Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 345 Cleansing.

Shi Lang dealt with Red Widow and found her name was Elanore Antique. She was a troubled lady in her youth and the one who was introduced to the world in shadows was none other than the man she fell in love with and married, however, that man died on their wedding night and she was forced to bear responsibility.

She had almost killed when she decided to kill the other people who had wronged her. Since then she has been decisive and never let off an enemy, gaining the name Red Widow. Shi Lang projected the images of her plausible endings, and none of them were pleasant to watch. Elanore felt as if she died a hundred times in those few minutes and every time the pain felt the same.

This scared her and she surrendered. Shi Lang nodded and formed a soul contract with her. She was his servant and he was the master. If she dared to betray him, she would die the moment such thoughts originated in her mind. She was even more scared when Shi Lang asked her to try it out, and when she thought of implying defying him, her heart began to tighten as if clasped by a palm.


Shi Lang dealt with Elanore and came back to the warehouse, the sun was about to come up and the federation was about to go through a storm as well. Inside the warehouse, Darcx had the entire team gathered, they had all finished killing the Syndicate's top brass and key members while the rest were going to be handled by the police force.

Shi Lang said, "I will go back to the hotel. I need to be there in front of the media, they will definitely find me out."

Darcx nodded and said, "Boss, do you think it is safe to allow that lady to walk away from this?"

The young general shook his head and said, "I am not letting her walk away from anything, but the fact is that she has a special physique that will be very strong if nurtured properly. She is my servant at the moment and I can assure you she will not defy my words."

Darcx asked, "What do you mean by special physique?"
Shi Lang sighed and said, "There are geniuses among us, but then comes the peerless people, those who cannot be matched within the same realm or generation. The secret lies in their physiques, blessed by the heavens and darlings of nature. All these physiques have special qualities that make them excel in a certain aspect, and do not mistake this single aspect. They can take down armies on the basis of their one ability."

Darcx and the rest gasped as they heard this. The young man asked, "Boss, how do you know this, have you seen a special physique?"

Shi Lang sighed and said, "I am leaving Elanore here in the warehouse, take her with you back to the military, observe her and you will come to understand if what I said is true or not."

The people nodded, and they followed his directions. Shi Lang left the warehouse and came to the hotel. He found that his students were all in their respective rooms, and they were meditating. In the morning they had to enter the quarter-final round of the Mecha Squad Battle. They were not afraid or nervous anymore, but they were playing the scenarios in their minds again and again.

Shi Lang smiled and nodded as he got back into his room. The next morning, just as he predicted, the sun came up and the Federation was shocked, even more than that, the Federal government was shocked. There were three hundred corpses, all with their guts split, hanging from the building ledges.

The scenery was shocking, a few weak-hearted people had already fainted when they came to work. The night shift guards were all found unconscious, and the cameras were also tempered. This was simply a slap in the face. Recalling the past of the federation, the people found that this incident was similar to the Red Massacre, and they reached out to the general council for statements and thoughts on this.

Shi Lang received a call from the hotel that the media was gathered around the hotel and it was making things difficult for other guests, and they asked him to deal with them. Shi Lang nodded and went down the stairs to deal with these people.

The media spotted Shi Lang and pounced over but they all held back when the young man cast a cold glare to freeze them. The people stopped and Shi Lang said, "I know that you all came here to talk about the corpses around the parliament. I have the answers you need."

The media people did not expect him to say something like this and were surprised, but before they could ask more questions, Shi Lang said, "The people hanging to the ledges were all killed for harming the future of the Federation. The evidence to convict all of them for the crimes is in this drive."

He handed the people the drive and said, "The federation will not forgive anyone who tries to harm the interests of the future generations and harm the present for their petty interests. I would also like to pass on a message to those who maybe want to do something like this in the future, none of you will get away."

The media was silenced, they did not expect him to use such heavy words. Shi Lang was indirectly asking the government to put a leash on their dogs. This was not going to play out in their favor. Shi Lang said, "Now if you please clear the way. I need to go out with my class."


Meanwhile, the president of the federation was holding an emergency damage control meeting with the cabinet, but things were different from what he thought they would be, instead of being happy with the actions taken by the secret divisions, the cabinet was completely against them. They accused the secret division of overstepping their bounds.

However, the President slapped the table and said with an enraged expression on his face, "Have you all fucking lost your minds? Do you understand what the secret division represents? Do you want to go out and blame them and die miserably? Have you not seen the evidence that the first general dumped in front of the media? Or do you guys wish to gain more at the cost of future generations?"

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An old minister shook his head and said, "You misunderstood us, we do not wish to condemn them but they could have at least informed us, that way we could have dealt with this matter within the wraps and not have embarrassed ourselves."

The president shook his head and said, "The government could not detect something like this happening under our noses, how are we capable of being trusted by the secret divisions?"

The cabinet fell silent, this was the truth of the matter, they failed miserably at detecting such a thing and even though they had separate investigation departments, they got nothing. So they decided to personally clean the internals once more before they set up again.

The government had organized such departments to detect corruption and other things, however, they failed to find anything and the secret divisions smacked them in the face. Thinking about this, they decided to thoroughly uproot these people and start anew.


Shi Lang did not pay attention to what the government would think or do and took his students inside the Elton Military Academy. Then the people were sent inside the simulation realm before the final knockout rounds of the competition. They were asked to fight with professional soldiers in the military.

Although shocking but more than anything this test was to determine the guts and courage these guys possessed and thus Shi Lang had told them to move forward without any hesitation, even if they were to experience death. The test went smoothly and the class advanced to the final knockout rounds.

The classes will be sent to a specific location and the last class standing in the battle royale will be crowned the winner of the competition. In the evening, the federal star academy class was gathered in the presidential suite of the hotel and Shi Lang had told them that he will be giving them a special lesson.

Since they had all started sensing the spiritual energy, it was time for them to go through the baptism of spiritual energy. Shi Lang was going to lead them all through marrow cleansing, and give them a little boost to counter the opponents they will face.

The knockouts will be a grinding situation for them as the opponents will first try to take them all out and then they will sort things out with each other. Shi Lang will also use this chance to see who has a better potential for spiritual cultivation in the future.

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