Chapter 117

When Cheng Feng chose Ye Xiaojiu as his dueling opponent, no one could interfere with the duel between the two.

No one can do it!

“Damn, you can’t attack him anyway!”

In mid-air, the three Saint-level powerhouses continuously tried to attack Cheng Feng, but they could not harm them anyway.

The three men grinned and stomped their feet.

However, under the effect of the sword of duel of adversity, Cheng Feng and Xiao Jiu are in an invincible state and will not suffer any damage.

“Xiao Jiu, let’s go and leave them alone.”

Cheng Feng directly took Xiao Jiu’s hand and swaggered forward in front of the three people above his head.

Be fair and undaunted.

“It’s fucking crazy!” The boss of the three gritted his teeth while frowning, thinking about how to crack Cheng Feng’s trick.

He never expected that Cheng Feng would be able to make such a move.

After contemplating hard, the only way to stop Cheng Feng and Xiao Jiu from moving forward is to use the law of space to confine this world and leave him nowhere to go.

But then again.

Since just now, the law of space has been in an unavailable state, and the law of space that is so driving to the Saint-level powerhouse has closed its doors to the three of them at this time.

This is naturally also from Cheng Feng’s method.

As a result, the three saint-level powerhouses could only stand dry here, watching Cheng Feng and Xiao Jiu walk all the way towards the depths of the cliff and forest.

“Boss, what should I do, do you want to go back to the lord to explain the situation?” the other two asked embarrassedly.

The corners of the boss’s mouth twitched.

In fact, he also wants to go back and ask for help from the lord, but the question is…how should he explain this matter?

This scene is really weird, the three Saint-level powerhouses are standing on top of their heads, but there is nothing they can do about it.

“Continue to follow them.” The boss said with a gloomy expression: “I don’t believe that his method can be maintained. Anyway, there should be a time limit. If it doesn’t work, let’s see where he is going. After all, we have three. Personally, if you find that something is not right, you will immediately report it to your suzerain.”

“Yes!” the two nodded.

And at the same time the three people above were discussing.

Cheng Feng didn’t completely relax his vigilance either, he kept thinking about how to solve these three people in his mind.

It’s really not a way to keep them following. Although they won’t hurt themselves and Xiao Jiu, when they really waited for Yaoguang Tianchi, they would definitely cause some big problems because of these three people following behind.

Therefore, we must find a way to get rid of these three people.

But then again…

At present, in his own hands, it seems that there is really no way to kill the three directly.

Although the sword of adversity duel can force the two sides in a one-to-one fair duel, Cheng Feng is not without the certainty of victory in this kind of battle.

But in this way, Xiao Jiu’s safety cannot be guaranteed at all.

There is also the Shadow Realm Asylum… Although this skill is powerful, it can only be used by Cheng Feng alone, and cannot enter the Shadow Realm with Xiao Jiu.

Unlimited counterattack is not good either, this skill can only be used once a day.


Cheng Feng sighed slightly, feeling that Shangguan Leng Yan really had a problem for himself.

But fortunately, I have enough time to think about it, as long as I can find a way to kill these three people before leaving the cliff forest.

what can we do about it……

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his mind.

“By the way, in that place…”

Thinking of this, he suddenly changed direction and led Xiao Jiu towards the other direction of the cliff forest.

“What does this kid want to do?” The three of them were puzzled.

“Come on, can’t let him run away!”

The boss said solemnly: “Always be vigilant. This kid has many tricks and complicated methods. Don’t let him take advantage of it by accident!”


A group of three followed Cheng Feng.

But here comes the problem.

This is a big cliff forest!

Even if the two sides don’t do anything, countless monsters will come to the door. In particular, Cheng Feng was walking slowly, like walking in a leisurely courtyard, with more publicity and more publicity. Naturally, he quickly attracted many monsters.

The strength of these monsters varies, but it is undeniable that they are very threatening.

At first, these monsters rushed to attack Cheng Feng and Xiao Jiu, but soon discovered that they couldn’t hurt them anyway, and even if they were close to them, they would be bounced away by an invisible force.

So they quickly targeted…

Three other people!

So the whole cliff forest is jumping around, so it’s not lively.

Monsters are basically useless. They are a type of rushing up and wanting to bite when they see people. Therefore, although the three of them rely on the cultivation of the Saint-level powerhouse to fight back waves of Monsters, they are still in the end. Be very embarrassed by these monsters.

After a fierce battle, all three of them were embarrassed.

And seeing the two of Cheng Feng walking in front of them, they were still out of breath.

“Brother, in my opinion, we should let one of them go back and report to the lord, or else I will continue to do so, I am afraid I will be mad!”

“No, this kid is just waiting for us to give up, he definitely can’t give up halfway!”

The three clenched their teeth and followed Cheng Feng.

At this moment, there was a huge sound of water in the distance, like a waterfall falling from the sky.

The three of them looked up and saw a waterfall falling from a height of thousands of feet into the deep pool below. The water is clear but not bottomed. There are faintly a few golden fish swimming in the water, but they quickly disappear under the shimmering pool water refracted by sunlight.

In the depths of the cliff forest, there is such a waterfall.

It is said that the depth of the pool under this waterfall is not bottomed, making it difficult for ordinary people to enter.

“What is Cheng Feng doing here?” The three of them looked at each other, puzzled.

When the three of them were puzzled, Cheng Feng had already taken Xiao Jiu into the deep pool.

“Quickly catch up!” The three of them immediately followed down into the pool, opened up a water area with tyrannical cultivation as a forcible life, and continued to dive with Cheng Feng.

And the more they dived, the more frightened the three of them.

The depth of this pool is really unmeasurable. Seeing Cheng Feng and Xiao Jiu continue to dive, they have dived nearly a hundred meters in just a few minutes, but they are still far from seeing the end, and the bottom is dark, as if The abyss is endless.

But apart from being a bit deeper, it doesn’t seem to be anything special.

In the entire deep pool, the light became dimmed, and in the end almost nothing was seen.

The three people scanned the surroundings with their souls before they were able to determine the location.

“I have an ominous premonition…”

One of them whispered.

“Don’t say such things… wait, that kid seems to have stopped!”

Just when the three people spoke.

Cheng Feng and Xiao Jiu suddenly stopped diving. To be precise, they had touched the bottom.

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