Ace Manager of the Green Field

Five hundred and fifty-three

Bayern Munich's goal drop caused Guardiola to lose his head!

Because Liverpool's posture has completely changed!

Considering that he coached Bayern Munich for more than two months, he has too much of his own football philosophy to be infused into this Bayern Munich, so in terms of game preparation, more mature Liverpool will definitely be more adequate than Bayern Munich !

So if Bayern Munich wants to play first, it is actually training for themselves.

For example, the previous slow-paced control seems to play Tai Chi-like pass control.

What Liverpool pursued at the beginning of the game was actually a stress test!

Situ Yunbing wants to see how much pressure Bayern Munich can put on Liverpool when Liverpool guards cautiously!

Will Liverpool expose some problems he can't think of, see, or predict!

The result was that Situ Yunbing was disappointed.

If the ultimate stress test fails to achieve results, then we must pursue another goal, using Liverpool's new style of play to test whether we can achieve full control of the game and suppress the opponent in actual combat!

Judging from the scoring effect, it's not bad at present, but Bayern Munich hasn't recovered yet, so we can't draw conclusions.

Stuart Yunbing wants to see how Bayern Munich will react.

In fact, in terms of honor and desire, Guardiola will expect this European Super Cup champion more than Stuart Yunbing!

This will make him coach Bayern Munich more justified, lower some opposition and establish his authority in the locker room. Even if he will not take a big step, a small step is always better than stepping back or going backwards.

Situ Yunbing expects to use this game to train troops, test the strength of the team, and test the effects of techniques and tactics.

As for the championship, what if the game is lost?

The UEFA Champions League lost to the Champions League, this step allows Situ Yunbing to go down without any psychological burden.

If you can find problems early in a defeat and help him improve the team, then the value of this defeat is much higher than a golden European Super Cup champion!

Guardiola is too late to make better adjustments. Maybe he expects the team to better control the ball and run more actively, but Bayern Munich as the Champions League champion, their own ability to adjust.

Heinx is gone, but the power Heinx injected into this team will not completely disappear.

Just as Situ Yunbing left Monaco and Hamburg, the team's hard power did not fluctuate too much, and the second year's record was also passable, so that it would not be able to hang on the face.

But if the subsequent failure to stop the downward trend, then it is really in trouble.

The Bayern Munich team now has an instinct consciousness, if you lose the ball, then play back!

It's normal, of course!

After the kick-off of the game, the enthusiasm of the Bayern Munich team has increased a lot, and the players are in a state of excitement also from the defense of honor and dignity.

In the 24th minute of the game, after Liverpool's attacking right-hand Gerrard sent Suarez a diagonal plug, the latter slanted into the penalty area and scored a low-angle low shot before Neuer smoothly resolved, Bayern Munich quickly launched a fast attack.

Ram co-operated with Rafinha in front of the penalty area. He ran back to the familiar track on the wing, and then sent Robben a direct pass.

Robben took the initiative to withdraw in the frontcourt, because waiting in place will inevitably be intercepted by Kanter.

Robben directly took a long cross in the response!

The football flew from the right to the left.

This transfer ball is simply impressive.

Since Robertson is most likely to be unable to defend his opponent against Robben, once Kante assists on the side of Robertson, the defensive determination is more firm!

Robben naturally sensed this, so he made the first offensive transfer, and Kant’s coverage is so wide that he can no longer run from here to the other side to force Ribery!

Ribery also took the initiative to respond,

Azpilicueta followed Ribery to the middle of the road, but Ribery sent the ball short to Mueller's feet. The latter sent a diagonal pass and the football rolled to the left.

Alababa assisted with great help!

Ribery intervened to the left of the penalty area and trapped Casemiro. In this way, Alababa was able to unblock the bottom!

Situ Yunbing couldn't help but raise a smile on the sidelines, this is the level that the Champions League should show!

Alaba came to the ball to the outer edge of the penalty area. In the gap between Van Dijk and Casemiro switching to mark the goal, Alaba sent a foot to bypass the passing ball behind Van Dijk.

Van Dijk immediately turned and looked, Mandzukic stooped and bent over to take the goal!

It's a pity that the angle is too small to complete the head-shake, but the top of the goal is off!

"Manjukic missed the header! This is Bayern Munich's most threatening team cooperation after the start of the game. Robben's pass transfer is very exciting. Ribery's pass and running control also showed tactical intentions. Finally Allah Pakistan directly contacted Mandzukic and Liverpool's defense line finally showed signs of difficulty parrying!"

Guardiola certainly knows that Bayern Munich will be very sharp if he fights back, but he also knows that Bayern Munich, as a giant, needs to increase its overall control.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, Bayern Munich's style of returning to the past is the most realistic, because they do not want to lose to Liverpool!

This will hurt the morale of the team.

Liverpool's vigilance has also accelerated the pace of the game!

In the 27th minute of the game, Eriksen pushed the ball on the middle of the road and attacked the attack. When Mueller counter-robbed from behind, Eriksen suddenly sent a straight pass.

Suarez withdrew the ball in a wide range, and then he took the ball to the left of the penalty area. This caused Ram to intercept him immediately and Suarez decisively passed the ball diagonally to the left rib of the penalty area.

Suarez did this to create an event space for Gareth Bell!

Gareth Bale made a quick inward cut, and before the Boateng rushed the ball to the bottom line, while changing direction to continue to accelerate!

Gareth Bale's speed explosiveness left Rafinha and Boateng behind, and then he vigorously swept the ball behind the goal before the baseline!

The speed of the ball made Neuer want to attack and also cast a taboo. This momentary shot showed the reaction ability and predictability of Neuer's world-class goalkeeper. He decisively and quickly ran towards the right goal post!

Dante was too late to intercept the ball, but when the football was about to roll out of the small penalty area, Gerald quickly whipped it and kicked the ball towards Bayern Munich's goal near the corner with a shovel shot!

After Gerrard shot, he saw Neuer flew the ball in front of the goal and barely saved the ball!

Gerrard looked shocked!

The audience in the stands felt scalp numbness even more!

"WTF! Neuer! Neuer is awesome!

Can this ball be saved?!

If he didn't play a step late, if he didn't run to the near corner to blockade the first time, there would be no play!

Gerald fought his first time to shoot!

This ball already seems to be inevitable, but it was never saved by Neuer!"

Situ Yunbing also felt like his hair was blowing up on the sidelines!

He laughed dumbly and applauded!

Neuer really deserves all the praise!

Ter Stegen in front of the Liverpool goal line couldn't help but straighten his waist, his expression was very dignified.

Neuer is a mountain in the hearts of all contemporary German goalkeepers!

He is like Kahn fifteen years ago, that is suppressing the existence of all German goalkeepers!

For young goalkeepers, it may be more motivated and fighting spirit to be suppressed by this mountain, but if you are older, it is easy to admit your fate.

I am used to this state!

If anything can stimulate the goalkeeper's fighting spirit, it is only in the club's battle.

Like the latter of Kahn and Lehman ten years ago.

In the 32nd minute of the game, Liverpool attacked on the left side of the frontcourt. They gradually tasted the sweetness on the left side, so naturally they will not give up the offensive advantage in this area.

When Gareth Bell received a pass from Casemiro on the left from the frontcourt, Rafinha and Ram immediately hit him, and Ram also blocked his pass to the center.

Gareth Bell did not choose to break through, nor did he cross the ball. With the opponents compressing the space and the upcoming successive grab situation, Gareth Bell calmly knocked the ball back to Casemiro, The latter advanced 10 yards from the previous pass position, at this time he immediately sought cooperation with Eriksson.

With a lateral pass and cut, he continued to run forward to the right zone in front of the penalty area. After breaking through Cross's defense, Casemiro shot hard in the right zone in front of the penalty area!

Although the ball was strong, but after all it was quite satisfactory, Neuer rushed out and blocked the ball in the penalty area!

Suarez was too late to make a supplementary shot, Dante turned halfway and swept the ball outside the penalty area.

The football rolled to the right of the midfield. Robben actively responded to the success and encountered Kanter's crazy rush. Robben suddenly speeded up the ball to the middle and then slightly opened the distance from Kanter and sent a direct pass.

Mandzukic responded back in front of the middle lap, with defensive pressure from Benatia behind him, he kicked the ball back.

Mueller followed immediately, knowing that Casemiro was about to chase back in place, so he passed the ball directly to Ribery.

But this pass is wrong!

Ribery ran forward, intending to cut in directly against offside!

But Mueller's pass passed behind Ribery, who wanted to give Ribery a foot ball.

Such a pass was directly broken by Azpilicueta!

Azpilicueta sent the pass straight forward after stealing the ball, Gerrard turned around after the ball was stopped on the sideline, facing Alaba's upper tackle and decisively cooperating with Eriksson who ran on the middle. .

Eriksson scored a goal, Gerrard stopped the ball outside the penalty area to adjust a step after a pass!

After the football hangs to the penalty area!

Gareth-Bell quickly jumped inside and out, Boateng did not take off, because it was too late, Gareth-Bell saw Neuer calmly standing in front of the goal line, he shook his head and ferried!

The football flew to Suarez in the middle of the penalty area!

Suarez blocked his opponent's card with his body under Dante's defense, then volleyed with his left foot!

At the moment Suarez shot, countless Liverpool fans were ready to cheer and celebrate!

But the incredible picture came into view!

Neuer made a one-handed save to the left to block the ball!

Suarez fell to the ground after shooting, and he looked at Neuer with some despair in his expression.

Situ Yunbing was also ready to celebrate, but he covered his face with both hands and rubbed his face fiercely. When he lowered his hands, he seemed to see if it was true!

Guardiola does not know how to deal with this scene!

Neuer is like a god!

"Neuil made a magical save again! I think now the Internet has been touting Neuer's three most recent saves in various poses and in various ways!

Incredible, incredible!

The Champions League Bayern Munich has just improved their counterattack, but they need to solve the problem of passing errors in counterattacks. Just like Mueller's passing errors are not allowed, it is a fatal mistake!

Not only was the team's chance to fight back wasted, but also the team's defense was in a very dangerous situation!

Not only are they good at counterattacks, but Liverpool are also very handy in counterattacks!"


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