Ace Manager of the Green Field

562 The Return of Benister

The Anfield stadium is full of people, and Liverpool fans look forward to the team's better performance in the Champions League!

After three years away from the Champions League, Liverpool, who returned to the Champions League this year, is full of ambitions. From the coach to the fans, the mutual consensus is very clear. Liverpool must regain its strength in the European arena!

The starters of the two teams held their caddies with their heads high and bravely.

"Good evening, everyone, welcome to the second round of the 2013-2014 UEFA Champions League group stage. Today we are at Anfield Stadium in Liverpool, England. Here we will broadcast a live commentary on the focus of Liverpool and Naples. dialogue.

Both teams defeated their opponents in the first round, Liverpool beat Marseille away, and Napoli defeated Champions League runner-up Dortmund at home at home!

So this matchup is arguably the most watched duel in this group.

Let's take a look at the starting list of the two teams.

Liverpool start at home 433.

Goalkeeper: Ter Stegen.

Defenders: Azpilicueta, Scott, Van Dijk, Robertson.

Midfielders: Eriksson, Kanter, Casemiro.

Forwards: Gerald, Gareth Bell, Coutinho.

Because Suarez is still recovering from injury, Liverpool had to play a center with Gareth Bale.

The starting lineup for Naples is 451.

Goalkeeper: De Santis.

Defenders: Marcio, Britos, Albiol, Suniga.

Midfielders: Kalehun, Hamsik, Behrami, Inle, Insigne.

Forward: Higuain.

The lineup of Naples also seems to be very close to the giants, and the route they have been taking in these years has been pragmatic. I believe that today's game has a good show!"

The lineup of Naples is indeed very good. It is a bit similar to the Monaco led by Situ Yunbing. Although there are not many superstars, they are all brave players, hardworking!

After the referee blew the whistle at the beginning of the game, Benitez and Situ Yunbing stood in the command area of ​​the coach and faced the war seriously.

Napoli, who played away, showed a very conservative style at the opening stage.

Their formation shrinks and squeezes space to avoid giving Liverpool a chance to penetrate the straight and counter offside.

Liverpool are also playing steadily, and today it is difficult to make a fuss in the middle, so they take the sidelines and play fast breaks.

In the 4th minute of the game, Gerrard received Eriksson's pass on the right from the frontcourt. At this time, he was caught in a crazy push by Suniga. Suni accelerated quickly and was flexible, although he was not satisfied in European football. It's a big name, but it's definitely not a generic generation. It's a bit similar to Situ Yunbing's Matuidi who was in Hamburg.

Gerald was almost stolen by his opponent and decisively knocked the ball back diagonally.

Assisted by Azpilicueta, I didn't expect Insigne to rush all the way to follow Azpilicueta's bottom and block the opponent's cross angle.

Azpilicueta had already brought the ball into a dead end and had to force a cross, but as a result, Insigne blocked the ball from the baseline.

After the opening, the activeness of Naples and the importance of defensiveness are fully prepared.

Situ Yunbing was not surprised, but Benitez is really good at this kind of play!

Find out the advantage of the opponent, and then fight with the opponent in a targeted way, so that the advantage of the opponent can not be exerted.

In Liverpool's later period, he was a clever woman who could not cook without rice. In Chelsea, he was never accepted in the dressing room, but in Naples, he was able to show his talent and ambition again.

In the 7th minute of the game, when Naples successfully defended in the backcourt, they quickly launched a counter-attack fast attack. Maggio passed the ball straight to the front of the backcourt to find Callehon. Kanter rushed to defend immediately. The first time a steal was made, but Callehon hit the ball and knocked in the middle. Casemiro stared at the forward Hamsik, but the ball was for Behrami.

Situ Yunbing frowned slightly at this time, because he saw Insigne, who played the left avant-garde, came to the central circle today!

Logically speaking, if you use the width of the field to transfer your offense, Insigne should be fast forward along the left and it should be right, but he took the initiative to come to the middle circle, so it must be the tactical requirement of the head coach.

After Insigne led the ball and quickly pushed the offensive forward, Scotel stepped forward to defend, while Higuain and Callehon both ran forward.

Naples' fast break didn't fully utilize the overall space to launch the attack. In doing so, it will launch a fierce local confrontation with Liverpool's defense, but it will save some time and the impact effect will be the best.

Insigne passed the ball in front of Skotel and crossed the right to find Kalehong. The latter quickly moved forward and broke through Robertson's defense. Because he had reached the bottom line near the side, there was no more inside. The timing of the cut, forcibly cutting into the penalty area will only give the Liverpool defense more time to return to the front zone.

Callehong knocked the ball diagonally back to the right of the penalty area.

Higuain is here to answer, stop the ball, make a shot, shoot!

Van Dijk failed to form a blockade. After all, if he jumped up, it might be accelerated by Higuain.

Higuain's football went straight to Liverpool's goal, the angle was not good, and Ter Stegen held the ball smoothly.

"Naples completed their first threatening offensive after their opening. Their counterattacks were very smooth. It seems to have been carefully practiced. Benitez is no stranger to Situ Yunbing. The fighting between them may be more. The ground will show in the details!"

Liverpool’s attack today is not very ideal, because Gareth Bell’s center is not as sensitive as Suarez to opportunities, and at the same time, it is not as good as Suarez to get rid of a small range under the dense defense of opponents. Liverpool’s overall on the front line Flexibility and creativity have declined.

In the 11th minute of the game, Coutinho received a pass from Casemiro on the left from the frontcourt. He tried to complete a cross-court with Gareth Bell, but returned the ball in Gareth Bell. When it was passed to him, he was caught by Behrami and Hamsik and lost the ball.

Seeing Coutinho's goal drop, Situ Yunbing couldn't help but reflect on whether there was a problem with his formation today.

In other words, Benitez's tactics did cause him some trouble.

Napoli's counterattack is back again, and Liverpool fans are a little frightened!

Because this time they played in the middle of a quick short pass in the middle, Higuain hit the ball back to Inle in the middle zone. The latter knocked the ball to Hamsik under the pressure of Gerard’s pressure. The latter took advantage of the ball to get rid of Coutinho's anti-robbing.

As he moved forward, Higuain and Carlejon quickly moved forward to drive the Liverpool line of defense to retreat synchronously, while Insigne once again came to the middle road, he ambushed behind Higuain to cope.

When Hamsik faced Casemiro, he sent the ball diagonally to the foot of Kaljehong.

Kanter stayed in the middle and defended Insigne. He couldn't do it on the sidelines.

So Kalehong quickly dashed the ball and turned inward to the right side of the penalty area. When Kanter moved to press, he then stabbed the ball to the depth of the right rib of the penalty area.

Higuain quickly inserted the ball to drive Van Dijk's defense. Van Dijk blocked the space where he passed and controlled the ball. Higuain took a step to the side steering wheel and turned the ball half way back to pass the ball outside the penalty area.

The Liverpool line of defense will turn their heads, and Hamsick, who is greeted by the eyes, rushes up to stop the ball and adjusts it to take a step!

He still really has a great long-range ability!

Football is like a rainbow!

Ter Stegen jumped in front of the goal line and flew to the extreme and didn't touch the football. The football swept the beam to the stands under the attention of everyone!


Fans of the audience marveled!

"Hamsik's long shot! Almost broke Liverpool's goal!

Today, Napoli’s defensive counterattack is very threatening. They continue to create shooting opportunities. In contrast to Liverpool’s attack, they have been repeatedly frustrated. It seems that Benitez has found a way to restrain Liverpool!

At this time, Liverpool should think of a way, can not fight this way!"

Situ Yunbing clenched his teeth secretly, and he really couldn't fight like this.

If Liverpool continue to want to play a small range of cross-cutting cooperation in Naples halftime, the more delicate the attack, the more prone to mistakes!

After all, Napoli's midfield and backcourt defense is very tough!

And Liverpool lack players who can cope with this situation on the central axis, yes, Suarez.

Situ Yunbing had to give the players gestures to let them switch styles of play.

If you can't get through the middle, then go for the sidewalk!

In the 16th minute of the game, Liverpool attacked on the right. After Gerrard responded, before Suniga counter-robbed, he passed the ball diagonally to Azpilicueta who was plugged in. Insigne still returned. Deep, Azpilicueta suddenly stopped when the ball was about to bottom, and kicked the ball back, which made Sinai rushing too hard and unable to pull back, but also blocked the route of Azpilicueta's bottom , The latter knocked the ball diagonally back towards the middle zone.

Eriksson rushed over without stopping the ball and took a cross.

A pass around the centre-back Albiol was sent out, and a beautiful rainbow was outlined in the penalty area of ​​Naples.

It is a pity that Gareth Bell failed to take off under Bristol's marking, and it was indeed a distance away from the landing.

The full-back Marcio controlled the ball on the wing, Coutinho immediately counter-robbed, and Margio passed the ball straight forward.

Callehong was slightly underestimated when he responded this time. He thought that Robertson had been shocked by repeated shocks, but in fact Robertson performed the tactical requirements of Situ Yunbing very well.

He rushed past behind Kalehong and broke the ball first!

It was too late for Kalehun to start anti-robbing.

Robertson passed the ball straight to Coutinho on the wing. The latter slammed the ball across the penalty area and Behrami and Bristol slapped him. Coutinho slammed the ball into the penalty area. Left rib hinterland.

Gareth Bale quickly turned the ball half-turn and shot the ball towards the goal of Naples.

De Santis blocked the corner of the goal well, facing Gareth Bell's shot, he used both hands to block the ball from the bottom line.

After all, Liverpool still has too little room to play in front of Naples.


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