
  Chapter 21 Pick-up    'Due to the thunderstorm yesterday, the power supply system inside the Spring City Railway Station was damaged , Please forgive me for your understanding——'

Accompanied by the monotonous repeating sound of broadcast speakers, the black train slowly drove out of the fog, engulfing countless cold breaths and sighing on the platform with harsh sighs Dock on.

Although this old-fashioned train is not at the end of its life, but because it uses retro technology, it releases a lot of water vapor and fog all around after it stops. Mixing with the fog pervading the entire station, the obstruction of sight has become more and more serious.

Compared with the fog in the valley, the fog that pervades the Spring City Railway Station is more serious.

A huge dense fog enveloped the entire train station, and the visible distance was almost no more than ten meters. Only the small yellow emergency lights hung on the roofs of various sheds flashed with a slightly sad color.

After a few seconds have passed, the huge train is completely stationary. The long whistle sounded along with the sound of the train door opening. The successive silhouettes are like walking corpses, faintly discernible in the mist, walking into the invisible interior of the station.

In such a cold and orderly situation, the three silhouettes that came out in a hurry from the front passenger compartment became more and more dazzling.

"I swear to God at least I definitely didn't look like this when I walked out from here..."

The middle-aged man with a slightly hesitant expression dragged the other two to come. In the farthest corner of the railway station.

The long-lasting memory has played a role. In my impression, the newly constructed wall is now in dilapidated condition, but the art chair originally written by the Spring City Art Association still stands stubbornly in place.

Looking at the shadowy shadows around them, the fiercely three people involuntarily took a sigh of relief, feeling that their consciousness was gradually disintegrating along with this weird picture.

"Is this a Spiritual Qi influence?"

"Maybe it's just poverty and the environment."

"Poverty and the environment can make people like this?? "

"Don't say anything. Wait a minute and observe the terrain here. I feel something is wrong."

Wiped a handful of dew and moisture on his beard, relatively young The long one squinted his surroundings.

Just like the monotonous sound of a loudspeaker hung up, there has never been any electrical light inside the train station, only some emergency lights are faintly flashing.

The weird retching crowd has disappeared, one after another along a deep and closed path into the darker underground. That kind of weird and terrifying look really makes people unable to lift up courage.

The national spirit technique academy has regulations. If you don't sense any spiritual aura or phenomenon, you can't take the initiative and can only passively defend.

At present, everything here does not emit any Spiritual Qi fluctuations, but if there is no weird interference in this weird look, it would be too unreasonable.

"In short, first find Nangong Yan, set up a temporary spirit technique contact station, and directly take her out of the city after reporting the situation."

I looked at the surrounding walls, Seeing that mottled and faded appearance, the old man rubbed his eyebrows and whispered:

"No matter how the spirit technique is guaranteed, the seedling is the highest priority. No matter what happens here, guarantee the child first. I can go to the Academy safely."

"...But I think someone has already noticed us."

"What's the matter?"

Looking at the melancholy middle-aged who was gradually becoming vigilant, the handsome young man with sword eyebrows originally planned to say something, but the strange sound that rang in his ears made him close his mouth, frowned, and subconsciously pressed his waist. Of a certain device.

'oh la la'

The sound of the chain intertwining with the ground lightly sounded around.

It's like a dragging sound. The harsh rubbing sound mixed with the monotonous alarm, forming a weird resonance.

Even if it is blocked by the fog, the three people who have received certain training quickly locked in the direction of the sound source. Looking at the direction of the sound coming from the mist.

And in the next moment, accompanied by a strange sound like the release of some gas, a crackle sound rang, and the dim rays of light mixed with a slightly delicate sound were transmitted to their minds. middle.

"Ah, look like this, the three must be outlanders who came to Spring City on purpose?"


"But don't I'm too anxious, let me make sure first."

The dark yellow object swaying in the fog gradually shook. A slightly thin silhouette stretched out his hand to remove the mist, and stood in front of them under the nervous gaze of everyone.

The face under the hood swayed, and then the other hand took out a note from his arms, constantly comparing the words on the note with the slightly nervous three people in front of him . Although they could not see the face at all, all three of them felt a strong feeling of being scrutinized.

It is clear that the three of them are the ones occupying the absolute martial power advantage, but the psychological pressure makes the three people feel more tormented. It is precisely because they have witnessed countless incredible cases that they have a shocking sense of the morbidity that the city is currently showing. And the young man in front of him seemed to be determined to be nodded, and the three teachers of the Spirit Technique Academy actually had a wrong feeling such as the amnesty.

"Well, regardless of age or dress, it is right. Spring City welcomes three teachers. It is really hard to come from afar."

The silhouette in the mist is nodded with confidence. , Slowly stretched out his hand and took off his hood, fully displaying the inner face in front of the three of them.

Under the dark hood, he looked like a young man.

The young man with gold-wire glasses is thin but tall, handsome and clear, with a firm and mysterious taste.

There is a sincere smile on that face that can even make many women scream. The right hand holds a crackling kerosene lamp and respectfully gave a salute to the three people in front of him.

"I am Takane, who was sent by Nangong Yan to lead you. Recently, due to the influence of thunderstorms and mountain fog, the visibility of the train station is very low. And I happen to work-study here, so I specifically called me Here are some of you. Please follow me."

"...Wait a minute."

Looking at the boy who turned to leave with a kerosene lamp, the three of them were right. After taking a look, the youngest one opened his mouth first and stopped his leaving back.

"Who the hell is Nangong Yan? We never knew the name."

"en? That's weird. President Nangong told me very confidently that the three came from The teachers of the National Spirit Technique Academy will arrive today.” The teenager in the mist turned around naturally, looking at them with a strange expression.

"Those three seem to be wronged by me? The dress, age, and dress described in the report she gave me almost coincided with the three. If it was just a simple I apologize for the accident."

"No, it’s just that we worry too much. It looks like you are indeed the person that little girl trusts."

After all, I saw it along the way. There are really too many ghosts.

Facing Takane who showed some sorry expressions, the three people corresponded to the code and timetable, sighed in relief.

In front of them, Takane still has a peaceful smile, holding the kerosene lamp with occasional noise, smiling and watching the three instructors from the Central Spirit Technique Academy relax. .

"Since the misunderstanding is resolved, that would be great."

Looking at everyone with a smile, Takane's smile became stronger and stronger, as if to get some power from it.

(End of this chapter)

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