Ace Manager of the Green Field

The pattern is changing.

It is difficult to count Everton's glory from a purely athletic level, but Everton has a glorious history at the social level.

For example, they are the first club in England to have the current King of England at home to watch the game.

For example, they once led the advanced construction of the English football stadium, the first club to lay a geothermal system for the stadium!

But those trophy trumpets that their neighbors, Liverpool’s glittering, are clearly incomparable!

In fact, Everton fans don’t want much, otherwise they can’t endure Moyes for ten years.

When Situ Yunbing arrived in the Premier League, perhaps not many people realized that when Ferguson retired, Wenger went down, Pochettino moved forward, Klopp came to the Premier League, and Guardiola was about to join the Premier League. If someone still does not realize that the pattern of the Premier League era is undergoing earth-shaking changes, then this person must not pay attention to the Premier League!

The change in this pattern is not so superficial as to who won the championship and who cannot win the championship.

Perhaps Liverpool’s dominance cannot be shaken in a short time, but the situation of BIG5 is being disintegrated, starting from Chelsea’s internal disturbances this season and Arsenal’s re-start!

What role will Everton play in this big change?

Or do they have the ambition to sever their claims in the chaotic phase when the old order was broken?

At least fans of Toffee did not see the club's actions!

After Martinez led the team for another year of mediocre start that felt uncharacteristic, in this Merseyside Derby with Liverpool, toffee fans witnessed Gareth Bell's defeat of Everton fans At the moment, some people failed to suppress their inner anger and impatience, and roared Martinez for class. They just expected Everton management to make changes and let them see hope. They just wanted to become stronger!

No requirement to win the championship!

It is not excessive to put this requirement in any club in the world!

It's just unexpected that at first it was just a handful of fans' roar, like a fire in a prairie fire, and instantly the Everton fans in the whole stadium shouted in unison!

The catharsis resonated!

Situ Yunbing looked around the stadium, and the outraged toffee fans may only be looking for a scapegoat. Martinez said that how good is a hypocritical compliment, but it is by no means a mediocre generation!

The Everton executives can only be regarded as giving Martinez relatively reasonable resources. If Martinez is required to make a terrific career, then it must be difficult for the strongman.

Before Martinez took Everton into the ditch, shouting at the get out of class was a bit harsh and impersonal.

But sometimes the reality is so unreasonable.

Martinez's face was struggling, the fan's rebellion always came quickly, and the toffee fans who had always been easy to satisfy were also likely to make a fierce reaction under Liverpool's extraordinary strong contrast.

However, this signal on the court is certainly not a sign of magpie reward.

Just like the weird vortex inside Stamford Bridge is burying all Chelsea this season, the fans in the Everton stand are mostly predicting that Everton may not only be difficult to make progress this season, but may fall into the abyss!

The atmosphere of the course naturally affected the performance of Everton players on the field. Before the end of the first half, Liverpool's corner kick off the left, and Benatya, who was ambushed at the back point, was unmarked!

He took the header easily after taking off!

The Everton players around looked at each other and seemed to be asking: Who is staring at him?

Liverpool led the first half with a three-goal lead.

Situ Yunbing seemed to bring his army to the Goodison Park Stadium to beat the younger brother Everton.

After the halftime adjustment, I thought Everton would collapse, but what surprised Situ Yunbing was that Everton unexpectedly showed a strong tenacity!

While Liverpool were slightly relaxed, they pressed Liverpool into a mad attack 10 minutes after the opening of the second half!

This made the toffee fans in the stands stand down,

In the 56th minute of the game, the Liverpool line of defense was slightly embarrassed, mainly because the rhythm has been very fast. Under this tone, once suppressed, it is difficult to form a rebound in a short time, and the counterattack link is also inefficient. When Naismith is on the right After a quick pass, the ball was knocked back, and Barry stepped forward with a pass-like shot that made many players on the Liverpool line of defense crash.

When the football rolled to the front and back of the goal, Lukaku flew the ball and sent the ball into the corner of the goal!

Situ Yunbing rarely reprimanded players on the sidelines this season!

This is always the case for teams that have always won, but this state is dangerous.

Once you think you can easily take down your opponent at any time, the state will fall rapidly!

The Liverpool crowd will quickly rise up under the anger of Situ Yunbing, but Everton has both a renewed morale at halftime and a momentum after the goal. The two teams will next play at Goodison Park It's hard to break apart, the confrontation is fierce, and every inch of the land is competing!

Situ Yunbing canceled his regular substitution plan and sharply watched the battle on the sidelines.

Liverpool's side gradually recovered.

In the 79th minute of the game, Lewandowski got a chance in the middle after tearing back and forth on the side. He controlled the ball under his foot and changed the direction of the ball. After passing Fonis, he attracted Jagierka to grab the ball. Pass again.

After inserting the follow-up, Eriksson took the ball and hit the penalty area. Before the Everton player blocked the defense, he shot a low shot through Howard's ten fingers.

It wasn't until this time that Situ Yunbing's face looked better.

Everton struggled to the last moment, but was unable to rewrite the score.

At the end of the game, Liverpool defeated Everton 4:1 away and won this Merseyside Derby victory!

In an interview after the game, Situ Yunbing said: "Liverpool's performance in the first half was perfect, but we were relaxed in the second half. I don't want to criticize the team for the relaxed period of the second half. After all, we won a derby. Fight, but it is better to avoid this situation in the future!

At the same time, I also think Everton’s performance in the second half is very good. They showed their strength. If they can copy the performance of the second half of today to every future game, I believe they will get a very good ranking at the end of the season. , But it’s not easy to keep the state.

Now I would expect no Liverpool players to be injured during the next national team match day."

Martinez responded after the game with a roar from the fans who told him to leave get out of class.

"Fans have reason to vent their dissatisfaction because we were behind Liverpool by two goals. We have not won a game against Liverpool for a long time, and even a draw is difficult.

If I were a fan in the stands, I would also be disappointed with the team. When someone around me takes the rhythm, I may join them.

But this is not a good thing for the team. We have always been united. We strive to perform better. In fact, we can do it. The second half of the game proved this.

This is a bad day, and we need to forget our losses and face the future positively."

After Liverpool Hao won an eight-game winning streak in the Premier League, the FIFA competition day in October also came as scheduled.

Situ Yunbing accompanied Sigrid at home for two days, and then set off on a business trip to football schools across Europe to investigate.

When he first flew from Belgium to the Netherlands, Sun Jihai said to him just after getting off the plane: "The Dutch football school has an accident."

Situ Yunbing was overwhelmed when he heard the accident, but he settled down and asked, "What happened?"

At the football school in Rotterdam, a group of 13 Chinese players went out yesterday and did not return to school as scheduled. They went to a local nightclub and then clashed with a group of local young people. Eventually, the big shot turned into a group fight, and then they Was sent to the police station and was held for one night before being released today.

The news was reported by the Dutch media this morning. The football school on Rotterdam originally wanted to suppress the news to see if it could be solved privately so as not to be accountable for poor management.

This is a typical Chinese management thinking.

But the Dutch media knew that this news could pull Situ Yunbing in. After all, these Chinese players can be said to be Situ Yunbing's disciples.

Then they made a big report, but they did not criticize the Chinese people. They criticized these players before they entered the professional football field, which caused a bad and unprofessional performance. Their professional qualities need to be improved, and they are also torturing how Situ Yunbing will deal with them.

The media is watching jokes.

The Chinese media dare not report this incident, because the Chinese are very emotional, just like the style of many teams in the Premier League, as long as the rhythm rises, it will not stop!

Once it rises from the individual case to the overall height, it is easy to have a serious blow to the Stuart's spark plan!

After listening to Sun Jihai, Situ Yunbing let out a long breath.

It's an accident, but it's all a trivial matter. You can solve it by closing the door.

When he came to the football school in Rotterdam, the school's management first reported to him what was reported in the media, and he also told Situ Yunbing the result of the deal.

The 13 players are going to be sent back to the country and will not be hired.

After listening to Situ Yunbing, he felt depressed.

He shook his head: "The punishment result is too severe. We are not a club. Our task is to train and guide these players. Our principle is to allow players to make mistakes. If the players do not make mistakes, we have no meaning. Their mistakes may be. It’s on the court, but it may be outside the court. In the club, we can dismiss the players on the grounds that the image is damaged and the interests are damaged. But as a school, our task is to find their mistakes and let them correct them. !

At the same time, we should also reflect on whether we have done anything wrong!"

Everyone at the scene looked at each other, and everyone couldn't help but reflect.


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