Chapter 140

The bottom of the abyss.

Aiqi descended from the sky and happened to see Cheng Feng who was trying to climb.

After breaking through Yaoguang Tianchi, she chased up with the fastest speed.

The various prohibitions of the abyss are almost useless to her.

“It’s ruthless enough to leave me alone in a place where the enemy is waiting.”

Ai Qi said coldly.

“Sorry, I had no other way at that time.”

Cheng Feng shrugged, “What’s more, aren’t you good?”

Cheng Feng was not surprised at Aiqi’s safe return.

After seeing Ai Qi’s terrifying strength, he didn’t think there was anything in this world that could easily stop her.

“That’s why I didn’t care about you.”

Aiki sighed.

Turning to look upwards: “So, are you planning to just climb up like this?”

“There is no other way, right?”

Cheng Feng muttered.

Unless Aiki is willing to take herself to fly up, she can only choose to climb up slowly. But Aiqi has her own yard, and she would definitely not agree to this matter.

“Do you know how deep the abyss is?”

Ai Qi suddenly said, “You may not feel it intuitively, but when I flew down from above, I calculated that it was about 8,000 kilometers away.”

Cheng Feng was stunned.

Eight thousand kilometers…

Are you kidding me?

Under the premise of being unable to fly, climbing up a full eight thousand kilometers on this cliff?

This has to climb to the year of the monkey?

Cheng Feng clenched his fists, his mouth twitched slightly.

If Aiki hadn’t lied, then instead of entering the abyss, she might as well find a way to detour, but now it’s too late to say this.

Cheng Feng couldn’t help sinking into thought.

But at this moment, Ai Qi suddenly interrupted his thoughts: “If you don’t have a better way, I actually have a way.”


Cheng Feng couldn’t help but stunned: “Didn’t you say that you won’t help me?”

“Of course I won’t shoot.”

Aiqi’s face calmly said: “When I was flying above the abyss, I found that there was a mechanism at the bottom of the abyss. If I guessed correctly, I should be able to leave the abyss through that mechanism.”


Cheng Feng asked immediately.

“Follow the abyss and keep going east.”

“it is good!”

Cheng Feng had no doubts, and immediately turned and walked towards the east.

He didn’t notice it.

The moment he turned around, Aiki’s eyes flashed with a strange look.

The two followed the bottom of the abyss, all the way east.

Not long.

Cheng Feng saw the organ that Ai Qi was talking about.

He immediately took three steps and two steps, and moved forward quickly. But when he waited close, he realized that it wasn’t a mechanism, it was just a black dagger stuck in a stone.

This dagger is black and mysterious, and there seems to be some mysterious flow on the surface, which is quite extraordinary.

It is quietly inserted on a rock.

“It’s just a sword.”

Cheng Feng said disappointedly.

“Maybe I was wrong.”

Ai Qi said faintly: “However, maybe there is something else in this sword? There shouldn’t be a sword stuck in the bottom of the abyss for no reason, right?”

“What you said makes sense.”

Cheng Feng hesitated for a moment, and finally made up his mind to step forward and reach out to grab the sword.

The moment his hand touched the hilt of the sword.

Hei Xuanjian suddenly burst out with a dazzling light.


Cheng Feng’s heart jumped, and he subconsciously released the sword in his hand.

It may be too late.

When he recovered, the light had swallowed his whole person.

Before his eyes, such a picture suddenly appeared…




A thin young man was standing in front of the huge bronze stone with a serious expression.

The teenager is holding a black dagger.

With a short sword, he kept engraving words on the bronze stone.

Cheng Feng watched this scene blankly.

That boy…

who is it?

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