Ace Manager of the Green Field

Five hundred fifty-six metamorphosis superstar!

After Liverpool completed the formation change, Bayern Munich clearly felt the huge defensive pressure on the offensive.

In the 70th minute of the game, Robben had just prepared Robertson when he was on the right to control the ball in the frontcourt, but he did not expect that Gareth Bell came from behind and unexpectedly stretched his legs to destroy the ball!

Robben turned and looked towards Gareth Bell. He didn't expect him to return to the backcourt for the first time!

Liverpool's offense has become more direct, reducing cross-pass scheduling and more direct pass penetration.

After passing over Casemiro's pass, Coutinho dodged the ball in the frontcourt and dodged the ball to avoid the press from Cross. Then he crossed the ball straight to the right of the frontcourt. .

Gerald has plenty of room to strike forward, but in the case of obviously starting at the same time with Alababa, he was thrown away by Alababa!

Situ Yunbing had to make a second substitution.

Sterling appeared and replaced Gerrard!

At this level of intensity, Gerald has been unable to maintain the same rhythm with the growing peak of Alaba until the end of the game!

Gerrard looked a little sad when he came off the court.

In the past few years, he has been looking forward to returning to the top stage, but when he comes back, it may be too late!

He is 33 years old. As a typical B2B midfielder, he needs to put a lot of physical energy to maintain his performance. Situ Yunbing put him on the right side this season, which is actually tailored for him.

It is conceivable that if he continues to stay in the middle of the midfield, his physical fitness may not have many problems when he meets the non-competition of the Premier League, but what about the key battles?

Either the scope of activities is reduced, or you can’t stick to the last moment!

And Liverpool's new season is not only to maintain the dominance of the Premier League, but also a more ambitious goal, that is, to refer to the Champions League and swing to the top of Europe!

After Sterling's debut, Liverpool's offensive regained its previous sharpness.

In the 75th minute of the game, Bayern Munich's left attack in the frontcourt, Guardiola's expected transfer control brought the advantage that has never appeared. Liverpool's two defensive midfielders made them try to occupy the midfield advantage as dreams Bubbles.

The double defensive effect of Kanter and Casemiro is enough to disturb any attempts by opponents to attempt to pass on and form an oppressive advantage.

Therefore, Bayern Munich can only find space to quickly launch a fast break.

Ribery and Mandzukic made a quick pass on the wing, and after the bottom, Ribery Azpilicueta changed the rhythm of the belt under his feet, and suddenly changed his direction to wipe it off, but Kanter had already defended In the penalty area, this allowed Ribery to knock the ball diagonally back to Goetze outside the penalty area.

Goetze welcomes the ball directly to pick the right rib hinterland of the restricted area, such as a lotus under the foot, the ball passed is elegant and light, revealing the light of genius.

This ball prevented Benatia from heading the ball, but turned around and found Robben quickly killed!

Robben volleyed directly without making adjustments!

Even if the angle is a bit small, it may be a better choice to find Mandzukic in the cross, but he still tested Terstegen with a very high quality shot!

German goalkeeper Lionel Ter Stegen quickly blocked the near corner of the goal and made a gesture of blocking in a hurry. He was almost passively hit by the football. The football suffered an uncontrollable fold and wiped the right goal. The bottom line flew out of the column!

"Robben's foot volley almost helped Bayern Munich equalize!

Ter Stegen failed to hug the football, if it is a little bit, then the ball will fly into Liverpool's goal after refraction!

The Red Army Liverpool escaped."

Guardiola closed his eyes and sighed, then opened his eyes and clapped his hands and burst into a fierce light, cheering for the team and letting them exert pressure on the opponent's limit in the last 15 minutes of the game!

Bayern Munich is gradually pushing forward, which also has Guardiola's tactical will, but it is easy to have problems locally.

In the 79th minute of the game,

Robben pulled the ball directly in front of Robertson and turned into the inward track, but his embarrassing situation appeared.

Kanter's fierce uptake forced Robben to immediately reverse the ball and this step made him pass Kanter!

But in the next step, Casemiro snatched the ball to the side before he got the ball!

Robben immediately turned around and counter-robbed, while Casemiro sent the ball diagonally to the middle zone to Coutinho.

Coutinola turned the ball and used a fake shake to change the angle of the pass in front of Cross, followed by a diagonal pass to send the ball to the left.

Ram quickly returned to the defense and suddenly found someone around him running fast with him!

Gareth Bell!

Gareth Bell, who is striding like a sports car, touched the ball before him and wandered to the left of the penalty area!

The ball from Gareth Bell surprised the Bayern Munich defense!

This guy is going to break through the entire defense line of Bayern Munich in one step!

Boateng and Dante quickly returned to the defense, but under the watch of shock in the audience, Gareth Bell was still speeding up after surpassing Boateng in the parallel position!

Boateng gritted his teeth and chose to shovel when he was about to catch football!

Even if the ball is shoveled out of the baseline or fouled, Gareth Bell will not be the first to touch the ball!

But Gareth Bell was the first to touch the ball!

Neuer is already on the way to the penalty area!

Everyone was watching this scene nervously, including Guardiola and Situ Yunbing.

Situ Yunbing inadvertently showed a brutal smile in his mouth and muttered to himself: "Good boy, let me step over their defense!"

Gareth Bell made a bold move at the moment of touching the ball that shocked all the audience again.

He stabbed the ball to the depth of the right rib of the penalty area, so that his speed can be continued without affecting his speed!

Neuer was not ready to make a save when he hit, because Gareth Bell did not have a shot!

However, when Gareth Bell stabbed the ball to the depth of the right rib of the penalty area, Neuer later realized Gareth Bell's intention!

He wants the ball to be scored!

Neuer immediately turned to chase football, but when he turned and restarted, Gareth Bell was shocked that the eyeball had already been killed from his other side and then went around a semi-arc trajectory to get the ball first!

Neuer gave up just two steps away!

Can't catch up at all!

Gareth Bell easily pushed the ball into the empty goal when he touched it again!

But no audience thought the goal was easy!

Gareth Bell opened his arms and ran along the bottom line, and countless Red Army fans in the stands were crazy for him!

At this moment, he is already a green star!

Guardiola raised his head with one hand and touched his head, it seemed that he was stunned by shock.

Situ Yunbing clenched his fists and ran back and forth with a laugh.

"Garez Bell! Gareth Bell!

What has he done?!

What has he done to Bayern Munich?!

Start overtaking and eat Ram, one pass to break through the entire defense line of Bayern Munich, and then pass the ball to break through Neuer!

How can he be so fast!


Liverpool really broke Bayern Munich!

I think Guardiola must adjust his policy in Bayern Munich. To know that Liverpool’s return to the Champions League this season will inevitably become a hot topic for the championship, then those top European teams including Bayern Munich must think about a question. They met Liverpool, how to limit and restrain Liverpool?

It is a good thing to want to play your own style, but what should the European giants do when facing Liverpool, which can not only play the team's exquisite cooperation, but also unreasonably destroy the team that explodes the opponent's defense line?

The score became 3:1, Liverpool led by two goals, I think the suspense of the game should be over, Bayern Munich has become very difficult to turn over."

After the celebration, Situ Yunbing gestured to the team, allowing them to shrink the formation to do a defensive counterattack.

After 80 minutes, the remaining 10 minutes, let him ensure that the team won the championship.

Bayern Munich is a little bit frightened and caught in a tangle. If they only rely on the attacking group in the front court, they seem to have difficulty shaking Liverpool's defense, especially after Liverpool contracted their defense, but if they invest more offensive force, Who can guarantee that the defense will not appear next time in danger?

Perhaps they focused more on Suarez and Gareth Bell.

But in the 84th minute of the game, when Sterling single-handedly played from the right and seemed to be going straight to the yellow dragon, Bayern Munich realized that Liverpool's speed madness is not only Gareth Bell!

For many Bayern Munich players, the past season has been an unprecedented success. They overturned Hamburg's rule and at the same time reached the top of Europe.

But at this time they were fighting Liverpool, but they could not ignore the presence of Situ Yunbing on the sidelines!

That's right, it was this man who had made them disgraced in the Bundesliga, and Hamburg's tragedy of Bayern Munich's six consecutive killings is vividly visible.

And no matter how many talents Situ Yunbing cultivated, it seems natural!

It's like their nightmare!

Liverpool were overwhelmed, Bayern Munich was distraught, and the last 5 minutes of the game walked in a delicate balance. Cross and Ribery's long shots did not threaten Liverpool's goal.

Sterling, who was extremely expressive, was a bit too hard and failed to create a real threat.

When the referee blew the whistle at the end of the game, Liverpool coaches and players applauded them as champions of the European Cup.

Situ Yunbing packed his emotions and went to Guardiola.

Losing this game will inevitably have a certain negative impact on Guardiola, but Guardiola is also relieved at this time.

For the top coaches, losing is never terrible, it will be uncomfortable, sad, painful, but it is the best way for them to get stronger again!


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