After returning to the room safely, Rong Qian asked him: “Who was that just now?”

“My mother.”

Rong Qian wasn’t surprised, she guessed just now, he and his mother look alike, but should be more like his father, Rong Qian had seen the grown-up Shen Yi, so she didn’t need to guess what his father looks like.

But Rong Qian felt a little strange, since it was his mother, in the past two days, why didn’t she come to see him even once?

According to Rong Qian’s understanding, Shen Yi immigrated abroad with his family when he was six years old. His father was a business tycoon and rich man. Shen Yi should be a son of a rich family. He should be pampered and loved.

But after these two days of contact, Rong Qian didn’t feel it.

The environment here was too depressing, lifeless, without any vitality. His daily arrangement was not something a normal person could bear. It feels like he was trapped in a cage, restrained, without any freedom.

Rong Qian rubbed her hair, casually asked: “You and your mother, don’t get along well?”

He lowered his head, and after a long time, he said: “She was r*ped by a man and gave birth to me. Every time she sees my face, she just wants to strangle me to death.”

Rong Qian froze as she wiped her hair, she looked at him in dumbfounded, and only one thought flashed in her mind, what has he been through?

In the middle of the night, Rong Qian was lying on the sofa, unable to fall asleep. She simply opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

After getting along with this little Shen Yi for the past two days, Rong Qian found that he was slightly autistic, taciturn, didn’t talk much, and didn’t smile. This couldn’t help but remind Rong Qian of Shen Yi as an adult, a gentleman, elegant and graceful, gentle and modest.

It was really hard for Rong Qian to imagine, what kind of growth did this Shen Yi go through to have such a big change?

Thought of this, Rong Qian sat up, walked to the side of the bed, looked at Shen Yi who was already asleep, his brows were slightly frowning, his hands were tightly clutching the quilt, it seemed that he was having a nightmare, and his sleep was very restless.

Although she didn’t know what he experienced at such a young age, Rong Qian could tell, his past, was broken.

Rong Qian felt that she should do something. Otherwise, if it goes on for a long term, what will he become, Rong Qian didn’t dare to think …

At six o’clock in the morning, Shen Yi woke up on time, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he first glanced at the sofa, found that Rong Qian was not there, he panicked and sat up abruptly!

Then he heard Rong Qian’s voice coming from behind the sofa, “Fifty-eight, fifty-nine, sixty…”

Shen Yi walked over, he saw Rong Qian lying on the ground, doing push-ups, Shen Yi frowned and asked her: “What are you doing?”

“Doing push-ups. I haven’t exercised for the past two days, and my bones are stiffened.” Rong Qian stood up after doing the last one, stretching while she spoke to him: “You also come here and do it with me, too. Don’t just focus on learning things, the body also need exercised, do you know about moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic work?”1德智体美劳 In Chinese mainland, it generally refers to five aspects of “moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic work”, in which “work” refers to labor and technical education, and “five educations at the same time” was put forward by Deng Xiaoping. Taking moral education as the origin can be used to whole humanity; Taking intellectual education as latitude and longitude to follow in order to construct humanities; Taking sports as the lifeblood can enrich life; Taking group education as the body can be used to harmonize interpersonal relationships; Aesthetic education can enrich people’s existence.

His face showed reluctance, and he said: “I don’t want to do it.”

“When I look at you, I know that you haven’t exercised much. Look at your body. You look weak and sick. Don’t dislike sweating, sweating is very cool!” Rong Shao wouldn’t let him refuse, so she pulled him to exercise, so early in the morning, he was sweating all over.

Shen Yi was so tired that he sat down on the ground, panting heavily. When he looked up, he saw that Rong Qian was swinging her fist and doing high kicks, so he could see that she was very good at boxing and kung fu.

After Shen Yi recovered, he asked her: “Are you good at fighting?”

“Of course, this sister can do sanda, boxing, and fighting all-around. Only when oneself becomes strong can I protect the people around us.” Rong Qian had a proud face.

Shen Yi lost in thought, no one has ever told him this kind of thing, and no one will let him strengthen his body, but now, hearing Rong Qian’s words, he has the idea that he wants to change.

“Then you…”

“What?” Seeing that he hesitated to speak, Rong Qian withdrew her fist and waited for him to continue.

Shen Yi bravely looked straight into her eyes, “Then you, can you teach me?”

“Sure!” Rong Qian was very direct. Treat it as accepting a disciple, it was just a good way to pass the time, it wouldn’t too boring.

After that, except for the presence of tutors, the rest of the time when no one was around, Rong Qian ran over to accompany him.

Rong Qian accompanied him played a few games of Go, and lost to him every time. When she lost Rong Qian would roll around, but she was very addicted, the more she lost, the more she wanted to play! Later, Shen Yi deliberately lost to her, and Rong Qian was happy and proud because of this for the whole day.

Shen Yi was really puzzled, what’s so happy about winning against a primary school student? Moreover, he was the one who deliberately let the water go.2lose a game intentionally.

But it was undeniable that seeing her cheerful appearance, Shen Yi’s mood would also be unconsciously better, and he would gradually get used to Rong Qian chattering around him, talking and laughing.

Made this room that originally made him want to escape, also became less scary.

As for Rong Qian’s stay, one month has passed.

During this month, Rong Qian was not idle. In the middle of the night, she would sneak up, familiarize herself with the environment she was in. By the end, she had basically figured it out.

Strictly speaking, this was a manor, but there were not many people, there were seven or eight maids, a gardener, two cooks. As for the housekeeper, he has gone out of town, never come back, didn’t make Rong Qian depressed to death!

After Rong Qian understood it, she found that the people who really lived here were actually just Shen Yi and his mother.

This feeling was very strange, as if they were kept by rich people, living here all day long and shouldn’t be exposed to light.

Rong Qian actually wanted to know, the last time he said that her mother was r*ped by a man before giving birth to him, what happened? But he didn’t want to say it, and Rong Qian wouldn’t force him either.

Inadvertently, Rong Qian heard that Felita was gossiping with some maids, and mentioned Shen Yi’s mother, and Rong Qian also knew who that man was.

He was Shen Yi’s father, Shen Chi.

Shen Yi’s mother, named Yan Qingyao, was a southern woman who was born into a scholarly family. However, most of the beautiful women had a rough fate. The turning point in Yan Qingyao’s life was studying abroad.

It’s also quite cliche. During her study abroad, Yan Qingyao fell in love with a man. It happened that this man also liked her. However, this man was not Shen Chi.

But it was another man named Xu Zhiwei.

Shen Chi snatched Yan Qingyao from Xu Zhiwei by “robbing”. Unlike Xu Zhiwei, who was gentle and polite, Shen Chi did things by any means necessary.

No one should try to snatch the person or thing he likes. If he’s pushed to the limit, he would rather destroy it than let others get it!

Shen Chi used this method to make Yan Qingyao pregnant with his child and force her to marry him.

Yan Qingyao has no love for Shen Chi, only hatred. She has escaped many times and been caught by Shen Chi every time. The reality was not a romance novel. Every time Yan Qingyao escaped, she would be beaten by Shen Chi, until she vomited blood.

Shen Yi grew up in such an environment.

He witnessed his mother being domestically abused, he watched his mother strangle his neck with his own eyes, and cursing him with a ferocious face. Why didn’t he die?

Yan Qingyao always looked at Shen Yi with disgust.

She was full of hatred for him, and when she saw his face, which was more and more like Shen Chi, she went crazy, often screaming hysterically, and she had mental problems.

These are summed up by Rong Qian from a few words, but confessions like this cannot be regarded as evidence, and the possibility of being mixed with false plots cannot be ruled out.

In other words, whether this story is true or not, it remains to be investigated.

As a criminal policeman, it is impossible for her to make a conclusion based on a few words, but no matter whether the truth is true or not, Shen Yi is the biggest victim in this incident.

To say that Yan Qingyao is pitiful? Pitiful, but to say she’s innocent? She was afraid she couldn’t say for sure.

The harm she gave has been carried out on her son. From this point alone, Rong Qian pity her, but she would not sympathize with her.

Rong Qian originally thought that she would live like this with Shen Yi every day until Butler Fu came back, and there would be no accidents. But this morning, Shen Yi told her that the man was back.

Rong Qian didn’t react at first, “Who’s back?”

“Shen Chi, my father.”

Rong Qian was stunned, Shen Chi came back?

1德智体美劳 In Chinese mainland, it generally refers to five aspects of “moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic work”, in which “work” refers to labor and technical education, and “five educations at the same time” was put forward by Deng Xiaoping. Taking moral education as the origin can be used to whole humanity; Taking intellectual education as latitude and longitude to follow in order to construct humanities; Taking sports as the lifeblood can enrich life; Taking group education as the body can be used to harmonize interpersonal relationships; Aesthetic education can enrich people’s existence.2lose a game intentionally.

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