and meeting stronger challenges!

When Dortmund was one goal behind, Klopp was pessimistic about the situation. He did not hesitate to give up the team's own fixed play. After the score was equalized, he still did not change optimism!

Because the morale of the burger over there and the strength of the posture are a bit...chilling!

Most of the time when you switch to other teams, you will panic. If you play well, you will surely panic, but Hamburg seems to have forgotten the score, the time, and even the exhaustion, fighting on the court, all like a wolf. Like a tiger, fighting Dortmund with a fighting posture!

If Klopp is a group of well-disciplined warriors, then seeing Situ Yunbing's burger at this time is a group of unreasonable beasts!

Situ Yunbing still did not replace!

After Dortmund equalized the situation, the situation did not reverse, only the score changed!

On the other hand, Dortmund may have been leveled because of the score, and his mentality has been eased. Hamburg's fighting spirit has not dropped but has risen. Not only has it returned to the strength after the opening of the second half, but it has been greatly improved!

In the 78th minute of the game, Royce made a left-wing pass in the frontcourt and faced Pishcek without passing the ball. He knocked the ball inward and slid into the front of the penalty area. He suddenly shot and shot!

This foot shot went straight to the bottom left of the goal, the angle was not tricky, Weidenfeller saved the ball after the save, Subotic did not dare to delay, because Gleitzman was not far away, it would be safe The ball came out of the bottom line.

While Dortmund was still arranging the defense, Hamburg's corner kicked out. De Braun then took the initiative and knocked the ball back to Rakitic in the middle, which then transferred the ball to the right.

Azpilicueta then passed the ball and sent it to the front of the goal. Humels blocked the ball again.

The Dortmund line of defense is too late to adjust!

Hamburg quickly took the corner again, Aubameyang knocked the ball back outside the penalty area, Rakitic's side pass hung the ball into the middle of the penalty area.

Van Dijk pressed Hummels to throw his head and hit the crossbar to pop!

Situ Yunbing clapped on the sidelines and shouted at the disciples to continue his efforts!

The Hamburg fans in the stands have never stopped cheering for the team. Their momentum is higher than the wave. The support of Dortmund fans is completely submerged, as if Dortmund has lost the support of the fans!

When Lewandowski had already retreated to the middle of the backcourt, he was forced by Kanter to destroy the ball as soon as he controlled the ball.

Gretzman quickly withdrew and snatched the ball before Da Silva,

After Matuidi stopped the ball on the sideline, he pretended to pass and forced Piszick to make a blocking posture, but he stepped to the bottom of the ball!

The rhythm of the game is too fast, and the players have lost the time to think, and now it is completely watching instincts!

Matuidi knocked the ball across the penalty area before the bottom line, Royce made a forward pass, but passed the ball but changed his direction. Although Subotic was not fooled, but the emergency stop made him unable to be the first. Time to finish the rush, Royce made another pass, Subotic made an immediate steal!

But when he stretched out, Subotic was stunned!

Royce's footing still changed direction!

He went back to the bottom line again, brushed with Subotic and walked along the bottom line to take a two-step snatch behind Bend. Royce took the ball this time!

The Dortmund line of defense was completely shocked, and the rigorous and orderly situation no longer exists!

Royce's knocking pass was sent to the left rib of the penalty area, Rakitic quickly inserted, behind him Shahin and Da Silva pursued together but always lost a position!

Da Silva chose to shovel regardless of being in the danger zone of the restricted zone. Rakitic turned a blind eye even if he was aware of it, and rushed to shoot at the football without adjustment!

After shooting out, he was stumbled to the ground by Da Silva!

While he fell to the ground, the football had already crossed a very shocking straight line and flew into the upper right corner of Dortmund's goal!

Weidenfeller's rescue whip is unmatched!

After Rakitic broke the goal, he also roared and celebrated rarely. He ran to the home team coach with his fists, and the goal was Situ Yunbing!

When he rushed over and hugged Situ Yunbing, Situ Yunbing backed up five or six steps in a row. Fortunately, there were other coaches standing behind him. Otherwise, he would definitely fall miserably!

The coach of Hamburg and the players embraced and shouted wildly!

Rakitic's original white face is now blood red!

He joined Hamburg for only one reason: Situ Yunbing!

If it were not the attraction of Stuart Yunbing's signboard, plus the sincerity of Stuart Yunbing's personal visit, he would not even consider Hamburg.

Joining other teams in the Bundesliga from Schalke 04 on his own, he needs to overcome some pressure. After all, he has played in Schalke 04 for a short time.

If it comes to money, Hamburg can give it, other clubs interested in him can give it, and it will give more, because the cost of taking Rakitic is too low.

As for the competitiveness of the team, Hamburg may be the closest team to the championship in the championship situation, but it is not necessarily in the long run. After all, Bayern Munich has never tried not to win the championship for two consecutive years in the past 15 years!

In other words, if Bayern Munich failed to win the league title in one season in the past 15 years, they will surely win the championship next season!

If this rule continues to work, Bayern Munich will have a very high probability of recovering the mountains and rivers next season!

Rakitic came to Situ Yunbing, hoping to achieve rapid growth under his command while also winning honors!

So today I want to say who is the most shocking player on the field, it is worse than Rakitic!

He really felt the magic of the magic coach!

As if breaking the shackles of the soul, the whole person and team are sublimated to a new level!

After breaking out of the cocoon under that huge pressure, it seems to be in a new world, with a vast world to let gallop, and the poor life to conquer!

The hustle and bustle of the People's Park stadium is mad, and Hamburg fans are already crazy. They don't seem to be leading Dortmund again because of the score, just because the team is performing better, more aggressive and dominant!

"Rakitic responded to Royce with an assist and scored! Hamburg is ahead!

This game is too crazy. So far, maybe Hamburg has only a few minutes to make us feel that their threat has declined, but at other times, what they bring to Dortmund is endless pressure and indiscriminate bombing!"

"Although the game is not over yet, I think Klopp has lost this big battle!

What he lost was the overall idea of ​​Dortmund’s team building. In the construction of the team, Situ Yunbing was better. From Monaco to Hamburg, we can almost be sure that Situ Yunbing is the one who will polish the details. The ultimate coach, Monaco's defense, and Hamburg's offense are completely different, but they all reflect the ultimate pursuit of the coach's core tactics!

We are all wrong. At the beginning of the season, the German media still said that Hamburg is just another Monaco, and Situ Yunbing, who will only play defensive counterattacks, now proves that his success is not accidental.

With little time left in the game, Hamburg may start to strengthen the defense. In that case, they basically locked in the victory of the game."

Klopp looked serious, and at this time there was nothing to be annoyed, remorseful, or angry, and he was not as good as others, and admitted that there was no shame.

Today, Situ Yunbing absolutely overwhelms him both in terms of technical tactics and aura!

Perhaps it is necessary to snatch the championship from Hamburg, and it is indeed necessary to run over from the body of Situ Yunbing!

But Klopp still had to be desperate.

This last stroke, he replaced Kuba with Barrios.

Situ Yunbing still has no plans to make substitutions, and before the players celebrate the end of the return to the court, Situ Yunbing also clenched his fists to cheer them up and let them continue to put pressure on Dortmund!

Is it not safe to lead a ball?

of course not.

Even if it is a draw, Hamburg is absolutely acceptable!

Situ Yunbing is oppressing this young team, pushing their limit and breaking through this limit!

There is no better matchup than this game, no better moment than now!

No amount of talent potential, if it is not fulfilled, it will be a mirror of flowers and water, and it will not work.

When the Hamburgers will return to the stadium, in fact, at least more than half of their players have been exhausted, physical fitness is no longer the limit, but began to overdraw!

But the powerful spiritual power makes them not only fighting, but also going beyond the rational to continue running!

Ordinary players can see the ceiling of their potential, real geniuses are invisible, and only break through again and again!

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