Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 553 Spirit Liquid Pond.

Chapter 553  Spirit Liquid Pond. 

Shi Lang fed the human-faced Owl with a spirit pill and won its favor. The Owl only wanted to play with them and nothing else. The bird was not bigger than a normal owl, but Shi Lang deduced it was probably a child.

He looked at the two shocked people and asked, "This guy seems too young, no?"

Bo Qingtan nodded and said, "It should not be any older than a few months. The human-faced owls are all shy, and I do not know why this one is so open in interacting with you."

Shi Lang smiled and said, "This is thanks to my communicator. This bird has a similar call to the Owl in the lower realm. So, I only translated my intention to the Owl calls, and this guy flew over."

Yun Xue sighed and said, "I envy your device."

Shi Lang smiled and continued, "I will try to ask this guy to lure the beast inside the cave."

Yun Xue nodded and agreed with him. Shi Lang interacted with the bird using his communicator, and after a few minutes, the bird flew off his shoulder. After circling the trio a few times, the Owl flew away inside the cave.

Shi Lang has attached a probe to the bird's wings. He interacted with his communicator and watched the situation inside. The cave was dark, and the ceiling was low. Yun Xue and Bo Qingtan leaned over his shoulders. They waited a few minutes before the Owl came to a stop.

Shi Lang said, "Do we have to face this thing?"

Inside the darkness, they could see the outline of a beast sprawled on the ground. Bo Qingtan said, "Is that a Thunder Tiger?"

Yun Xue asked, "If it is, we will die."

Shi Lang asked, "Is this beast really that scary?"
Bo Qingtan gulped and said, "This beast can wield the power of thunder. Look at the corpses; they have no big wounds on them. Another thing, their ears are bleeding. They are dead from the beast's roar, and it did not even take any action."

Shi Lang raised his brow and said, "We have the device to isolate the sound, don't we?"

Yun Xue shook her head and said, "You prevent the sound from entering your ears, but you cannot prevent the shockwaves of the roar from shaking the inside of your body."

Shi Lang finally understood what she was saying. The beast's roar generates strong vibrations that could shake the inside of the body and lead to death.

The terran was sure of his physique, but looking at the corpses, he was doubtful. The Owl inside the cave did not know that Shi Lang and his friends were having doubts. The bird began to issue calls. The voice began to disturb the tiger.

The thunder tiger raised his head and growled. However, the bird did not budge. Shi Lang and the two watched this scene on the communicator and were shocked. Suddenly, the bird flew over to the tiger and clawed at its eye. The thunder tiger also did not expect the bird to attack it.

The claws of the human-faced Owl scratched across the eye, and the thunder tiger roared in pain. One of its eyes was completely disabled by the Owl. The small bird shocked the three adult humans and one massive predator. The tiger roar was so strong that Shi Lang and the rest sensed the ground tremble.

Shi Lang quickly interacted with his communicator, and the owl calls were translated. He said, 'If you can withstand the attacks, lead the tiger inside the formation.'

He delivered the message to the probe and left the place with Yun Xue and Bo Qingtan. They did not go too far and hid to the side. The Owl flew out of the cave and was very quick and silent. Behind the Owl, a lightning-blue tiger emerged from the cave. The tiger was ten feet long on four of its feet. The tail length was not included in this measurement.

After the two vanished in the distance, Shi Lang signaled for the two to follow him quickly. They rushed inside the cave, quickly came to the depths, and found a pond brimming with pearl-white liquid and a touch of gold.

They looked at each other and quickly withdrew storage tools. Shi Lang did not have a specific water-storing treasure, but he had a few gourds. The terran sighed at the fact and filled a few gourds to the brim. Meanwhile, Yun Xue and Bo Qingtan were filling up barrels.

The lady said, "Do not look at us with envy. If not for you, we would not have found this place. You can have two barrels from me. Here, fill them up."

Shi Lang was surprised but then watched her toss a few barrels to the side. The terran was quick to act and began to fill the barrels quickly. He was also watching the Tiger chase after the human-faced Owl.

Bo Qingtan suddenly said, "Look, what is that?"

Yun Xue focused in the direction he was pointing and found a lotus floating above the pond. She exclaimed, "Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Spirit Gathering Lotus."

Shi Lang was confused and saw that the girl was about to reach out and retrieve the flower. He stopped her and asked, "What do you think you are doing?"

Yun Xue replied excitedly, "That lotus is why this cave has a spirit liquid pond. If we can take it back and plant some pond in the sect, we will have unlimited spirit liquid."

She was unlike her usual cold self. The terran shook his head and said, "You are missing the point. If you take this lotus away, that thunder tiger will hunt us down. Do you have the power to defend against it?"

Yun Xue wanted to argue, but she froze. Bo Qingtan was stunned and said, "I cannot help but agree with Ace. However, do we have to leave this flower here?"

Shi Lang sighed and said, "I can try to fight that guy when I am at the peak of the Immortal General realm. I suggest that we wait before we take this gamble."

Yun Xue and Bo Qingtan woke up from the allure. They looked at him and nodded. Shi Lang did not say anything else and they finished filling up the barrels. Suddenly, Shi Lang raised his communicator and exclaimed, "Let's go. We need to rush out that Tiger is heading back."

The trio was quick on their feet. They stored the barrels and then rushed out of the cave. Shi Lang did not forget to set up a few probes on the walls to ensure he could keep track of the situation here.

They rushed out and found the Tiger rushing inside the cave faster than to the left. As soon as the beast entered the cave, it roared. Shi Lang and the two did not wish to linger around. The tiger was hurt, and a wounded beast was more dangerous than a normal one.

As they ran, Yun Xue said, "How about we hide inside the formation? It will provide us with a good cover. We can cultivate there for several days before locating an inheritance."

Shi Lang agreed. He said, "I will send the clone here to rush ahead and see how things are if we can. Also, we should be finding out about the movements of the Moon Tower City people."

The two were shocked. Shi Lang sighed and said, "Obviously, we need to map this place and find more details for us and the future both."

Bo Qingtan commented, 'No wonder the elders wanted us to follow him. This man surely knows how to work his stuff.'

This comment was sent spiritually to Yun Xue. The lady nodded faintly to Bo Qingtan. They both were natives of the immortal realm. They acted fine in following Shi Lang, but they wanted to test the young man earlier. In the cave, when he stopped them, it was the moment when they decided to surrender to Shi Lang.

The Terran led them inside the Formation and they climbed a big tree each and sat down to cultivate. Shi Lang took out three gourds and said, "You both that one each and do not use the spirit liquid you got in the barrels. Direct Intake will help us move faster."


As the three were drinking spirit liquid and improving Cultivation, they did not find a group of three people arriving at the cave opening. These people had a gloomy aura and the man said, "The blood of a thunder tiger shall found be here."

One of them was holding a map. Behind these three youths stood a similar Thunder Tiger, a quarter size bigger than the beast inside the cave. One of the youths said, "It will be fun to refine a corpse puppet like the grand elder did back in the day. We will gain a lot of merit."

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