Ace Manager of the Green Field

794 Mars hit the earth!

At the moment when Aguero broke the door, Situ Yunbing stood with his arms akimbo on the side of the court with an uncomfortable expression.

This offensive in Manchester City is a bit fierce!

The reporters had already laughed a little bit in the media.

They are already excited about the post-match report in their minds.

Situ Yunbing was besieged by "rebels"!

Sterling, Mahrez, and De Braunie, the three former disciples of Situ Yunbing now support Manchester City's offensive mission in Manchester City!

I don’t know what it’s like in Situ Yunbing’s mind!

Situ Yunbing still did not have this level of consciousness, and his mind did not make him grudge about the players who had left.

Even if it is an away game, Liverpool seems to be an irritated beast after losing the ball. No guest should respect the master's consciousness.

After the kick-off, the indiscriminate bombing of the Manchester City line of defense began!

In the 35th minute of the game, Gareth Bale cut in the right from the frontcourt and quickly collided with Lewandowski to cross the wall to kill the front center of the penalty area and volleyed!


The football popped up after hitting the beam, Joe Hart jumped and threw an air, and fell to the goal line. The sound of the football hitting the beam was almost deafening and made him tremble!

The Red Army fans are too late to regret that Manchester City's counterattack is under the city!

Debrone's accurate long pass from the back of the middle circle sent the ball to Mahrez's foot. The latter quickly cut in and then sent a straight ball to Aguero.

Aguero made a cross after stopping the ball in the penalty area. After the fake sway, he drew straight forward to deceive Benatia's center of gravity and hit a low shot. Seeing that the ball is extremely threatening, at the moment of the attack, Terr Stegen lowered the center of gravity and rushed out to barely block the ball in the penalty area. Van Dijk returned to the defense before Sterling came to make a shot and cleared the ball out of the sideline.

Manchester City fans cheered for the team passionately, at this time the battle on the field has completely entered a fierce stage, both teams are arrogant!

In the 38th minute of the game, Coutinho received a pass from Sane in the middle of the penalty area and directly took the ball to the middle of the penalty area.

Lewandowski carried the two central defenders in the front pass and threw his head after the jump to attack the goal!

This time the header was actually saved by Johart!

After Joe Hart saved the ball, he couldn't help but clenched his fists and tensed his muscles to roar!

"Wow! Joe Hart has made credit this time!

He blocked Lewandowski's header from close range!

Now Manchester City will fight back!"

Sterling quickly dribbling from the left to advance to the frontcourt. When the Kanter assisted the defense to block, Sterling first knocked the ball across the middle and Yaya Toure threw it aggressively to answer, he blocked At the same time, he passed the ball diagonally to the right of the penalty area.

De Braun set the ball horizontally after stopping the ball here, and he was fully prepared to start the shot. Benatia immediately stepped forward to block, but De Braun put the ball straight when he fell. Sent into the right rib zone of the restricted area!

Benatia immediately turned around and looked at Aguero in front of the middle of the penalty area was guarded by Van Dijk, actively running to try to pull out an empty response, while Mahrez quickly cut in and reached Debrao. Straight plug inside!

Aguero shouted a pass, but Mahrez touched the ball and adjusted it one step, immediately swinging his left leg to hit a low-level ball rubbing shot!

The football flew to the far corner of Liverpool's goal with a slight inner spin!

Ter Stegen saved the limit this time but failed to touch football!

When the football flew into the Liverpool goal against the inside of the far post, the Etihad Stadium was boiling!

All Manchester City fans raised their fists and gave a beast-like roar!

Pellegrini also had a smile on his face, clapping his hands and applauding!

The heart of Manchester City is thriving!

Mahrez rushed to the sidelines to celebrate and enjoy the cheers from Manchester City fans!

"Majeres scored a low shot! He broke the goal of Liverpool, the old club!

Liverpool's two-goal lead was chased back by Manchester City!

The advantage is smoothed out!

The game of the past period is really intense and exciting!

Liverpool is really unlucky,

It's not that their performance has declined, but that Manchester City's performance has improved significantly over the past period. The most notable is that Yaya Toure's role in the offense has improved.

The impact of Liverpool’s Casimiro’s injury and absence is starting to show up!

2:2 now!

There are still a few minutes in the first half of the game. Will the score change?"

Situ Yunbing was not embarrassed by Mahrez breaking the goal, instead, he showed a thoughtful expression.

Manchester City has obviously strengthened the offensive in the middle, Yaya Toure has a strong sense of presence in the attack, and both goals have his participation.

Originally when Liverpool scored the first two goals, Yaya Toure still stayed in the backcourt somewhat, but when the two goals fell behind, he dared to the frontcourt.

Liverpool's offensive is still carried out at the previous rhythm, which is obviously wrong.

It may be that Liverpool can indeed open the situation from the side.

Some clear adjustments are needed during the intermission.

Liverpool's "anger" did not go out, they did not care about how much time is left in the first half of the game, and after the kick-off, they suddenly speeded up and strengthened the offensive.

Robertson assisted again to the frontcourt, and Sagna stared closely at Sane, which made Robertson almost easy to lay the ball from the outside line, and then Robertson sent a pass to the ball. Mangala made a contribution this time, blocking Canada. Reis Belle makes a header.

After the football was controlled by Fernando outside the penalty area, Manchester City wanted to launch a fast break from the left. Kolarov sent the ball two steps and sent a direct pass to Sterling.

Kanter killed early enough to put the shovel directly to send the ball out of the sideline.

Sterling was brought to the court and fell.

When Sterling stood up, he went to Kanter angrily, and he just said a word, and when Van Dijk walked around, he still had a violent and angry expression, but his feet were obediently backward. And then turned to complain to the head referee.

The referee ignored Stirling's complaint and did not award Kanter with a foul.

Manchester City fans expressed dissatisfaction.

After the offense turned into positional battle, Manchester City still had some difficulty in threatening Liverpool's defense.

In the end, Yaya Toure kicked the ball into the stands with a long shot. The first half of the game entered the injury stoppage time, and the Manchester City team strengthened their defense.

Liverpool failed to threaten Manchester City's goal and the first half ended.

Pellegrini entered the player channel with strong motivation and fighting spirit. When two goals fell behind, even he was almost desperate, but Manchester City's performance made him and all fans rekindle hope!

However, Situ Yunbing was not disturbed. It was not the end of the world that the two-ball lead advantage was smoothed out. He was only vigilant about the team's slightly emotional performance.

Back in the locker room, both teams are making active adjustments.

Anyway, this is an obvious battle.

The two teams did not attack at the expense of defense, but the standard defense line is bound to be difficult to stop the opponent from creating threats, so the focus of adjustment is not defense, but the quality of the offense!

In the second half, the two sides returned to the court to fight side by side, and their teammates were reminding them to be energetic and to ensure their dedication to the game!

The atmosphere at Etihad Stadium is becoming more fanatical. To be fair, the first half of this game is the most exciting first half of all the Premier League games since this season!

It also definitely exceeded people's expectations of this game before the game.

I thought that due to the impact of the FIFA virus, the peak confrontation between the two teams may be greatly reduced in viewing. However, Pellegrini’s performance in the past few key games has been disappointing. I didn’t expect Manchester City to be a heartbreaker today. The game against Liverpool, the fans and the media are all happy to see the wonderful scene.

As soon as the second half came up, Manchester City took the lead in launching a threat offensive. After Mahrez made a volley on the right of the front court and hit the offensive danger zone, he cut the ball and passed it to De Blaunet's feet.

De Blaunet found Yaya Toure in front of a short pass under the interference of Eriksson. The latter then collided with Aguero and then shot into the penalty area and kicked!

Benatia shoveled the ball at the critical moment and slammed the ball, the football refraction flew out of the bottom line!


All Manchester City fans exclaimed, and no one doubted that if Benatia didn't touch the ball, then Yaya Toure's shot would definitely be able to penetrate Terstegen's ten fingers.

Liverpool also quickly launched a fast break to Manchester City in return.

Sanei quickly drove the ball on the left to push the offensive. When he came to Sanya, he sent a pass to lure Sanya to block, but at the foot of the ball, he turned the ball from the outside and accelerated to complete the breakthrough!

Sane broke through Sarnia and decisively turned into the inside. When De Michelis came to block him, Sane calmly knocked the ball back to the triangle midfield position. Fernando stared at Coutinho, but Eri Xenson's forward insertion succeeded in receiving Sane's pass.

Yaya Toure’s retracement is not deep enough, which is understandable. When Yaya Toure frequently kills Liverpool inside and outside the penalty area, it is difficult for him to retreat into the penalty area while defending.

Unless he is not involved in the offense.

Eriksson kicked the ball after making a stop adjustment!

The football goes straight to the top left corner of the goal!

Joe Hart flew and missed the football, but under the spotlight, the football flew into Manchester City's goal!

Eriksson turned to the sidelines to celebrate, and Pellegrini's expression suddenly became a little ugly!

The adjustment of Liverpool's intermission is very effective!

Fernando can only block Liverpool by one person at best, but if Liverpool mobilizes the middle offensive force and then plugs in to form an unexpected attack point, then the Manchester City defense will be difficult to parry!

After all, neither of the two central defenders is top-notch, especially Demikelis is a time bomb!


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