Chapter 133: The Truth

The last time it was at the bottom of the abyss, Aiki learned from the dialogue between that giant robot.

That huge robot was damaged to that extent just because of the battle with the demons.

Heavenly Demon Sect and Earth Demon Sect… I didn’t expect it to be the inheritance of the demons.

Cheng Feng subconsciously turned his head to look at Ai Qi aside.

The latter still stood in place, without any movement and no expression on his face.

“In short, based on this contradiction derived from blood, it is impossible for Yaoguang Tianchi and Tianmajiao to sign any contract. So you were really deceived by her.” Xie Daoyun said.

“So… what’s the matter with the token?”

“That’s part of the key.”


“Yes, no one knows what exactly that key can open, only that behind that key lies the most mysterious and unknowable secret in the world.”

The most mysterious, the least known…

It was the first time that Cheng Feng heard such words.

The last time it was in the “Tian Mo Jing” taught to him by Shangguan Leng Yan.


Several clues were connected together, finally let Cheng Feng understand a little bit.

That’s it, that’s it…

The heaven and earth double jade, which has been kept in the hands of the magic door thousands of years ago, has been handed down a little.

Give the jade of heaven to Cheng Feng, and let Cheng Feng go to Yaoguang Tianchi.

With Xie Daoyun’s character, after seeing Cheng Feng, she will certainly not let him leave.

In this way…

The jade of heaven did not fall into Shangguanhong’s hands.

Cheng Feng also survived smoothly.

Both goals were successfully achieved, which is a perfect solution for both. The only price is Shangguan Leng Yan’s own sacrifice.

And this matter is exactly what Cheng Feng couldn’t allow.

Shangguan Leng Yan…

You fucking bastard!

Cheng Feng took a deep breath, looked at Xie Daoyun, and said solemnly: “Since that contract didn’t exist from the very beginning, then let me leave and I want to return to the Demon Sect!”

Xie Daoyun smiled lightly: “Don’t think about it, this is the pure land created by the Wudi-level powerhouse in the void according to the law of space. If you want to leave here, you need a special secret technique, and only I know this technique! Of course, if you really If you want to leave, I can’t agree to it either.”

“What conditions?”

“Give me a baby…”

“… It looks like there is no discussion?”

“Not negotiable.”

“Well, then you can only…”

The voice did not fall.

The lightning-like brilliance of Cheng Feng’s eyes flashed away.


[Conditions have been met for more than one minute to look at each other][Special Skill: Electric Eye Force has been activated]

next moment.

Xie Daoyun fell into the cessation of time unconsciously.

[Electric eyes are compelling: you can activate this skill by looking at the target for more than one minute][Make the target enter a static state for five seconds][In this state, the enemy cannot detect the passage of time and will not suffer any damage]

This skill has a very powerful effect and can force the opponent to fall into a time stop.

In a state where time is stopped, the opponent can’t even notice the passage of time. It can be described as an extremely powerful and extremely unreasonable skill.

But on the other hand, this skill has the restriction that “the enemy will not receive any damage”, so Cheng Feng could not attack in this short five seconds.

So in these short five seconds, Cheng Feng chose…


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