At night, after Rong Qian took a bath, she lazily lay down on her bed.

The scene when she met Shen Shuhuai was still vivid in her memory, and what he said at that time also echoed in her ears.

The person in the photo, that’s her—how is that possible?

But what happened in the morning hinted at her crazily, that’s it!

Rong Qian turned her head and glanced at the bedside table, the old photo album was there.

It was Shen Shuhuai who asked her to take it away, saying that it might be helpful to her. He hoped she could find out why his cousin disappeared that year? Did someone hurt him?

Suddenly given such a heavy responsibility, Rong Qian also had quite a headache.

She just wanted to find out the situation. Why did things develop into such an unimaginable situation?

“Shen Yi … … who the hell are you?”

Holding a pillow, Rong Qian rolled on the bed. If she could really travel through the past, how could she travel through it?

She had already taken out that photo, and she tried many ways to travel back to the past, but none of them worked.

Even she almost burned it, but she thought, the way to turn the photos into ashes might not be burned, so she gave up.

Rong Qian raised her hand and looked at the watch on her wrist. This thing is real, and it was put on by a man named Shen Yi personally. From this point of view, there is no doubt that she did meet him.

Moreover, listen from his tone at that time, it seemed as if she had seen him more than once…

The more Rong Qian thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong. This feeling of being confused was too bad. She couldn’t sleep, so she simply turned over and got out of bed, went downstairs with her slippers on.

When she left, she asked Shen Shuhuai for all the discs of the movies that Shen Yi had made. Shen Shuhuai was also very generous and gave them to her in a box.

Sitting in front of the TV, Rong Qian followed the chronological order, starting from the first film he made.

He started acting when he was fifteen years old. In his first movie, he played a deaf-mute boy. There were not many scenes, not even a supporting role.

However, because of his handsome appearance and excellent acting skills, once it was released, he won a lot of attention and officially opened his acting path.

Except for some roles in American movies in the early stage, most of the later films have been shot in China.

Seeing that he has worked with many famous old directors in the past, Rong Qian couldn’t help but be secretly surprised.

She can’t imagine that such a person who was once popular all over the world can really disappear in history without any trace.

She can’t imagine that such a person, who was once popular all over the world, can really disappear in history without any trace to be found.

Even after more than 30 years, it is impossible that there is no news at all. The only explanation is that someone made him disappear and let him cease to exist in this world.

And if she hadn’t watched these discs, Rong Qian would never have known that Shen Yi had actually acted in some of the movies she had seen before. It’s just that it was either cut clean or the actors were changed.

So, after seeing this, Rong Qian watched it all night, which made her depressed when she went to the bureau the next day. Chen Jia and Zhang Hao came over to ask her, if something had happened.

Rong Qian waved her hand, she didn’t want to talk about these things, but she asked Chen Jia if the owner of the license plate number she asked her to check yesterday had been found. In this regard, Chen Jia shook her head regretfully.

“I checked, the car was rented, and the renter used a false identity. At present, the car has been returned. Now we are checking the identities of the two black people based on the portraits you gave.” Chen Jia said truthfully.

Rong Qian nodded, although she really wanted to know who was trying to attack her, but Rong Qian also knew that there was no hurry.

Moreover, Rong Qian faintly felt that those two black men might be related to her investigation of the accident case more than 30 years ago, but why did they come to her, Rong Qian still couldn’t figure it out.

These days, Rong Qian couldn’t sleep peacefully, she always felt a very warm hand stroking her face, and at the same time whispering in her ear.

“Ah Qian…”

“Ah Qian…”

“I’m waiting for you…”

And when Rong Qian opened her eyes in a daze, she would see Shen Yi sitting beside her bed, staring at her with tender eyes, and every time this happened, Rong Qian would wake up!

Then she found out, she was just dreaming.

Rong Qian couldn’t sleep, so she went downstairs to the living room to watch his movie. She didn’t like watching the movie either, but when the camera swing to his face, she pressed pause.

In the past few days, Rong Qian found out that if she didn’t find a way to see him again, she was going crazy!

That guy has driven her out of her mind for the past few days. She really wants to ask him, what’s going on here?

But the more urgent she was, the less she could see…

That night, after work, Rong Qian went to a nearby street to buy oden, and sat on a small stool by the door to eat, with a little girl squatting next to her and licking a popsicle, so cute.

Rong Qian couldn’t help but touch her little head. The little girl grinned at her, and Rong Qian’s eyes couldn’t help but soften.

With nothing else to do, Rong Qian took out the old photo she carried with her all the time to look at.

Seeing herself in the photo, Rong Qian would always feel a sense of trance, as if the person in the photo was not her, maybe the sense of time was too strong. After all, it was a photo taken decades ago.

Holding her chin, Rong Qian couldn’t help muttering: “Speaking of which, I don’t know who I am worried about in the photo? Why do I have such worried eyes?”


At this moment, there was a dull and strange creaking sound from above her head, Rong Qian raised her head, and saw the billboard lights above flash twice, and then with a bang, the huge billboard fell straight down!


Realizing that there was no way to hide, Rong Qian’s first reaction was to throw herself at the little girl next to her, protect her under her body, and hold the little girl’s head tightly with both hands!

Before the moment when the billboard covered her body, Rong Qian saw that the photo she was holding in her hand suddenly turned into ashes and then disappeared …

The last thing Rong Qian heard was a loud “bang”, along with, a piano sound that seemed to come from far away, melodious, long ago, and flowed slowly into her ears like a spring. The familiar melody was Beethoven’s “Moonlight Song”……

Rong Qian suddenly opened her eyes from the darkness. What comes into view is still darkness.

Realizing that she was in a closed space, Rong Qian habitually leaned against the wall to find a way out, while she fumbled with both hands, she vaguely felt the door, Rong Qian pushed hard!

It turned out that the door was looser than she imagined, it was not locked, and it opened with a push. Rong Qian was defenseless, and with this push, she threw herself out.


Rong Qian exclaimed, and the piano sound that had been echoing in her ears stopped abruptly at this moment.

Rong Qian rubbed her sore knee and sat up, grimacing in pain. She looked back, only to find that she fell out of the closet.

The exquisite retro European-style closet is very large, and there are many clothes hanging in it. Before Rong Qian looked at it carefully, a clear young voice came from behind her.

“You, who are you?”

Rong Qian turned her head and saw a little boy sitting in front of a piano opposite the window. His hands were flat on the piano keys, and a pair of clear and bright eyes stared at her. There was no fear or panic in his eyes, and he was so calm that it didn’t look like a child should react when seeing a stranger.

The little boy wore a small suit with suspenders, like a little gentleman, with leather shoes on his feet. Although the dress was exquisite and luxurious, this outfit was more retro. Nowadays, children can dress more fashionably than adults.

Rong Qian looked at his face, his facial features were delicate, his skin was as white as snow, it would not be an exaggeration to describe it carved in powder and jade.

But, the more Rong Qian looked at him, the more she felt that this little boy looked familiar. Where did she seem to have seen him? These handsome and elegant eyebrows and eyes, very similar to the Shen Yi who occupied her brain these days as a child.

Just thinking about it, Rong Qian was stunned.

Wait! This child, it’s not really Shen Yi, is it?

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