Brenda and Robert helped them to open a portal to the old witch's place. As the old witch's place keeps moving from one place to another and that too with a protective shield, Robert was not sure if he could exactly point to the place which they needed to go.

But as the time was most precious at the moment, he informed Peter to be careful. Peter just nodded his head and whispered something into his ears alone. Robert nodded his head and left the place along with his mother, once he made sure Peter and Sussan went inside the portal successfully.

The portal closed and their long journey towards the border started! They did not know what is right or what's wrong. All they wanted was to get back to their own home. Now they understood fleeing was never a solution at all.

"I hope we did not make a big mistake by leaving earlier," Cathy said worriedly.

"We did not leave that place because we were afraid but we wanted them to live in peace. We are their friends and as well as family. So how could we simply put them in danger along with ours? We did not mind dying but we definitely did not want to see them die" Brenda cried.

Brenda missed her husband very badly. She remembered the time he proposed to her. When Robert was born, the happiest person was James. They had so many memorable memories but leaving was the only option she could think of at that time. She wanted him to live a good life.

Even if she was asked to choose once again, she would definitely not have any change in her decision. James is the best and she would do anything for him to keep him safe.

Brenda also felt bad for her friend Sussan. she could not figure out if David is not David, then where the hell is he? How could they not even differentiate between David and that creature?

If she couldn't find out then it is fine but why not Sussan? Did they intentionally keep Elly with them, so as to distract Sussan and get her attention diverted? She wanted to pull all her hair out. It was too confusing and nerve-racking. She just hoped that Sussan and Peter would find Elly faster so that they can concentrate on the war and try to stop it altogether.

"Who started the rumor first that there was going to be a war if we Lambanies continued to stay there?" Brenda asked around all of a sudden as if she realized something was definitely wrong!

"Isn't David?, I meant the duplicate, David?" Sommer said.

He was upset that the one he trusted to be a friend had all of a sudden turned into an old man and even tried to kill everyone. Sommer still could not believe all that happened around him and especially with the man whom he trusted the most.

After analyzing the situation, Brenda thought if it was spread by the duplicate David, then it means they intentionally want them to be away from their places.

It is always easy to defeat an enemy whom we can see with our naked eyes but an enemy who can disguise as one among us and try to create the fight, it is going to be the most dangerous war and even the most difficult one to win. History has never recorded anything like this ever before!!

Brenda shivered and shouted to everyone, "We need to move fast! Looks like our greatest enemy might be within us and we need to fight harder to separate them from us, so we can defeat them."

At that time Robert who was silently preparing a potion rushed towards his mom and said, "Mom, I have made a magical potion which can act as an invisible paint. Peter told me that no witch can see those except us! This will help us differentiate between our people and the witches. Peter already scanned each of us and he assured me that everyone present here is a Lambanies. Now we need to paint everyone's hand so that if anyone tries to mingle with us, then we can be cautious. And I added Birneoseis powder a little bit to the potion, so that if anyone other than our clam members tried to use this paint, then it will burn them to ashes."

Brenda immediately informed everyone around them about this and said, "I will paint your hand with invisible paint so that we will know who belongs to our clan and who doesn't. My son, Robert, has prepared this potion and he even made sure to add Birneoseis powder. So do not worry, they can never mingle with us with this special paint mark"

Cathy finally felt a little proud of her daughter Brenda, who took the initiative to maintain a little calmness among the clan members. She even knew that most of the credit goes to Robert and his friend Peter.

So she ignored Brenda and helped Robert in applying the invisible paint on everyone's hand. Once they were done, they started their journey to the border.

When Peter and Sussan reached the other side of the Portal, they saw that they came to a wide desert and there were no stones, just sand everywhere. Did they reach the wrong place as the witch shifted her place once again?

So they tried to jump into the portal to reach some other nearest place but before they could do that, a gap appeared before them and they saw the witch's slave.

"Our majesty, invite you humbly inside our small place", one of the slaves said without any emotions.

Sussan and Peter stood on guard! As Peter already has an experience of him being tied around a magical rope with just their finger shake, he tried to move his mother behind him.

Sussan looked at her son, who normally would even hesitate to speak to anyone, was acting all brave today. She never once in her life expected that Peter would actually stand before her in a protective stance.

It is her duty to protect her son! Why was the role reversed? Still, Sussan felt a deep satisfaction in her heart. Anyways being Ashes son, this is one of the qualities expected out of him. Thinking of Ashes lord, she was reminded about David.

She wanted to know whether David she married was the actual David or the imposter? Why? Why her? She knew something was missing but she could not point out what it was?

Suddenly she realized something and looked at Peter! It is for Peter! They all are after Peter! They know he was Ashes son and the only way to assure that they have his power is trying to convince Peter himself.

But Peter leaving in search of his sister Elly put their plan at risk. But then the imposter actually knows about the book even before her! Who are these people? Why are they here?

Only by meeting the witch, they will find out. So, she took Peter's hand and pulled him inside the half-opened protective barrier.

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