Eden nodded. "I will also use the resources I have in my hands to find someone. Dougs, I will give you the information of Peter. The resources in your hands will also be used. The sooner I find him, the better. Knowing the source of the virus, even its original form, is also more useful for the study of antidote."

In the past few days, he has observed the virus and found that it is more stubborn than the one found in the Qin dynasty. It is an upgraded version of the virus. If he did not guess wrong, it should be that Qin Hao directly injected his blood into the body. In the body of Xi Xi, who once thought that the virus was mutated in the body of Qin dynasty, this made Yan Xi so long after nothing.

The facts are indeed similar to what Eden guessed. After the steward rescued Qin Lan, the antidote to the virus that Eden studied was also taken away. At that time, they organized a medical researcher to save the Qin dynasty. Studying the virus, there are naturally samples in the hand. The housekeeper originally intended to destroy the drug after taking the drug, but Qin Hao wants to treat his person with his own way, so that the housekeeper will solve the drug. To those medical researchers, the new virus came out.

After Yan Xi fell into the hands of Qin Yu, in order to retaliate, Qin Lan injected this mutated virus into Yan Xi's body. According to her original plan, she wanted to wait for Shen Qing to come and use Yan Xiwei. If you want to let her inject the virus into the body, who knows that Yan Xi was saved quietly by Shen Qingyu, and lost a good opportunity.

As a result, Yin was wrong, and Yan Xi bite Shen Qing's bite, causing wound bleeding and infection of the virus.

When Fu Hengyi returned to the ward, An An was in the arms of Shen Qingyi. In the hands of Shen Qingyi, he took a story book and gave him a story. Anan saw his father. He just screamed and continued quietly. Sitting.

Fu Hengyi stepped forward to Anan, "An Anzhen, my mother tired, play with myself." Then put the story book in the hands of Shen Qingyi aside, since confirming the existence of this virus, Fu Hengyi will bring An An every day. Go to the hospital for a while and accompany Shen Qingyi.

"Fu Hengyi, I am fine, just telling a story, I insist on living." Shen Qingyi said, this morning, Eden used her inhibitors, and her state has recovered a lot.

Fu Hengyi snorted, "You need a full rest, and telling stories is too energy-intensive."

When An An was stopped by his father and didn't cry, he sat on the side and took Shen Qing's hand and refused to let go. Fu Hengyi did not stop him.

There is An An here, Shen Qingyi did not ask Fu Hengyi test results, but from Fu Hengyi's look she can also see some clues, the mood suddenly heavy.

In the evening, Chu Yunrong came over to pick up An An to go home, and by the way, Fu Hengyi and Shen Qingyi's dinner was sent over.

"Qing, today, my mother asked Song Song to make chicken porridge, how much you eat." Knowing that Shen Qing's appetite is not good, Chu Yunrong advised.

Shen Qingyi nodded, "Good."

Chu Yunrong was delighted, and quickly rushed the porridge and tried the temperature again. "It's not very hot. It's just right to eat. This bowl of porridge has been stewed for a long time, very embarrassing."

Shen Qingyi tasted a bite and the taste was really good. "Thank you mom, it's delicious."

"If you are delicious, you should eat more. Mom brought a lot." Chu Yunrong will give him the meal brought by Fu Hengyi, and then he will give Anan a small bowl of porridge and feed Anan first.

"Mom, have you eaten?" Fu Hengyi asked.

"Mom has eaten, you don't have to worry about me, I will eat it first." Chu Yunrong replied casually. This afternoon, she has been cooking this pot of porridge in the kitchen and Song Yu. When the time is up, I come to the hospital. Where is the time? eat.

Shen Qingyi knows well, even if his appetite is not good, he does not want to eat, but he also resists eating this bowl of porridge.

"Clear, eat a little more." Chu Yunrong saw Shen Qingyi finished eating, said.

"Mom, I am full." This is a strong support for eating, she really does not want to eat.

"Well, don't want to eat, even if you want to eat anything tomorrow, tell your mother, Mom let Song Hao do it for you."

Shen Qingyi wanted to say that he didn't want to eat, but looked at the eyes that Chu Yunrong looked forward to, thinking about it, "vegetable porridge, lighter."

"Well, eat vegetable porridge tomorrow, Hengyi?"

"Well, I am not picky eaters, just mom, now the weather is so cold, you don't want to toss back and forth, let the driver at home send it." Fu Hengyi said.

Chu Yunrong waved his hand. "No trouble, I have nothing to do at home all day, I can still think about it, come to the hospital to see Qing, and my heart is a little easier." Since Shen Qingyi was hospitalized, she has not slept. I feel that as soon as I close my eyes, I will dream that Shen Qing will not wake up until I sleep.

Woke up every day, it’s all cold sweat. I even started to lose a lot of hair in the past few days, but she didn’t say anything about these things. Now, because of Shen Qing’s things at home, it’s already in a state of low pressure. Shen’s father So I was sick, I couldn’t get up in bed, and I didn’t dare to tell Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi.

Chu Yunrong saw Shen Qingying’s face with a tired color and said to Anan, “An An, go home with my grandmother?”

Anan shook his head and took Shen Qing’s hand. "Don't go home, I want my mother."

Chu Yunrong said, "Mom is sleepy, I have to rest, and my grandmother will bring you tomorrow."

An An looked at Fu Hengyi and wanted Dad to help himself, but Fu Hengyi did not help him at all. Instead, he said, "An An, you should go home with your grandmother."

Ann looked at Shen Qingyi reluctantly, and finally released his mother's hand and left the hospital one step at a time.

There were no other people in the ward, and the smile on Shen Qing’s face gradually disappeared. Looking at Fu Hengyi, “Is there a virus in Yan Xi’s body?”

Fu Hengyi did not deny, "Yes, your virus is from her body, it should be the one she bite you."

"Have she broke out?"

"She has something different from yours. Eden said that her discovery was early, and your discovery was in the middle."

"It is also a fortunate misfortune." Shen Qing said faintly. She leaned on the bed and looked out the window. "Fu Hengyi, you said that I can recover?"

Fu Hengyi hugged her. "Of course, Eden has studied the antidote of that virus. Now this virus is just a variation of it. It is certainly ok, but it is clear, before Eden researches the antidote, no matter what. You must stick to it and never give up."

Shen Qingyi nodded gently. "Well, for you and Anan, I will definitely not give up."

Fu Hengyi used a lot of resources that he could use to find Peter, but Peter really seemed to be a human being, and he couldn’t find a trace of life and death. Later, Jin Enxi knew Shen Qing’s condition and joined the ranks of Peter. However, there is no news.

Time passed by, and it’s been a week. Peter still has no trace. Fu Hengyi’s face is ugly day by day. Eden’s mood is heavy every day. Finally, he shut himself down in the lab, except to come out every day. In the case of Shen Qingyi, almost all of his time was spent on researching viral antidote.

Shen Laozi and Fu Laozi know that Shen Qingyi is infected with a very rare unknown virus. He wants the top leader to apply and ask the superiors to let the people in the national laboratory help to study the virus together.

The two elderly people with outstanding military strength made a request together, and the superior leaders also had to pay attention to them. They personally called the person in charge of the research room and arranged for personnel to study with Eden.

With the addition of these people, the research process is much faster, but the faster than this is the deterioration rate of Shen Qingyu's condition. Because of the action of the inhibitor, Shen Qingyi's situation is well controlled, but this is The resistance of the virus is very strong, and the effect of the inhibitor is getting smaller and smaller. Shenden is worried that increasing the amount of the inhibitor will strengthen the resistance of the virus and produce new mutations.澜 Weak day by day, but the time spent in the lab is getting longer every day, and the high fever that Shen Qingyi has already controlled has also appeared repeatedly.

"Fu Hengyi, the moon tonight is really beautiful." Shen Qingyi leaned in Fu Hengyi's arms and looked out the window.

Fu Hengyi hugged her tightly. Hearing, "Today is the Lunar New Year, the moon is very round."

“Fu Hengyi, have we known for three years?”

"Exactly it is three years and four months." Fu Hengyi Wen Sheng opened.

"Time flies so fast. I didn't expect it to be three years in a blink of an eye. At that time, my grandmother was sick and always worried about my happiness. I thought that I couldn't let the elderly leave. I didn't feel at ease. Then you appeared. I have fortunately for many times. I made that decision, but now I look at my appearance, I suddenly regretted letting you meet me." She spoke slowly and was powerless.

Fu Hengyi gently posted her cheek. "I have been glad that I met you at the time and promised to marry you. Qingyi, I saw a word on the Internet, but I feel particularly emotional, but now I feel Very apt."


"Because of you, I like this world. Clear, before I met you, there was only black and white in my world. I will defend the motherland as my lifelong mission. I even thought maybe I will sacrifice in a certain action. In, like my father, I am ready to sacrifice at any time, but I met you, I first knew that the world, except black and white, has other colors, the first time I understand, The feeling of being alone is not so good. The mood of someone who makes you love is so beautiful.” Fu Hengyi’s voice is gentle and low.

"But Fu Hengyi, I am afraid." She can clearly feel the weakening of her body, and the research in Eden has no clue. What if she can't hold it? What should Fu Hengyi do? What should Anan do? What should Grandpa do?

She only discovered that she still has so many concerns in this world. She has so many, she is no longer the charm of nothing. She is Shen Qingyi, the wife of Fu Hengyi, the mother of Anan, Shen Daughter of the family.

"Not afraid, there is me, I will stay with you wherever you go."

"No, Fu Hengyi, you promise me, if it is, in case I can't hold it at that time, please be sure to live for me, take care of Anan, take care of the two grandfathers, and my parents." Shen Qingyi's hand Covered in the hands of Fu Hengyi, seriously said.

Fu Hengyi’s heart is very stuffy, it hurts, he blinks, and does not let the sourness of his heart overflow from his eyes. “Clear, without you, I can’t keep going.”

"Fu Hengyi, do you love me?"

"I love you."

"That promise me." I am selfish, leaving all the pain to you.

"Good." Fu Hengyi buried his head in the hair of Shen Qingyu, slowly opening, a tear fell in the hair of Shen Qingyu, disappeared instantly.

"Fu Hengyi, I want to see someone."


"Su Qing, can you help me find her?"

"Well, what else do you want to do, tell me."

"I want to go to see a movie with you, watch a few movies with you, no one is finished reading, this time we go to see a complete movie?"

"it is good."

"I still want to go to your school to see."

"it is good."

"Your school should have that kind of snack street, you take me to the one you used to like."

"it is good."

"Fu Hengyi, if I have a next life, I want to be as big as you, go to school with you, go to school together, it is best to go to school from kindergarten to university. I want to walk with you on campus like a normal couple."

"Okay, it depends on you."

"Fu Hengyi, will you pet me like this in your next life?"

"Yes, not only for the rest of my life, but for the rest of my life, I will still spoil you like this."

"Don't be afraid to spoil me?"

"It’s okay to spoil. My wife, if spoiled, no other man will remember it."

"Suddenly I found you black."

"So are you afraid?"

"I am not afraid, Fu Hengyi, I will be the daughter of an ordinary family in my next life. We will be a pair of ordinary people, and we will live a life for a long time, okay?

"Good. We don't have to spend the rest of our lives. We still have a long and long time in this life."

"This life... I don't seem to be too late."

"No, it's still too late."

Shen Qing’s voice is getting lighter and lighter, closing his eyes.

Fu Hengyi hugged her and shivered her shoulders.


Fu Hengyi gave Shen Qingyi a good quilt and walked out of the ward to call Jin Enxi. "Is there a way to find Su Qing?" When the phone was first connected, he said straight to the door.

Jin Enxi said, "Su Qing's whereabouts are uncertain. I can't guarantee that I will find her, but I will try my best."

"Come on you, Qingyi wants to see Su Qing, please as soon as possible." Fu Hengyi pleaded.

"Well, I will try my best to find Su Qing, Fu Ye, Peter. I am very sorry." She had been looking for Peter for so long, there was no news at all.

Fu Hengyi said, "This is not your fault. You don't have to feel sorry. It should be that I thank you, so I spare no effort to help clean up."


Early the next morning, Fu Hengyi helped Shen Qingyi change her clothes and took her away. Today he wants to bring Shen Qingying to do what she wants. Their first stop came to the primary school that Fu Hengyi once attended.

"If I didn't leave home, would I come to school and become your school girl?" Shen Qingyi was in a wheelchair and whispered to Fu Hengyi behind him.

Fu Hengyi nodded. "This is the military primary school. The children in the compound are basically going to school here, and your brother is also."

"Would you be naughty?"

"Well, for example, when your brother was a child, he often went to class to sleep, and he also licked the girl's little sister-in-law. He was not asked by the teacher to be a parent. Every time he came to your mother, after returning, your grandfather would take him with a whip and smoke him. The yard was running around and screaming."

Shen Qingyi listened to the funny things of her brother's childhood, her eyes were full of smiles, and she could even imagine such a picture in her mind. "It is hard to imagine that my gentleman, such a gentleman, was like that when he was a child."

"Jun Hao was gradually matured later." In fact, after Shen Qingyi was lost, the naughty Shen Junyi suddenly grew up and became the child of other people in the eyes of the parents.

"Where are you, naughty like him when he was a child?" Shen Qingyi is even more curious when Fu Hengyi was a child.

"I was not so naughty when I was young. According to the young people now, I am taking a cold route from a young age." Fu Hengyi said a seriousness.

Shen Qingyi didn't believe it, "Is it? I told my aunt before that when you were a child, you were beaten by your grandfather because of naughty."

"That was the aunt's mistake. The person who was beaten was Gu Yang, not me."

Shen Qing, Charles, Fu Hengyi, this cup of serious sophistry is also very cute, inexplicably poked her cute point.

Today is the weekend, the school is empty, no one.

"Fu Hengyi, what kind of mood did you go to school when you were a child? It would be like the TV stage, with the classmates, do you have a class break?" Shen Qingyi curiously asked, in her life, in addition to the university, other stages of study It is spent in training and tasks, and going to school is a very distant thing for her.

Fu Hengyi thought for a moment, "I was awkward when I was a child. I was in class when I was in class. I might have a fight, but I can’t remember."

"It’s good, this kind of campus time is very beautiful. After that, Anan will go to school here. If Anan makes a mistake after being a parent, you must not criticize him in the face of everyone. How do you educate me in private, but when You must respect him in the face of an outsider, do you know?"

"An, after Ann was called the parents to go, I am afraid I can't help it."

"Fu Hengyi, I am afraid I can't go." Shen Qing's voice suddenly went down, Fu Hengyi stopped and looked down at her eyes. "No, you will help Anan to open a parent meeting, other children." I will envy An An, because he has such a beautiful mother."

Shen Qing’s mouth is lightly hooked. "More than that, he still has a handsome father."

Fu Hengyi smiled and nodded, helping Shen Qingyi sort out the hat. "The weather is too cold, let's go."

The second stop was a movie theater. Fu Hengyi chose a love literature film. This time, they saw the tail from the beginning and did not leave the scene. From the movie, Shen Qingyi fell asleep in the car.

Fu Hengyi looked at her quiet sleep, but her eyes were full of sorrow. Shen Qingyi was awake today for an hour less than yesterday.

The news of finding Su Qing was that after three days, Fu Hengyi personally contacted Su Qing and said the situation of Shen Qingyi. "She wants to see you, if possible, please come over and see her."

The end of the phone was in a long silence, and when Fu Hengyi was about to give up, Su Qing spoke up. "Well, I will arrive tomorrow."

Shen Qingyi looked at Fu Hengyi and Fu Hengyi nodded. "She explained that the day will come to see you.

Shen Qingyan flashed a glimmer of light on his eyes, and a smile of joy was raised at the corner of his mouth.


In the Middle East, Su Qing hangs up and plans to leave. The man pulls Su Qing, "Su Qing, what are you doing?"

Su Qing faintly said, "I will not do this task. I am going now."

"No, you have to finish this before you can go, Su Qing, do you know what the consequences will be if you are gone now?"

Su Qing opened the man's hand. "I will bear the consequences of everything. You can tell the boss that the failure of the mission is my fault. Push all the responsibilities to me. He will not punish you."

"No, Su Qing, you will be killed. Let me finish this task with me. We will get the information right away. Can you do it after you do it?"

"This matter has not been discussed. I have to go now. You know, if I want to go, you can't stop me."

"Yes, I can't stop you, but Su Qing, this task is very important to the boss. If it fails, do you know what you are facing?" The man is bitter, he is also an old partner with Su Qing, do not want Su If you do this, if you usually do it, according to Su Qing’s ability, even if you give up a task, the boss will not be like it, but if the task is wrong, he and Su Qing don’t think too much.

"He won't kill me." Su Qing faintly said, as long as he does not die, what is fearful.

"Su Qing, the boss will not kill you, but this consequence is more terrible than death. I don't understand, what is so important, even let you be willing to give up the task to be completed?"

"A person who is more important than my life, I have to go see her."

The man watched Su Qing leave, and he was so angry that he was a mysterious woman who could never see through.

When Shen Qing arrived at the hospital, Shen Qingyi was still not awake. She was shocked when she saw Shen Qingyi’s appearance.

"I haven't researched the antidote yet?" Su Qing asked Fu Hengyi.

Fu Hengyi shook his head. "Eden has tried his best. There has been a little progress in these two days, but the solution has not yet been studied."

No one would have thought that Qin Hao had left this hand. Perhaps even Qin Qi himself had not thought that the plan that had been thought to have failed had succeeded because of Yan Xi’s erroneous mistake.

"Can I stay with her alone for a while?" Su Qing asked.

Fu Hengyi nodded and turned away from the ward.

Su Qing sat down at the bed and quietly looked at Shen Qing’s face. It’s been half a year since she met last time. She was originally prepared to stop seeing Shen Qing’s life in this life. Who ever thought, In just a few months, they met again, still in such a situation.

Looking at Shen Qing’s thinness, Su Qing’s heart was distressed or distressed. Her hand gently fell on Shen Qing’s cheek. “Small seven, I am coming.”

Shen Qingyi was closed, still sleeping, feeling the temperature of Shen Qing's forehead. Su Qing got up and went to the bathroom and screwed a towel. Just placed on Shen Qing's forehead, Shen Qingyi opened his eyes.

"You are coming." Shen Qingyi opened his mouth and his voice was weak.

Su Qing smiled. "Yes, I am coming."

"that's nice."

"I didn't expect you to be sick."

"Maybe die."

"No, Qin Lan can survive, you can certainly."

"I want to see you, I want to ask you one thing."

Su Qing nodded. "I know what you want to know, clear, is that important?"

"It's very important to me, so can you tell me the truth now?"

"Clear, I am not." Su Qing said in a word, "I am Su Qing."

Shen Qing’s eyes flashed a sigh of relief, and suddenly he smiled. “Want to know my story with Qin Mu?”

Su Qing slightly licked his lips and slowly nodded, "If you are willing to say."

"Can you help me? I want to see the snow outside the window."

Su Qing took a wheelchair and took Shen Qingyu to the wheelchair and pushed it to the window.

Shen Qingyu looked at the white snow outside the window and whispered. "When I met Qin Mu, I was only five years old. She was a few days before me. In that group, she was the first to pass to me." Good-hearted people, we eat together, sleep together, train together, and when those people hit me, she will protect me in my arms and admit the punishment that I should have given me."

"We have experienced many life and death experiences. Every time she helped me to solve the enemy and rescued me. She said that there are many people in the world who can't see the dirty. She doesn't know how long she can protect me. I hope that when she still has the ability, I can keep my one clean. So when other people are already hand-dyed, my hands are still clean."

"I once doubted the meaning of survival. I even want to die in the past, but every time, when I feel desperate, Qin Mu will tell me that the world is dirty, but more is beautiful, my family is waiting. I will go back. If I give up, I will not see my family in this life. If I live, I will have hope. If I die, I will have nothing."

"Just like this, accompanied by me, Qin Mu, who accompanied me through the most difficult days, left me in a training. In order to save me, she helped me block the knife. I saw the dagger through her. The chest cut through her heart, and blood opened a flower of evil in front of my eyes, and she smiled and told me to live and go home. She once told me that she has the greatest wish in her life. It’s going home, going back to my loved ones, but the irony is that the person who sent her to **** is her biological mother.”

"I buried her there, and then returned to the Shen family with her hopes, and returned to the Miss Shen family. I am Shen Qingyi, no longer the child struggling in the abyss."

"I have dreamt of her many times, dreaming that she wants to go home, I also thought that it was not to save me, whether she had found her family. I think she is alive, but she knows that this is just a dream. Until I met you."

"Seeing your first sight, you will give me an inexplicable sense of familiarity. I always think that you are her. I even went to the rainforest, went to the place where I buried her, and dug her bones. Come out and bring her back to Beijing."

Shen Qing’s voice is very light, very weak, but very calm, just like telling a story of another person. Su Qing’s hand trembles slightly, and no one sees it in his sleeve. "


"Su Qing, or, I should call you Qin Mu. Mu Mu sister, you still refuse to admit it? Xiao Qi, the name, except Alan, only you will call me."

Su Qing’s eyes widened. "You..."

"Yes, when I entered the room and talked to Fu Hengyi, I actually woke up. I am glad that I woke up. Otherwise, do you still want to continue to deny?"

Su Qing was fixedly watching Shen Qingyu, and for a long time, he slowly sighed. "Small seven, why are you, is it a bad thing in the past?"

Shen Qing’s tears fell instantly. Su Qing raised her hand and gently wiped her tears. "Don’t cry, it’s all child mom, how do you cry instead?" The voice is soft and tender.

Shen Qingyi took Su Qing’s hand, "Why don't you come to me?"

Su Qing sighed, "Small seven, you already have your own life, let Qin Mu always exist in your memory."

"Is it not because I am sick this time, are you still not acknowledging?"

Su Qing is silent, the answer is obvious. If she can, she hopes that Shen Qing will not know for a lifetime.

"Can you tell me what is going on?" Shen Qingyi wanted to know what happened in the past. Qin Muming was already dead, and even died in front of her. Why is she standing alive now? In front of, if it is not the "small seven", if it is not some small movements that Su Qing does not care, Shen Qingyi may not believe that this person is Qin Mu.

"Small seven, those things in the past will not be mentioned anymore. I am Su Qing now, and I can only be Su Qing in the future." Su Qing said that the past was a past event she did not want to mention. If she could, she did not want to. Lift it again.

Shen Qingyi saw that she really didn't want to say it, and she was no longer reluctant. Presumably there was still some unseen past, and that the past incident was not a good memory for Su Qing.

"How come you will be with Qin Lan?" Shen Qingyi asked, knowing the beginning of Su Qing, Su Qing is the master of Qin Yu, doing things for Qin.

Su Qing’s eyes are dim. “I was seriously injured in a mission. It was Qin Zhen who saved me. I promised her that she would help her do ten things in return.”

"In fact, you always know that you were sent to the base by her, right?"

"Yes." Su Qing admitted.

Shen Qing’s heart hurts, Su Qing sees it, smiles. “Those are gone. I am very good now. Qin Hao once gave it to me. I have already repaid her. In this life, we have two grievances, two Not owing..

"Small seven, listen to me, you must hold on, you can never give up, even for your family, your husband and children, have been so hard to insist on, and now these are for you. What?"

Shen Qingxiao smiled, "Mu Mu sister, I will stick to it, you will accompany me this time, right?"

"Yes, I will stay with you." Until you recover.

Shen Qingqi held Su Qing’s hand and gently put her face on her palm. “Mu Mujie, I can see you, it’s good.”

Su Qing touched Shen Qing’s hair, silent, Xiaoqiah, what should I do with you?

Su Qing’s identity was confirmed. Shen Qing’s mood was very happy, but this did not stop her from getting worse. Just after the third day after Su Qing arrived in Beijing, Shen Qingyi once again initiated a high fever, accompanied by a high fever. There are red spots on the body, those little red spots are like a lot of acne, but they are all over Shen Qing's body, not hurting, but it looks very scary.

Shen Qingyi has not allowed Anan to come to the hospital again. After Chu Yunrong came once, he was also rushed out by Shen Qingyi. Apart from Fu Hengyi and Su Qing, she would not let the patient into the ward.

Eden's research has reached its most critical time. He and other experts in the virus have discovered a strange substance in the virus, which seems to have met, but it still takes time to verify.

"Eden, please hurry up a little faster." Fu Hengyi looked sad and anxious. "Qingyi began to feel the pain in the face suddenly, and some little red dots have begun to break. All the blood is flowing, I am worried about her. ......" He can't say it anymore. This kind of thought is terrible. Even if he just thinks about it, it makes him feel so sad that he can't breathe.

Eden’s face was dignified. “Please keep it for a while, as long as it’s half a month.” After Iden went into the lab, Fu Hengyi looked at the closed laboratory door and the fist was very Tight, Peter could not be found, and Eden was his last hope.

Shen Qingyi’s face was covered with a scarf, sitting in a wheelchair and looking out the window, and Su Qing was with her. “Look, the sun is very good today.” She looked down on the grass downstairs. A few children are making snowmen, and there was a heavy snow last night, but it was sunny this morning.

"Yeah, they are very happy to play." Su Qing echoed.

"Sister Su Qing, have you seen my son Anan?" Shen Qingyi asked, the voice was intermittent, and she said it was very difficult. Su Qing is not willing to mention the past, Shen Qingyi also directly calls her current name.

"I have seen, very cute little dolls, eyes are very similar to your childhood."

"They all said this." Shen Qingyi's mouth faint smile, just thought of An An, the smile of her mouth gradually faded, "Su Qing sister, you said that when Anan grows up, will you remember me?"

Su Qing’s heart was like a knife. She looked straight at Shen Qing’s eyes. “Clear, you promised me, don’t give up.”

"I didn't give up, just Su Qing, I really feel that I haven't been able to stand for a long time." Shen Qing said faintly, his expression was calm. "Maybe I have used up my life's luck, so God has not wanted to let luck come." On my body."

"It doesn't matter, I will give you my luck. You can live with it when you see me. You will never have anything." Su Qing said with a smile.

------Off topic ------

Ok, Su Qing is Qin Mu.

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