Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 436 Looking Down.

Shi Lang finished the operation and walked out of the room. He was going to meet with Commander Silence. The meeting was going to discuss his battle plan. He would not act big and let the people who hurt his friend disappear. He was a petty man.

As he left the room, Amelia chased after him and asked, "Do you not have to go and visit mom and dad?"

Shi Lang stopped briefly and said, "I will come after meeting the Commander."

Amelia nodded and said, "Should I come along?"

The young man thought briefly and said, "You go and get the cabinet to hold a meeting. This will be a big move. We cannot do it without their knowledge. They will need to provide coverage."

Amelia nodded and said, "I will contact Hayley. She has taken up the task of a senator."

Shi Lang was surprised and asked, "Since when did that muscle freak go behind a desk?"

Amelia chuckled and said, "She will not let you walk away if she hears this. You have been out of touch with others for so long that you no longer know what they are doing. Hayley and Jenkins were about to get married before this accident happened. Your boy has been in self-doubt ever since.

Although Hayley told him that things would be fine, this guy is just a bit too much of an overthinker. I wonder if you left him with scars from the past."

Shi Lang rolled his eyes and said, "You do not understand men, do you? Only when we genuinely care for someone do we doubt ourselves. Because we do not wish to lose that person because of our deficit, a man would willingly bear all the pain in his hurt to keep his woman happy, to not give her a chance to walk away from him. That is only when he truly cares, and the other party reciprocates.

Jenkins doubting himself shows that he does not take Hayley for granted and does not want to be a burden on her. So, chill. I will get my boy back on his feet, and by the time the two people decide to marry, I might take down the bitchy big four."

Amelia smiled and said, "Is that why you are always so patient with me? Always catering to all my whimsical demands?"

Shi Lang poked her nose and said, "Woman, you already know the answer. Let's go. I am boiling with battle intent."
Amelia chuckled and said, "You go, I will pick up Her Highness first, or she will throw a tantrum."

Shi Lang sighed and said, "You have it hard."

Then after a chuckle, he vanished from his spot. He made a full-speed dash to the secret division hideout to meet with Commander Silence. On the way, he did inform the lady that he was coming over so that the people did not waste time in checking or other formal procedures. He was initially going to meet with the lady at her office, but Archie Arkham sent her current location and asked him to come over there.

Shi Lang did not find anything odd in this and moved quickly. He changed his path and found the lady in a villa on the city's edge. This place was filled with a lot of such villa sets. They looked identical to some extent.

After scanning the surroundings with his spirit sense, Shi Lang located Archie Arkham in a villa and landed on the front door. He pressed the doorbell, and a holographic projection of the lady appeared on his side.

Archie saw him and said, "Come in, Lang."

The door opened after verbal confirmation, and Shi Lang walked inside the house. The place was clean and modestly decorated. If only someone were to know that this lady was not an average operative but the chairperson of the general council. Shi Lang walked inside and heard a voice from the kitchen on the side,  "What wind blew you here?"

Shi Lang looked at the decoration and said, "The stifle with the big four."

A clatter followed this sentence in the kitchen. After a brief silence, Archie walked out in black pajamas and a white t-shirt. Her figure was toned, and her face was still the depiction of beauty personified. However, her brows were furrowed.

She asked, "How did you find out about this?"

Shi Lang gazed at her and said, "Jenkins."

Archie Arkham nodded, and then, with a sigh, she said, "Take a seat. Let's talk."

Shi Lang nodded and sat on a single couch across from the lady. Then, he asked, "How long were you planning on keeping me out of the loop?"

Archie Arkham shook her head and said, "If you were military personnel, I would not have minded telling you or even asking you to help me deal with this. However, the council did not want to bother you. The investigation came to a stalemate when one of the high-table people came forward and claimed responsibility.

The galactic council had a considerable debate but did not make any ripples. The camps were divided, and after Ikeras were destroyed, the sphere of influence of the other four civilizations increased. The galactic species are wary of them. So, we cannot do anything in counter."

Shi Lang shook his head and said, "We can. Or I can."

Archie Arkham sat up straight and asked him, "What do you intend to do? Are you strong enough to barge in and attack them head-on?"

Shi Lang shook his head and said, "I am not yet capable of erasing an entire planet with an attack. However, I do have some aid on my side. Other than this, I have a plan that will allow us to deal with these people without getting caught."

Archie Arkham asked him to speak, and the two discussed the issue for the next few hours. Commander Silence was shocked and awed when she heard the plan of action. She knew that Shi Lang was a genius tactician, but the method he explained just now was too unpredictable. Never in her wildest dreams could she have come up with this plan.

After the discussion, Shi Lang took his leave and told Archie Arkham that he would address the council if he had to. However, the lady refused and said that she would be doing it. She was the chairperson of the general council and was tasked to lead such matters.

Shi Lang did not mind. He was not after credit for this. Instead, he wanted to avenge the dishonor faced by his friend. The entire civilization was being looked down upon. How can he just let this matter slide? Who in this galaxy did not have pride? Shi Lang would not let these guys go, or his heart would develop a knot.

As he was thinking about this, his communicator vibrated. It was a call from his mother. He accepted the call while flying and told her he would be home soon. Shi Lang was quick and took a few minutes to reach home. He had just entered the house when Luna grabbed his ear and said, "Why is your hair so long? Do you think you look awesome like this?"

Shi Lang played along and screamed for help, but the door was closed, and his princess had betrayed him by handing tweezers to her grandmother. In the house, the atmosphere was all cherry and bubbles.

However, things were not the same everywhere in the galaxy.


In a luxurious palace sat a man holding a goblet. His face resembled a marble statue chiseled with the most incredible finesse. The man looked at a person kneeling with utter indifference and asked, "Why is it that your clan cannot take action against those insects directly?"

The man kneeling was one of the 'big four' leaders. He was responsible for the scout mission in which Jenkins lost his ability to move. Upon being questioned, the man replied, "Your Excellency, the galaxy has just faced a significant change by the uprooting of Ikeras. The atmosphere is taut and delicate. If we attack anyone without any reason, then we risk the chance of rebellion."

The man raised an eyebrow and asked, "So, am I so weak that a few insects can take me down if they decide to regroup?"

The kneeling person shook his head like a rattle and said, "Your Excellency, I only ask for your patience because these insects will be our fooder in the later phases of your plan. We need not worry about rebellion, but we must ensure that the folder does not leave you any sourness."

The man chuckled and said, "Very well then. You may leave. Deal with this matter however you like."

The leader of the big four seemed to have been granted amnesty and stood up with a bowed head. The man on the throne mumbled, "You bought me good quality blood this time. Find me some tender flesh, too, next time."

These words made the leader shiver, and he left the place with his head bowed. The proud leader could not even match gazes with this person. Who was this guy? Why was he looking down on the Federation and the Terran race?

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