Chapter 135

“Cheng Feng, you let me go!”

Xie Daoyun struggled, trying to get rid of Cheng Feng’s control. But she didn’t notice that Cheng Feng had already urged Hunyuan’s body forging skills just a moment ago.

The high-purity Zhen Qi condensed by Tianxin Hua Mojing was wrapped around his body inch by inch.

At this moment, his physical strength is comparable to that of the Saint Grade Monster Race, and it is even strong enough to break through the void. It can be described as infinite! Only relying on Xie Daoyun’s small arms and legs can’t get rid of it.

“You, are you so strong?”

Xie Daoyun was shocked. She discovered that the strength of the first floor of the Martial King Realm in Chengfeng District was actually stronger than her tenth-level peak of the King of Martial Realm in pure strength. This was too outrageous!

Tianxin Divine Body wouldn’t be so scary, would it?

“Don’t move, or be careful that I will stab you to death.” Cheng Feng said coldly.

“Do you really dare to kill?”

Xie Daoyun chuckled lightly, full of unbelief at the corners of her mouth.

If you don’t believe it, you have to believe it!

“Let go of the Lord Saint, otherwise we will be rude to you!”

Many elders around were anxious, and they were brewing martial arts to target Cheng Feng, and they were ready to go. “Quickly let go of the Lord Saint, do you want to die?”

“Idiot, once your martial arts are played, I may be fine, but your saint may not be the case.” Cheng Feng sneered.

“Stop the martial arts!” Xie Daoyun said helplessly.

Cheng Feng was telling the truth.

Whether these attacks can kill Cheng Feng is not certain, but he is sure to die.

After all, I only have a pair of Tianxin eyes, but I don’t have a strong body. Cheng Feng knew this very well, so he would never be afraid. On the contrary, he was a little frightened, for fear that no one would be able to control it.

Someone said anxiously, “Go and ask Master Sovereign!”

“Master Sect Master didn’t know where to go two days ago, so I can’t reach him at all!”

“Quickly, invite all the elders, and you must not let the Lord Saint suffer any harm today!”

A gang of people scorched in anger and kept calling people over to support the scene.

It’s a pity that no matter how many people there are, it’s useless. Cheng Feng firmly controlled Xie Daoyun, and the evil sword was resting on her pink swan-like neck, and no one dared to act rashly.

“Can you tell me how you got out?” Xie Daoyun asked curiously.

After a brief panic, she seemed to calm down again. In fact, being a hostage is not too dangerous. First, Cheng Feng is not the kind of person who likes to tear tickets. Second, if she is torn up, Cheng Feng will definitely not be able to leave.

Cheng Feng did not answer.

His mind is spinning fast.

what to do?

How to leave from here?

Fortunately in the misfortune, the Sect Master of Yaoguang Tianchi didn’t seem to know where he went, so he didn’t need to face the Wudi-level powerhouse directly.

But even so, facing these eight saint-level powerhouses, it is almost impossible to break through frontally.

Especially… without knowing how many people are still lurking in the dark.

Suddenly he had an idea, and suddenly raised his hand at one of the elders as a punch.


Heavenly Demon Yun Dao Fist!

Emperor-level martial arts!

At the moment of the punch, there seemed to be a sound of heaven in the underworld, causing everyone around them to change their expressions, and they felt that the true energy of the whole body was a little unwilling.

This fist shook the ubiquitous Dao law, making the power soaring. With the blessing of Hunyuan’s body forging skills, it can be said that it far surpasses Cheng Feng’s current cultivation base’s true strength.


The elder who was hit by Cheng Feng subconsciously wanted to use the law of space to defend, but he forgot one thing, in the domain of [this prohibition], the law of space has been forbidden to use.


He was blown out abruptly by this punch, spitting out blood in midair.

The formation is torn apart!

Cheng Feng’s figure flashed, and the emperor-level martial arts “Tianyu Dengxianwu” left behind afterimages in the same place, turning into a lonely hump, grabbing Xie Daoyun and quickly rushing to the rift in the formation.

Many elders would naturally not let Cheng Feng leave, they were about to step forward to stop them.

at this time!

Cheng Feng suddenly shouted: “Aiki! I’ll leave the rest to you!”


Everyone was shocked, and quickly turned their heads to look, only to find that Ai Qi was flying towards this side expressionlessly.

Ai Qi’s task is to follow Cheng Feng.

At this time Cheng Feng was planning to leave, so she naturally wanted to follow.

However, this action fell in the eyes of everyone, and it was naturally understood as the meaning of “the queen of the palace”. In an instant, everyone immediately stepped forward to stop Ai Qi, not allowing her to do anything.

“Little girl, I advise you not to act rashly and stay where you are!”

Someone warned.

“Get out of the way!” Ai Qi said.

Someone shouted: “Can’t let them meet, take this little girl down as a hostage, do it!”

As soon as this remark came out, countless people immediately responded.

Everyone set their postures one after another, ready to move to keep Ai Qi behind.

Ai Qi frowned, knowing that she had been calculated by Cheng Feng.

In this case, she must get rid of these people if she wants to return to Cheng Feng. But in this way, he violated the principle of non-interference.

Which one is more important, the principle of non-interference or the principle of staying with Cheng Feng?

Aiki couldn’t help sighing.

As expected of Cheng Feng…

Sure enough, you can always play unexpected tricks.

At this time, many saint-level powerhouses of Yaoguang Tianchi also started to take action, five of them separated and went to chase Cheng Feng, while the remaining three surrounded Ai Qi in place.

Not only that, more and more people who had been observing secretly before showed up, wanting to take Aiki down before chasing Cheng Feng, after all, it would be easier to say a lot with hostages in hand.


They totally misjudged Ai Qi’s strength.

If Xie Daoyun were here, this behavior would definitely be stopped, because even with her heavenly mind and eyes, she couldn’t see through Ai Qi’s details. But these people don’t understand this, so…

Without hesitation, I shot Aiki!

Boom boom boom –

Countless martial arts in a mess, blasted towards Ai Qi with a trend that is indistinguishable by the naked eye. Even the sky changes color. Aiki’s petite body is like a strand of duckweed in this huge and terrifying martial arts tide, and it will be overthrown at any time!


Just before these martial arts were about to hit Ai Qi, they all suddenly disappeared.

There is no sign, as if it was directly erased by some powerful force.

“The dark particle shield is activated, the void particle interference is activated, and the battle state is entered!”

Aiqi stood steadily in the void, and her eyes did not contain a trace of emotion when she looked at everyone, like a cold and merciless machine. “Say one last time, get out of the way!”

Everyone was shocked.

But at this moment, a huge and majestic voice came.

“Who dares to run wild in my Yaoguang Tianchi!”

As the voice fell, a figure wearing a thick white robe and holding a long sword suddenly appeared in front of everyone, holding a long sword and a blue dragon with two sleeves, the face with hard lines was not angry and majestic!

With his appearance, a huge astonishing coercion immediately suppressed the audience!

Emperor Wu is strong!

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