Ace Manager of the Green Field

337 I want to be remembered

A news on Fleet Street detonated European football!

The local media in Hamburg launched a fierce resistance in the first place!

"Manchester City intends to invite the Marshal Magic to the Etihad Stadium! In the summer, 200 million pounds will be prepared for him!"

The source of the news came from Manchester, and a conversation in Manchester City’s top management was eavesdropped. It is not known whether it was related to the World News’ falling into the eavesdropping door.

However, after evaluating the performance of Mancini as a coach for a year and a half, Manchester City executives began to discuss whether there is a coach change to improve the team's space.

So the topic shifted to Situ Yunbing.

Among them, many Manchester City executives agree with Situ Yunbing's performance in the past three seasons, especially he has won the ninth championship, coached for three years, the three league championships have been a remarkable achievement, not to mention the Champions League. champion!

What most Manchester City club executives appreciate is that the money spent by Situ Yunbing has received a good return, and the value for money is great!

So they also casually said that if they can invite Situ Yunbing, Manchester City prepared him a transfer budget of 200 million pounds for him to let go!

If the pattern is raised to the entire European football, then it can be said that the reputation of Situ Yunbing is declining in the 2010-2011 season because he did not appear in the European arena.

It was only when he led the team to the Bundesliga title that his reputation rose to a higher position than when he left Monaco.

At this time, the news exposed on Fleet Street made European football highly concerned because people would also imagine that if Stuart Yunbing coaches Manchester City and has a transfer fund of 200 million pounds, there is already a good foundation in Manchester City. In the future, will he be able to establish a dynasty that governs Europe in Manchester City!

The reaction of the Hamburg media could not be more normal!

They certainly don't like the rich locals who use money to kill people.

Because local tyrants can take away their stars and their coaches at any time!

And at the moment, this stern eye has caused a scolding voice from the Hamburg media!

Hamburg didn't even hold the championship celebration, Manchester City came to add blockage, this is the lack of the most basic respect!

Of course, Manchester City did not intend to do this. People who closed their doors to discuss things, who knew they would be exposed by the media!

Manchester City did not make up their minds to dismiss Mancini. This is very dangerous. It cannot be said that Mancini did not perform well this year and a half. At least Manchester City is steadily rising, representing the progress of the team, but only for the eager to succeed For the consortium behind Manchester City, efficiency may not be satisfactory from the perspective of investment and performance.

To know the second year of Abu entering Chelsea, Mourinho brought him the league title and the performance of the strong European team in the Champions League!

Manchester City has invested a lot in these years, but in the end, the results did not meet expectations.

Even if it is not measured by the champion.

From the first time the news came out, Hoffman, the chairman of the Hamburg board of directors, personally came to the door to talk with Situ Yunbing in the hotel for nearly two hours.

Although it is a long time, it is a problem tossing and turning: will you go to Manchester City?

This made Situ Yunbing annoying, and even a little crazy.

Shaking his head did not work once, twice, and after three times, Situ Yunbing began to escort the guest away, but Huffman refused to leave. It seemed that he believed that the other party would break up with himself, but he didn't know what he could do to stick to the other.

Hoffman won. He did not leave. Situ Yunbing left. He took Sigrid out of the hotel and went to the cruise restaurant on the Elbe.

The reporters did not tire of wanting to interview Situ Yunbing, but Situ Yunbing still adhered to the principle of not accepting interviews privately unless necessary.

This deepened the suspicion of the outside world.

After all, Manchester City is rich, maybe Manchester City can throw out a £10 million signing fee to Situ Yunbing at one time.

Until the penultimate round of the weekend’s pre-match press conference, Situ Yunbing looked at the reporters who had to raise their hands to ask questions before waiting for the press officer to select the questioner.

But I know that now I have to say something positive.

I’m interested in Manchester City, oh no, I’m not interested in invitations from other clubs. I’m a coach in Hamburg. I will continue to perform my contract. I will fight with my players. This is my response. Do you have any questions?

If it's a question about where I want to stay, still save some effort and don't waste everyone's time."

The reporters suddenly stopped, or they had received the most valuable news.

On the way out of the information hall, Situ Yunbing had a phone call circling in his mind.

From Monaco Chairman Debondan.

Debondan is also exploring the possibility of Situ Yunbing returning to Monaco.

Like a long-time friend, he told Situ Yunbing the helplessness of Monaco in the past year.

The Monaco royal family's aversion to Suarez's bite incident was eventually exposed by the media, and Suarez also reacted violently: he submitted an application to leave the team.

This was what happened five months ago.

Because Suarez was banned from European wars, there were no giants who wanted to take him away during the winter break, or some of Suarez’s worthy giants also care about their faces. As long as he is suspended, people will always mention him The bite incidents, plus the giants themselves are under the microscope, as long as the matter is related to the people in the club, it will be magnified ten times and hundred times by the outside world.

At that point of time, Suarez is not the best time to go. If he can wait until the end of the season before leaving the team, the European giants will not let him choose, at least he can be satisfied with himself.

But he is fighting the Monaco royal family!

He had to go, so he went to Liverpool.

A club that will be arrogantly said to be a big man but already blurred in the European territory.

Gareth Bale and Falcao provoke Monaco’s girders, but Domenech’s management may not be able to control the locker room very well. Monaco’s record has always fluctuated, even if Situ Yunbing’s team left behind Strong enough, the lower limit is guaranteed, but the upper limit is also compressed.

This has led to Monaco's record in the Ligue 1 has not plummeted, but was crushed by Marseille really made fans uncomfortable!

Debondan hopes that Situ Yunbing will be able to go back, and everyone will return to that unparalleled wonderful time.

What he did not tell Situ Yunbing is that the cost of Monaco increased after winning the Champions League, because players need to be awarded bonuses, and some players also have to increase their salary and renew their contracts. However, Monaco’s record is not satisfactory, the league has failed, and the Champions League stopped 16 The strong is a small blow to the club's income.

If this situation does not improve, then Monaco will not be able to support today's investment.

Modern football itself is inseparable from money. If you want to maintain a good record, you must have a large investment, but on the basis of large investment, it may not bring long-term good results, so this industry is also very risky, even very long It was considered a bad industry for a while.

Situ Yunbing can't go back, he knows that in the game challenge, he is almost impossible to have the option to coach Monaco!

If there is, it is definitely a fatal challenge!

He could only comfort Debondan like an old friend and give him the most sincere advice objectively.

Near the end of the season, European football is also surging, Manchester City is new, Monaco is nostalgic, Situ Yunbing can't choose, and he doesn't want to make a choice!

Because he is good in Hamburg!

He has branded himself in a new kingdom, he has not ruled here for a day, how could he leave?

Moreover, the feelings established with these players grow with them, and he is still expecting them to create greater glories, and how can he be willing to leave these "beauty beauty"!

He will fight Klopp and Heinkes next season next to you!

Next season, he will once again stand on the most glorious Champions League stage in European football!

Hamburg is on the rise!


Leverkusen led the team as a guest, in the penultimate round of the league, Situ Yunbing will send Leverkusen with the main force against Heinkes.

In the dressing room before the game, when the Hamburgers were going to prepare step by step, they felt that there was no sense of urgency and it was common.

But when Situ Yunbing stood in the dressing room, they realized that the situation was not what they thought.

After entering May, Situ Yunbing, who only wore a shirt and a vest and trousers, lifted up half of his sleeves, put his hands in his pockets, and stood in the locker room with his chest full of seriousness. He looked more powerful than before, players Can't help but get serious.

Some people have dignified faces.

Situ Yunbing's shining eyes swept over each player's face, throwing a voice: "I know the thoughts of some of you.

We have won the championship. There is no pressure in the game, and we can relax and go to the stage. What we have in mind is the championship celebration and the holiday.

I will not criticize you for having such thoughts, it is human nature, and I have also started planning holiday activities with my girlfriend.

But I want to guide you to another idea."

Situ Yunbing began to pace in the locker room, walking past every player.

"European football has played a similar story year after year. Some teams won the championship, and some teams suffered huge defeats.

A successful team will bring happiness to everyone around it, but a losing team is the opposite.

This year's Hamburg can be said to be successful, and in Germany we are the winners.

But next year?

Will we still be the winner?

If so, what winner do you think we will be?

German Cup?Bundesliga?Or the Champions League?Or the Europa League?

The season is not over, I think we should still think more about football.

The situation next season is much more complicated than this season.

We want to fight on the third line. If the UEFA Champions League group stage is eliminated, but won the third place, we can still play the UEFA Cup!

Think about it, everyone think about it, and predict what kind of performance we will have next season?

Defending the league champion?Get the German Cup?Enter the knockout in the Champions League?Top 8?Semifinals?

Year after year, year after year, the story of European football seems to be the same, it's just who wins the championship.

My contribution is for the championship, how about you?

Have you really thought about it, working hard, and putting your love for football behind your mouth, what is the reward you want for football?

Is it a high-paying job?Or the joy of the champion?

If it feels similar, it would be nice to be able to stay in the top arena, then I must be playing the piano against the cow.

But I hope you can set the goal as the champion like me, all champions!

Because only the champion will be remembered!

Five years ago, people talked about 99 years, and it will be accompanied by a lot of regrets about Bayern Munich. Today, people will only talk about the magical reversal of Manchester United. Ten years later, more people will remember that Manchester United is the champion and who the opponent may be. It’s a little blurry, just like many people today know that Ajax, Dortmund, Juventus won the Champions League in the 1990s, but many people can’t tell who their opponent was at the time, and I don’t want to remember the runner-up, go Remember the loser, what can the loser remember?Will it bring happiness?Will it bring glory?

I want to be remembered and remembered by those who support me and get happiness.

So I don't want to bring them sorrow and regret.

I hope you are the same. Your road is still very long. I just don’t want some people to realize this but it takes a long time to understand, so I tell you today.

This season our story is over, we won the championship, this is a summary of people talking about us today ten years later, is enough to convince all champions!

But I won’t retire tomorrow, and neither of you will retire. We have to prepare for the story next season, don’t we?

Playing every game well is my basic requirement for you. Opponents like Leverkusen are very difficult for us, because some teams, although we are very hard in the game, have not gained much, and Le An opponent like Volkusen can help us discover problems and discover our shortcomings, just like we lost to Dortmund, we learned a lot, we beat Dortmund, and also made Dortmund aware of their shortcomings.

On the way forward, never think that you are invincible in the world, even if you are wearing a crown today, you must be alert to those who are trying to usurp the throne!

Hamburg players, if we extend the timeline and look at today in a higher format, our story is only just beginning!"

Unlike the previous ferocious pre-match speech, Situ Yunbing's speech today is very plain, but it is more likely to cause players to think.

When Situ Yunbing finished speaking, he walked to the door of the locker room, the players stood up one after another, the relaxed state 5 minutes ago completely disappeared, and all the spirits were full of vigor.

Situ Yunbing sent them to the battlefield one by one as always!

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