He is full of confidence in this!Barcelona's offensive organization has now become a singles in the front field. Due to the decrease in the overall running speed, the response opportunities will naturally decrease, and Liverpool's blocked ball control players will also push the opponent into the defense. Desperate.In the 83rd minute of the game, Neymar took control of the ball from the left in the frontcourt. He did not dare to risk a pass. When Casemiro rushed to rush, he suddenly picked the ball forward to complete the breakthrough, but immediately followed in Kanter quickly and Under a decisive interception, Neymar tried to pass the ball to Iniesta in the middle, but the football was directly cut off by Eriksson halfway!Enrique shook his head slightly on the sidelines, reality has told him that the energy that Barcelona burned to win the advantage in the second half made them almost overdrawn!He had to make the team retreat to defend, but Barcelona has hardly defended in recent years, so the defense is not as handy as the average team, but there will be panic and panic scenes.In the 85th minute of the game, Liverpool's fast break on the field, Gareth Bale's right-wing ball advanced to the outside of the penalty area. Facing Alba, he did not choose to break, but instead knocked the ball back to the assist. Zpilicueta, who made a 45-foot kick from the wing, Lewandowski was about to fight for the top of the penalty zone. Bravo made an early jumper and punched the ball in the air.The football that was played fell in front of Rakitic, he immediately stepped forward to control the ball, but was unexpectedly intercepted by Casemiro.Liverpool launched a second attack!Casemiro quickly collided with Eriksson to hit the wall. He inserted the ball in front of the penalty area and adjusted it immediately.The powerful shot was still a poor angle, but the power burst led Bravo to save the ball directly!Camp Nou echoed with a burst of exclamation!Busquets has already returned to the penalty area, but the blocked football was controlled by Kante when he flew to the right of the back field!Liverpool's third wave of offensives broke out one after another!Coutinho received a pass from Canter in the left area in front of the penalty area. Alves and Iniesta rushed towards him immediately. Coutinho calmly knocked the ball across the side!Robertson assisted up and down with a quick stop and went straight to the bottom, then sent a pass to the ball!After the football flies directly to the penalty area!Gareth Berneche took the jump and suppressed Mascherano's header!Bravo failed to touch the football after making a save this time, but the football hit the beam and bounced out!The Barcelona fans in the stands are already panicked and numb!The Red Army fans are holding their heads and are about to collapse!When Pique pushed the ball out of the penalty area again, Eriksson grabbed Rakitic to control the ball, then when Suarez retreated to the backcourt to participate in the defense, Erickson passed the ball diagonally to the left Before the bottom line, hand over the ball to Robertson.The fourth wave of offensive in Liverpool raged!Enrique looked nervous on the sidelines, and his unnatural body movements exposed his extreme uneasiness.When Robertson tried to pass the ball on the sideline again, Alves rushed up for an angle blockade. When Alves raised his leg, Alves suddenly shrunk his pupils!Cheated!Robertson didn't cross this time!The ball was passed from the line between Alves and the bottom line, and Robertson took the football directly into the Barcelona penalty area!Lewandowski’s front center was ready to outstrip, Pique ran to block the line, Busquets returned to the front midfield area, Gareth Bell also prepared to respond after the point, and Eriksson moved towards the restricted area on the restricted line The running position also drove Rakitic's retreat.When Robertson was less than one meter away from Pique, he suddenly knocked the ball back to the left rib of the penalty area.When everyone looked away, Coutinho touched the ball at Iniesta and the ball was turned into a cross-section. After getting rid of Iniesta's interference, Coutinho completed the adjustment in one step at the same time, right foot Suddenly blasted a volley!

Football shuttles like a meteor in the Barcelona restricted zone!If a white light crossed the eyes of everyone, and then look at the football clearly, the football has been spinning in the goal!After Bravo made consecutive saves, this time he failed to make a save!And the angle of the ball is very tricky, hanging upright in the upper right corner of the goal, the dead end!Coutinho turned and rushed to the sidelines to celebrate the goal!This is a goal that can help Liverpool smooth the disadvantage! It is worth a lot of money!Enrique was like Situ Yunbing on the sidelines more than ten minutes ago. After covering his face with his hands, he wiped his face. The intense game and the huge pressure made him close to collapse! Situ Yunbing held high after the goal appeared. Fist, a slightly roaring look roared!"Coutinho scored a goal! Liverpool once, twice, and three times offensively did not penetrate Barcelona's goal, then they came for the fourth time! This time they finally broke through Barcelona's goal! In a continuous attack, consecutive steals, consecutive In the course of the offensive, Liverpool’s suppression of Barcelona on the scene reached the extreme! Barcelona looks like a short period of chaos but Liverpool seized the opportunity! But I have to admit that in the past ten minutes, Barcelona’s overall run The movements have dropped, which makes their tactical fouls somewhat unusable, because they can't keep up with Liverpool players for the first time. If they are not close, how do they foul? Just like in the defense of losing the ball this time, Egypt When Rickson controlled the ball in the backcourt of Barcelona, ​​Rakitic had not ran beside him, Suarez was not close, Eriksson passed the ball! It was crucial that Robertson passed Alves. But if Alves is not afraid of Robertson sending another threatening pass, he will not rush to grab the leg and block it in advance, because he has no chance to steal, he can only retreat and seek the angle blockade second! When Tinho responded to Robertson's pass, he directly controlled the ball and opened the distance to Iniesta. Then he completed the shot! The decline in Barcelona's physical fitness is that it can no longer limit Liverpool! Liverpool seizes the area faster. , Faster pass and cut to make them start to have an advantage in the game! Although the game time is running out, Liverpool have scored a very crucial goal! The score of 4:3 will make Liverpool equivalent to taking a game Draw back to Anfield Stadium for the second round! Because they only need to beat Barcelona at home to be able to eliminate their opponents, unless Barcelona can also score 3 goals at Anfield Stadium in the second round!"

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