Shen Qingyi looked at the cuteness of his body and was teased by him. He said, "How can you be so cute?"

He was ashamed and blushing. Anan looked at his mother and held other children. He thought that he was playing a game. He stretched his hand to Shen Qing, ah, ah, and Shen Qing’s attention was quickly attracted to his son. .

Yan Yining took the first step to pick up An An. "An An, your brother doesn't like me. Do you like me?"

An An’s turn to see Shen Qingyi, apparently wants to Shen Qing’s hugs, and he’s a bit of a taste. “Qingyi, both of you like you, you are born.”

As soon as I heard this, I put my little hand on the back and said it in a serious way. "Mom, I like you too. You don't want to be jealous. You are better than small, you have to let it go."

In a word, a few people in the living room laughed, and looked at his son, and smiled helplessly, reaching out and pinching his little face. "You, it is a living treasure."

昊昊 昊昊 裴 裴 裴 , , , , “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

Yan Yining: Going back to her mother, I will not go to see these messy TV dramas in the future. They are all learned words.

"Do you know what men and women are giving or not?" He Yining asked him.

I flipped a blank eye. "Isn't that just said? I am a boy, you are a girl, you can't pinch my face." The look of "mother is stupid".

Chu Yunrong was awkwardly awkward by the cockroaches. He felt that his hands were very itchy. He wanted to pull this stinky boy over to fight it. What should I do?

"How can you kiss you just now?" Yan Yining was unbalanced in his heart, and he was on the bar.

I looked at Min Yining silently. "Mom, are you eating vinegar? The TV series says that girls are jealous of you."

Yan Yining: "Hey Hao, if I go home, if you let me watch these TV series, I will follow your surname!"

When this was said, Shen Qingyi laughed, and this was the result of his own stupidity, and he was speechless.

Two children at home, suddenly lived, Shen Qingyi with a donkey and An An on the ground to play, Yan Yining is sitting with a few elders to talk.

"It’s more patience to treat children than Qing." Yan Yining looked at Shen Qing’s figure and said with a smile.

Chu Yunrong heard the words and nodded. "Yes, her patience with children is always better."

"I can't do it now, big brother, you don't know, you can't manage it much more than before. The temper doesn't know who it is. I am often too angry to say anything." Although Yin Yining said this, But the smile in the eyes can't fool people.

"All this, Anan is still small, waiting for a few years, the guarantee is also a real one, I am already the most obedient child I have ever seen, and you are very good at teaching." I patted the hand of Yining, and said this is also true.

"Don't, don't blame you, now you are sensible. You should also consider your lifelong events. Your mother has told me several times that she is worried about your business."

The smile in the eyes of Yan Yining faded. "Oh, this kind of thing depends on the fate. Now I haven’t encountered the right thing for the time being. Let’s do it first. Maybe I will meet someday, maybe I will marry myself right away. It is."

"One Ning, Daxie knows that your mind is on the body in these years. Even if you want to find an object, the first thing to consider is the embarrassment. In some cases, your mother is not convenient to tell you, it’s up to you, and you can see it. Come out, Chen Xi likes you, what about you?"

I am coveted, "Don't say, I can't do it with him, we are not suitable, and I don't want to delay others."

"Is it because of his parents?" Chu Yunrong saw the problem at the last 100-day banquet in An'an. It has not been mentioned because he could not find the opportunity. Since this time he said it, he simply named it. This is also the case before Chu Yunhao asked her.

"Oh, it's not just this problem." She is separated from Jiang Chenxi by a family.

"Da, I know what you and my mother are worried about. I have a sense of concentration in this issue. If I have the right one, I will definitely not miss it. You will put your heart in your stomach." Yan Yining said with a smile.

Chu Yunrong saw that she really did not want to continue to talk about this topic, and she stunned her mind and shifted the topic. "You can count yourself."

Although Shen Qingxi was playing with the two children, the two people’s conversations were heard. She took a look at the one-on-one, and took back her eyes. She planned to wait for another day to ask Shen Junyi.



Li Xiwei waited for three days, but did not wait for the slightest news. She went to find the woman who contacted her, and the woman just impatiently let her continue.

"Wait, wait, you always let me wait, what time do I have to wait? At the beginning, you took the initiative to find me. I have already done what you said, but there is no news yet. You should not. Would you want to go back?" Li Xi’s angry face was angry with anyone, and this group of people was simply taking her.

Where is the woman thinking about what Li Xizhen is thinking, she is very annoyed these days, just because she is out of contact with the outside world, which means that she can't even get out of it now.

According to the original plan, as long as Li Xizhen completed the task, they will take her out and then take the money to go to the happy days, but now?

"You are talking, when are you going to keep me out?" Li Xizhen was restless.

"You are enough. I have already said this thing. It will take time to keep you out. Are you in a hurry to use it now? Wait patiently, it will let you go out."

Li Xizhen grabbed the woman's arm and sullenly sullen. "In fact, you never intended to let me go out. You just use me to fight Chu Yunrong, right?"

The woman wants to open Li Xi's hand, but she doesn't know where the strength comes from. She is very tight. The woman has no success under one sigh. "If you have something to say, this is what the prison guards saw. We both It’s hard to get out.” The woman pressed her temper and said to Li Xiyu with a good voice.

It’s just that Li Xizhen was very annoyed at the moment. He couldn’t listen to the woman’s words. “You don’t want to tell me these useless nonsense. Just tell me, when can I go out, give me a specific day, if you don’t give me again, On a clear day, I am going to find a prison guard to apply, to marry Chu Yunrong, and then tell her that those words are fake, someone forced me to say so."

The woman's face sank. In fact, she was not very clear about this. She was also a **** selected by Qin Lan. Qin Lan promised her to give her a good life. Now she is inside. Where is the leisure and leisure to manage Liu Lixi.

Forced to open Li Xi's hand, "Let's tell, do you think I will care? It's just a throw away after being used up, and even expecting others to save you out is simply foolish." The woman said When I said this, my eyes flashed a sorrow. I don’t know if Li Xizhen was still talking about himself.

Li Xi’s face changed instantly, and she grabbed the woman’s neck and looked crazy. “You guys are daring to lie to me, I’m dying you.”

The woman was caught in the neck, naturally it was impossible to sit still and struggle. After all, she did not like Li Xizhen’s growing up from a young age. The strength of her hand was much greater than that of Li Xizhen. After she broke the shackles of Li Xizhen, she sat directly. On Li Xizhen's body, facing her face is a round of bow.

Li Xizhen was crushed on the ground. Without the slightest resistance, he could only be beaten passively.

"Li sister, you see, Li Xizhen was beaten." A woman stood in the corner to see this scene, said to Li sister.

Li sister stared at this scene with cold eyes. She looked indifferent. "Go, attract the attention of the prison guards. Don't let her notice this scene. Someone will help us to teach Li Xiyu. We always have to help."

The woman smiled, "Lijie, I understand, I will go now."

The woman was tired and stopped. Li Xi’s face had already swollen into a pig’s head. The woman spit on her face. “Don’t dare to do it to me. I can’t beat you, dare to come to me later, be careful with me. See you once to hit you once."

The woman went away with hatred. Li Xizhen lay on the ground and looked at the blue sky, suddenly burst into tears.


When Shen Qingyi received a call from the prison, Chu Yunrong was feeding apple mud to Anan.

"Here is Shen Jia, who are you?" Shen Qingyi heard a strange voice and asked politely.

The person at the other end of the phone stated his identity. "Hello, may I ask Ms. Chu Yunrong Chu? Here is the **** prison."

Shen Qingyan’s eyes flashed slightly. “I am the daughter of Ms. Chu Yunrong. My mother is not here for the time being. You have something to tell me. I told her the same.”

The prison guard didn't think much, just wanted Li Xiyi to apply, and wanted to see Chu Yunrong's side of the matter, just like Chu Yunrong looked over, Shen Qingyi whispered things to her again, Chu Yunrong's face smile Lightened, "I am not going."

Shen Qingyu understood, told the prison guard, "I will see her tomorrow."

Hanging up the phone, Chu Yunrong looked at Shen Qingyi. "Qing, you go see what she is doing?"

Shen Qingxiao smiled. "Let's see what she wants to say this time, and Li Xizhen is a person who doesn't stop aiming. If she doesn't go to her, she will always fight. Mom, if you don't want to go, just stay at home with Ann."

Chu Yunrong nodded. "Well, I will bring An An at home." I don't mention Li Xiwei.

The next day, Shen Qingyi drove alone to the prison.

Li Xiyu knew that his application had passed in the morning. Someone will look at himself today. He woke up early in the morning and his eyes were full of tension. The first two words she said were very unpleasant. Now she does not know whether Chu Yunrong is Willing to help her, but since she is willing to see herself, then there should always be a little friendship for herself.

"How could it be you!" Li Xizhen saw the person who appeared in front of his eyes suddenly excited.

Shen Qingyi raised his eyebrows. "Otherwise, who do you think is? Is it my mother? It really disappoints you. My mother doesn't want to see you at all. If you want to see her, I am afraid it is not so easy."

"Shen Qingyi, it is you! You are not willing to let Mom see me right, you are a vicious woman, why don't you die!" Li Xizhen looked stunned, if not separated, I am afraid she has now rushed.

Shen Qingyi looked at Li Xi's nose and face, and he looked like a wolf. He shook his head. "I haven't seen you for a year. I didn't expect you to be this look now, or do you deliberately make yourself look like this, so I can take my mother's sympathy?" ”

"Shen Qingyi, you a vicious woman, you give me a roll, I don't want to see you, you let my mother come, I want to see people are her."

"Allow me to correct you, your mother has already ran, and you are not a Shen family now, my mother is not your mother." Shen Qingyu looked faint.

Li Xizhen screamed at Shen Qingyi. "Shen Qingyi, I will go to this step today. In the end, who is the one who gave it, are you not afraid to retribute?"

Shen Qing’s mouth is swaying. “Retribution? Li Xiwei, you are now called retribution.”

"Shen Qing, I hate you."

"Please, as long as you are happy." Shen Qingyi said inadvertently.

The anger in Li Xi's heart became more and more prosperous. When Shen Qingyi thought that she would continue to erupt, she had suppressed her anger and hatred, and the whole person suddenly calmed down.

Shen Qingying’s eyes flashed a touch of fun.

"Shen Qingyi, please let me see my mother." Li Xiyu finally lowered her head that is no longer noble.

"I don't want her to see you, she is not willing to see you." Shen Qing told the truth, but Li Xizhen did not believe this.

"I know that you hate me, hate me for stealing your identity as Miss Shen Jiada, and snatching away my mother's favor, but now you have all taken it back, right? And you also took Fu Hengyi, I am even now. It’s also a ruin to go out. For you, it’s not a threat. Isn’t that enough? I want to go out just to be alive.” Her tone is mournful.

Shen Qingyi quietly watched her performance. When Li Xizhen finished, she slowly whispered. "Li Xiwei, you still don't understand where you are wrong."

It is never her greed that has harmed Li Xizhen, but she always hopes for something that she didn’t belong to herself, and she does not compromise.

"No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have entered the Shen family at all, but I have paid the price anyway. You have already won everything. Why do you want people to beat me? Do you really want it? My life?"

Shen Qingyi wants to laugh. In front of her eyes, she said that she is the fault of her own woman. I really think it is my fault. "I am not letting you beat you."

Li Xizhen would not believe this at all. In her eyes, this is Shen Qingyi's hypocrisy and sophistry.

Shen Qingyi doesn't care what she thinks. She can explain that she is already in her few goodwill. "I want to tell you today that you can naturally come out after you have finished serving the punishment. Don't make these useless patterns again. My mom won't come to see you now, and I won't allow her to come to see you later. If you want to use her sympathy to do something, you can give up now."

When Shen Qingqi got up, he planned to leave. Li Xizhen called her. "Shen Qingyi, I beg you to let me go, even if you don't want me to go out, don't let me beat me again. Please."

Shen Qingyi looked at her fixedly. "You still don't believe me. I said, it's not that I make people beat you, not even Fu Hengyi. You have offended someone and you know it clearly."

"Well, even if it is not you, you have already made me a waste person. I am now convinced. I only want to be able to live in peace and stability. Even if I go out, I will not bother you." Life, can't this be done?"

Shen Qingyi suddenly felt very boring. Why did she want to see Li Xizhen?

"Li Xiwei, you can do it yourself." She really left this time, let Li Xizhen scream hysterically behind her.

Sitting in the car, Shen Qingyi is thinking about who is targeting Li Xizhen, not her, whether it is Fu Hengyi, not even any one of Shen’s family, the light in the brain flashes, Shen Qing’s beautiful and gentle Blinking a little, sighing slightly.

Back home, Chu Yunrong did not ask what Shen Qingyi Li Xizhen said, as if she did not know what she was doing, still busy around An An, Shen Qingyi did not take the initiative to tell her.

After Shen Qingyi left, there was no difference between Li Xizhen’s life and the past. Even her application for seeing Chu Yunrong was rejected several times, and all of this was Shen Qing’s in the eyes of Li Xizhen. Deliberately obstructing, not letting her see Chu Yunrong, which makes her hatred more and more concentrated, but it is a pity that she is doomed to go out.

A month later, Li Xizhen finally chose to commit suicide because she could not stand the poisoning and humiliation of Li Jie and others. When she was discovered, her body was already cold.

Of course, these are all words.


Sen Hai Bezhuang, Han Yu’s home.

Yu Xiaotong looked at someone while eating breakfast.

"Xiao Xiao, try the fried bag, this is my deliberately go to the north of your favorite fried bag to buy." Han Yu clip a fried bag into the bowl of Yu Xiaotong, pleased to say.

Yu Xiaolan looked at the fried bag and silently took back his sight. "I don't like to eat fried bread now." The tone is very cold.

Han Wei smiled and clipped the fried bag to his bowl. "It doesn't matter, then try this soup dumpling, it's just out of the pan."

"I don't like meat in the morning."

"That's a taste of this vegetable porridge, delicious and nutritious." Han Yu also pushed a vegetable porridge to the front of Yu Xiaotong.

Yu Xiaotong silently pushed open and continued to eat the porridge in his bowl. He didn't look at Han Han.

Han Yu’s heart was very hard. When he glanced at the newspaper on the table, he wanted to take the newspaper away, but he was held down by Xiao Xiao. “I haven’t finished reading it yet.”

"Don't read newspapers while eating, and this kind of newspaper reports some unhealthy gossip news, nothing to look at." Han Hao said with a good voice.

Yu Xiaotong kept the newspaper and refused to move. "Then I have to look at it. But there is a headline news of my husband. I don't think it is inappropriate."

Han Han heard that he really wanted to cry. He looked at the newspaper on the table and called a bite.

Yu Xiaotong is looking at the newspaper with relish. "Gossip news with small white porridge, tastes good." She came to a quiet.

Han Hao’s heart trembled, hehe laughed. “Xiao Xiao, you are still a pregnant woman now. It’s bad for you to eat white porridge, or you can still drink vegetable porridge.”

Yu Xiaoxiao smiled, but this smile is not a smile, "How can it be nutritious? My daughter's lace news is a small dish, I think the nutrition is very good."

Han Hao is going to cry. "I am wrong, I will not let people have a chance to take me for speculation in the future."

Things have to start from a few days ago. Since Yu Xiaolan announced the news of her pregnancy, she was completely at home and did not take any work. She went out a few days ago and was photographed by her paparazzi because she was pregnant. The body is blessed, and it can be said that it was two people before, and some of the actresses who once dissatisfied with Xiao Xiao said some words.

This is nothing. After all, she has been accustomed to her, she has been used to it, but this time Han Han was accidentally photographed with a popular joke, and then the news that Yu Xiaotong was abandoned. Spread throughout the entertainment circle.

Yu Xiaotong originally didn't know. The result was received by Gu Kai. He explained that Han Hao was with him that day. The two of them met the actress. The result was not taken because of the photo angle. Then it made a noise.

In this regard, Yu Xiaolan did not pay attention to it, and stayed in the entertainment circle for a long time. This situation has been seen much more. More importantly, Han Han told her how she looks in her eyes and does not believe in Han Wei.

So when Han Han went home and wanted to explain, Yu Xiaotong showed his attitude and didn't care.

If the matter is over, it will be fine. The actress doesn't know whether it is intentional or it is really a coincidence. After a few days, I can always have an encounter with Han Wei, and then the paparazzi can be photographed so easily. It’s a coincidence that it’s a coincidence, and it’s a coincidence that the number of times is a coincidence. So in the past few days, the entire entertainment industry has been saying that Han Han’s derailment, Yu Xiaotong’s being abandoned.

Han Wei is also very hard. When I go there in the past few days, I can meet a woman who is not a ghost. It is just a **** disease. The news is now the result of his suppression. If he does not interfere, it is estimated. Now the paparazzi has come to his home.

Is Yu Xiaoying angry? It must be angry. She is not angry with the newspaper saying that she was abandoned, but Don Mina.

Yes, these days, the actress who frequently evoked an affair with Han Wei was Tang Mina who was found to have lost her qualifications after she was found in the sea.

She was not seen by the Holy Ghost, but she accidentally caught up with the rival company of Shengyi. She did not know what method she used. The other company took her, even if she did not have acting skills, she also became a flow of flowers. .

Tang Mina also specially called her yesterday, and there was nothing to show off in the words.

Yu Xiaoying sneered, and wanted to tell her that her so-called man who had been empathetic was lying in her bed in Xiaoyu's bed.

"Xiao Wei, don't be angry, I will solve this woman immediately." Han Yu promised.

Yu Xiaotong shot the newspaper on the table. "Without you, this time I will come by myself, and you will show me while you are there."

Han Yuyi, such a domineering Yu Xiaotong is the first time to see, but the feeling of being protected by his wife seems to be good.

Yu Xiaotong quickly finished eating breakfast, and did not touch the breakfast that Han Han bought. Although she believed that Han Han, but always made such news, Yu Xiaotong was not angry with him. It is very necessary to punish Han Han.

After eating the breakfast, Yu Xiaolan immediately picked up the mobile phone and opened Weibo. Then he sent a status message. Thank you for your concern in the past few days. I am very good with Han Hao, and for those false reports before, everyone Just look at it, I also advise some people to say that instead of being swayed by people, it’s better to exercise their acting skills. Also, don’t send my husband some embarrassing news and pictures, otherwise I will You are welcome.

And directly Aite has Don Mina.

Well, this microblogging frying pan, and Yu Xiaotong, the initiator of the starter, turned off after the microblogging, and then lying on the sofa watching the TV series.

Tang Mina was out of the special singer by Xiao Xiao, and she was so angry that if it wasn’t the case, she would have to worry about it, but she didn’t wait for her to think about how to fight back. Han Hao responded on Weibo. My wife has worked hard. The picture is a photo of his kiss on Xiao Xiao’s belly.

The photo was taken at home. Yu Xiaotong wore a home service, plain, bloated, lying on a lounge chair and sunbathing with her eyes closed. Han Han was kneeling beside her, kissing her belly and feeling tender.

There is no explanation for the current news, but it is more confusing than the explanation.

Then, the official Weibo of Shengyi also responded, giving the full version of the photos taken in the newspapers these days. Every time Han Han’s side is surrounded by someone, and that person is not Don Mina, Even the so-called restaurant private meeting is also Han Han and the customer to eat, Tang Mina stepped forward.

The entertainment circle is a place where the water depth is not bottoming. Any wind and grass movement can make people write a world war, not to mention the tearing of Yu Xiaolan and Tang Mina Ming.

Tang Mina was half-dead by Xiao Xiao, but it was originally that she took Han Han’s rumors. The two had no actual relationship, and even if she wanted to come up with any favorable evidence, she could not get it.

"Clear, you said it is very funny." Yu Xiaotong lay on the sofa of Shen Qing's house, laughing and leaning forward.

Shen Qingyi looked at her helplessly. "You are a little bit sloppy, don't fall."

Yu Xiaotong, "The tiger is not angry. She is Donkel when I am hellokitty. I didn't care about her before. This time I took my man and sneaked a sneak peek and saw how I dealt with her."

"How do you want to deal with her?" Shen Qingyi is also somewhat curious.

"This can't tell you for the time being, you just look at it. I want to let Tang Mina know that I am not a soft buns, who can pinch it, and who wants to watch the hot and busy eggs, don't Three days and two look forward to my abandonment, it is simply annoying." Yu Xiaotong said here, but also by the entertainment circle of these things.

"You can give things to Han Han to do." Shen Qing faintly opened his mouth.

"Then I can't hide behind him every time I encounter something. I want to be as strong as you, to be a woman who can stand side by side with Han Han, not like a squid, only Climbing and asking." Yu Xiaoying looked serious.

Shen Qingyi looked at her and smiled. "Xiao Xiao, you have grown up and matured."

"Oh, of course, I am a person who wants to be a mother. It must be grown up." Yu Xiaoxiao laughed.

"Isn't the anger of Han Han this time?"

"Life, why not live, this dead man, even people have been photographed so many times, I suspect that he is not intentional, I have ignored him in these two days, I have to be cold, let him seriously Really reflect on myself." Yu Xiaotong said that there is something wrong, but Shen Qingyi sees from her eyes that she is actually not really angry at all.

Slightly smiled, "You are a pregnant woman now, angry is not good for your child."

Yu Xiaotong patted his round belly and sighed. "I am depressed when I talk about this child. I can tell you how the difference between people and people can be so big. You are pregnant only fat belly, I am pregnant, the whole person is fat. It became a ball. I still eat it according to the recipes set by the dietitian. If I let me eat it by myself, I can't even walk now." She cried a face, as a female actress. There are very strict requirements for my body. Every time Linda sees her, she sees her eyes very strange. Yu Xiaotong always feels that she is behind her, and of course she knows that she will come back after her birth. Linda The sister will destroy her.

Shen Qingyi comforted her. "The physique of people and people is different. You are now fat. When you give birth to a child, you will lose weight quickly."

"Hey, I hope so. I remember that there was a female actress in the circle. I have been giving birth to children for more than a year. I have used all kinds of methods to lose weight. Even resources have been affected. I’m so sad.”

The entertainment circle is a particularly realistic place. Although Yu Xiaotong has not experienced the unspoken rules, it does not mean that she has not seen her. She can maintain her current heart. In addition to sticking to her own heart, it is also the result of Han Yu’s protection. .

Seeing more, Yu Xiaoying is even more grateful to Han Yu. This man really stood in front of her and kept her from catching the wind. It is because of this that she has to let herself grow up, otherwise she will stand alone. Long before, if it will be tired.

When Yu Xiaotong came, Han Yu could not follow, but Yu Xiaoyu wanted to talk to Shen Qingyi alone. Han Hao, who had nothing to do, went to see Fu’s father and chatted. When he went up, Shen’s father was working. Father Fu is playing chess.

"Shen Grandpa, Grandpa Fu, the two of you have a good day. This is not bad." Han Wei said with a smile.

"It’s Han Hao’s coming, come in quickly, I haven’t seen you for a while, how come you think of it today?” Father Fu asked with a smile. Whenever Han Han came, Fu Hengyi was basically at home.

"Xiao Xiao wants to find a little voice to talk, I will send her over." Han Hao looked for the chair sitting next to the two fathers, watching the two play chess, "two grandfather, you continue."

"Then you will see, you can't talk." Shen said.

"Yes. I promise to be a gentleman." Han Wei promised.

"Han Wei, Xiao Xiao is born soon?" Father Fu asked his beard and looked at the chessboard while asking.

"Not yet, it’s only been more than six months now, and it will be born in March."

"Is gender determined?" Shen said.

"I haven't even asked a doctor about Xiaolan. Whether it's a boy or a girl, it's the same. If we love, we don't ask."

"Well, this is also good, there is no female elder in your family. If there is anything you don't understand, you can call Fu Aunt or Shen Ayi, don't be polite with them." Father Fu said.

"Haha, Grandpa Fu, you can rest assured, I don't know you, I haven't been polite with you. Now there are aunts and dietitians at home. There is no problem for the time being, and I have already contacted the Yuezi Center, waiting for Xiaoshengsheng. I lived directly in, and the professional Yuelu to take care of the children and her, I believe there will be nothing."

"If you have arranged it, Xiaoxiao is a young man, and he is the first child. You must take care of it. Don't let her suffer wrong." Shen Laozi, Yu Xiaotong is a good friend of his granddaughter and lost. Parents, it is inevitable that people feel bad.

"Shen Grandpa, I am now giving her the Queen, and I dare to let her be wronged." Han Yu shouted.

"What is the news in the newspaper?" Shen’s father looked down.

"Shen Grandpa, you still watch entertainment news." Han Han accident.

"You have less of me to open the topic. You have already gotten married with Xiaolan. You have to collect all the flowers and plants outside." Shen’s father only thought that it was Han’s old mistake.

Han Hao really felt embarrassed this time. "Shen Grandpa, this is not really a relationship with me. I was used by people. People take me hype."

Father Shen looked at him fixedly, "Really?"

"It’s true than pearls, Grandpa Shen, I don’t know you yet? Although I used to be a bit of a heart, I never lie.”

"Okay, your kid said that there are still few lie, but since it is a false report, I will eliminate the effect early. Xiaoxiao’s child is watching and looking at it, but you can’t ignore her feelings, girl. And give you a pregnant baby, you have to hurt."

"Shen Grandpa, I think you have changed." Han Yu looked at the grievances of the old man's face, Shen's father did not understand.

"You used to help me before, but now you are helping me, is it because Xiaoxiao is the girlfriend of Xiaozizi, so you are biased towards her?"

Father Shen was teased by Han Wei. "How old are you still jealous with your wife? Is it like?"

Han Hao is serious, "It is quite a disappointment." After laughing, he laughed.

Knowing that the young couple had nothing to do, Shen’s father was relieved. The two children’s days were not good, it made people feel distressed, and they finally settled down. With a home, Shen’s father did not want to have a good home.

Han Yu’s concern for Shen’s father is very useful. The elders in his family are better than nothing. The care of the elders like the old man has not been experienced for a long time.

------Off topic ------

As for Qin Lan, there are still a few pendulums that have not been written, so she will not die so fast. Now she just wants her to die, and it’s too painful to die. Isn’t it cheaper for her?

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