The familiar breath was lingering at the tip of the nose, full of wetness and a strong **** taste, but there was no resistance, and the baby was put into the other's arms. With a large palm, skillfully patted his back with a soft tone.

"I am not afraid of picking up children, not afraid."

A woman with a warm smile and a scar on her face is unusually beautiful at this moment. She was never afraid, but when he appeared to save her, he was afraid. I am afraid of this fool, so I lost my life. The man who was violent and furious, when he saw the petite blind woman, the scarlet eyes began to become gentle. As if in an instant, I changed a person. The woman in her arms quietly seems to have forgotten everything.

There is still someone in the end, so I care about the broken self. The heart that was desperate and even dying suddenly had a kind of ** that wanted to be alive again. Only for the man holding his own, strong and powerful heartbeat. It is she who sees everything too far, will lose the courage to survive, and even give up everything. However, if a person is alive, there is hope, isn't it? Why didn't she understand such a simple truth, just immersed herself in grief and couldn't get out?

I hugged the warm body that gave me a warm, faint, pleasant sound.

"My brother is coming, I am not afraid."

Feeling in the arms of the mind tightened, picking up the sharp hearing but found someone close, low and close to the ear of the child, "someone!"

However, the man who was immersed in the recovery did not react in time, and a loud noise, behind him, was a knife with a wooden stick. Blood, dripping from the forehead of the nephew, is a sharp pain in the brain. Time seems to have stagnated at this moment.

With a bang, the tall man suddenly burst into a painful cry, a turn, between the electric and the flint, his hands went straight through the heart of the man with a knife! The stiff, wide-eyed, huge body slowly falls, and before the death, the eyes are full of incredible.

The "flutter" man standing on the ground, no longer able to support the man, lying in the mud. The blind-eyed woman, who was in a panic, fell down and stumbled down and groped for the man who passed out to the fainting, and finally couldn’t help but burst into tears.

Please do not have anything, only your me, really can not accept your departure. How can you, just gave me the courage to continue living, just leave me alone. I am not allowed, absolutely not allowed!

The dark sky is bigger under the rain. The sound of sly seems to be cleaning, which comes from the sin of the world. But why, but can not wash the sadness and helplessness in her heart?

Struggling to take a stunned man, she can no longer let him rain. But she couldn't see it. There was a boundless darkness in front of her. Where the town was, even if it was a small cave, she couldn't know. Once again, such deep despair, but the steps under the feet, but did not stop. Can not give up, even if you follow your own feelings, you must find a way out. No matter what, you can't give up.

How can a petite and weak body load a majestic body of a man. More than once, it fell to the ground, and the whole body was full of mud. Reluctantly biting his lip, but still holding the man behind him to his back, squatting forward. The loud rain, which interfered with her hearing, hit the trunk many times, on the boulder, or fell into the puddle. The traced face, I don’t know what else to do besides sweat, tears and blood.

The lips have started to bleed because of a strong bite. Her arms and body are bruised everywhere, and she has even begun to feel weak. I don't know how long it took, I don't know where it is going, the body has no feeling of rain, and the sound of rain outside makes her know that there is a place to shelter from the rain. Put down the man on his back and kneel down on the ground. A darkness in front of me, I fainted.

Woke up in a groggy way, the rain outside has stopped. The man struggling to get up, the man around him was still in a coma, but he gave a quick gasp. The heart is tight, the slender right hand covers the man's forehead, so hot! Sure enough, that rain, he had a fever. Groping gently on his body, the wound at the top of the head, the blood has dried up, but other wounds on the body, some places seem to have begun to purulent! If you don't heal as soon as possible, you may burn pneumonia or even lose your life!

But now, even if she is proficient in medical skills, she can't see anything, how to find medicine? It may be ok to bite your teeth, rely on the sense of smell or try it yourself. However, she was afraid that she would go out and could not find this place. Now, what should I do?

Suddenly there was a feeling of dying, and at this moment, it was so powerless and desperate. Just watching him die like this? No, she should not give up easily, and fate needs to be changed by herself. Sitting and waiting, there is no way to retreat. However, she did not believe that the cliff that fell so high did not die, and could it be so easy to give up because of such a small difficulty?

The palm of your hand touched a long vine, and the faint little face suddenly smiled. Yeah, she can do this, so she doesn't have to worry about finding a way back. Get up, tear off the vines around, there is no stopping sound, let the children know that this vine is very long and long. Although I don't know if I can support myself to find the medicine, it is better than nothing.

Attach one end of the vine to the comatose man, and hold the other end. I groped for a slender stick from the ground and used it as a walking stick in my hand. Believe in yourself, you will find it! Strengthened the belief in the heart, a petite figure, walking in the mountains. A weak woman, from time to time, squats down, touches the grass on the ground, sniffs, or puts it in her mouth to chew. Occasionally I frown, spit out the contents of my mouth, and then walk on a wooden stick.

The darkness, the infinite darkness, the little child, dressed in thin, shivered in the corner. In the ear, it’s strange men and women who are low-lying and weird. Crazy laughter, distorted men and women, hateful eyes, pain! Go deep into the bone marrow, hate, rooted in the heart! Want to be desperate to destroy, from now on, never lower your head! I want something, even if it is unscrupulous, you must also get it! Otherwise, jade will be burned, and there will be no fake hands!

Such desperate hatred, such overbearing possession, suffocating pain and madness, snoring, men struggling to wake up from the nightmare, a clean face, is sweating. The memories that are unwilling to think of, like the floods that broke the gates, rushed into the mind. Open your eyes again, it is clear. There is no more chaos and stupidity, a handsome and calm face, and an obsidian-like eyelid is a shining light.

After touching the painful brain, the **** untouchables actually dared to hurt him. The wound has been bandaged, bowed his head, and tired of sleeping next to him, is a petite woman. Scars all over the face, ruining her face, long lashes drooping, reflecting a shadow, looking very tired and embarrassing. The woman was ragged, muddy, the original white arms and other exposed parts of the skin, all of which were bruised and purple. On the woman's hand, there is a pile of herbs, and her original pink lips are not only bloodshot, but also some cyan juice, and herbs that are not completely broken.

I felt a pain in my heart, looked at the wounds that had been wrapped around me, and then looked at the tattered clothes on the woman and the hands that were almost rotted. The eagle-like eyes crossed a trace of distress, and took her hands covered with blood and sludge. So the soft hands were for him, lost his luster?

There has never been such a strong emotion, distressed and moved to blame, there is a full, warm airflow that fills the entire chest. On the woman's body, there is a long vine, and the other end is on his waist. A blind woman, how can she find so many correct herbs; why not worry about finding the wrong way; now, how can he stop the sharp heartbeat and strong emotions in his heart? There has never been a person who will do this for him, so desperate, just to save his life. The woman in front of me is weak, disabled, and scarred, but why, he will think that she is the most beautiful person in the world.

Not forgotten, stupid self, desperate for all women who want to protect. Although I don't understand why, the woman who has been silent and ruined her face will attract him and let him care. Perhaps they are all the same, it seems that they all have their own. The same desperate loneliness, even if he lost his memory, still wants to be close. And this woman did not let him down. She is also using her life and wants to save him. Such a broken woman, this is so, let him feel pity.

Bow down, gently print a kiss on the bloodless lips. From now on, I will protect you and give you the best of everything.

I tried the internal force of the whole body. He lost his memory. He only knew that his body was very light, but he forgot how to use it. Otherwise, they will not fall into such a situation. The **** mother and daughter, fortunately, they are dead, otherwise, he will make them die like death! Repress the sudden anger in the heart, get up, and untie the parcel that has been carrying on his back. A white floral dress has been wet by the rain, but it has not been made dirty because it is wrapped in a package. Pick up the sleeping woman, walk to the side of the pool, tear open the corner of the shirt, wet, gently wipe her dirty face and dirty hands and feet. She was injured all over the body. Although the wound was small, it was developed into a serious illness if it was stained with dirty sludge.

Handsome and domineering man, gentle, careful cleaning of the woman in her arms. If you see such a master by his men, you will be surprised to get out of the window. The cruel and ruthless master will have such a gentle side. And the woman who made him to be gentle, is still a blind woman who ruined her face.

The woman in her arms snorted and woke up. The familiar atmosphere relaxes the woman's uneasy nervousness, reaches out and explores the face of the man, palms, and slowly sticks to the injured place.

"Is it still hurting?" Light as the gentle voice of catkins, there seems to be no mood swings, and the care is self-evident. Let her palms drift on her face, handsome man, the eyes are laissez-faire.

"Pick up, now I should ask, do you still hurt? Look at your hands and feet, do you want me to die?"

The pity of gaze lingers in the petite little man. However, the children looked up at him with frowning, and his eyes were full of doubts.

"You, okay?"

The petting tone, a little overbearing care, in this case, will not be the stupid nephew can say. When he was given the pulse, he found that there was blood in his brain. Fortunately, there was a herb on the road to cure the head and wounds. He thought that he was hit by the man who took her, and the blood was broken. This is reminiscent of a previously stupid man, perhaps a memory loss.

"My pick is really smart!" He smiled at her low body, but she was dissatisfied with the movement. Although her life has always been arranged by him, physical contact is normal. However, the memory has been restored, and some strange and overbearing men have inexplicably made her somewhat resistant.

"What is your real name?"

Lifting the handsome face buried in her arms, the man’s eyes are still filled with smiles. "Get out, are you really a weak woman? Now you are still so calm. But I just like it. This is yours. As for my real name, is it important? I will always be a brother who is a child!"

"But now, you are not just him." The calm words broke the smile on the man's face, yeah, when everything returned to the original point, he was not just him.

"Huaizhi, pick up, you can call me pregnant."

Holding the woman's thin body, her head whispered in her ear. "But, I will always be your nephew."

This is his promise to her, maybe the future will change, maybe it will be very rough, but his heart for her will always be the stupid man, stubborn guardian. Just because of the simple days of no tricks, she gave him peace and happiness. She is the woman he accidentally picked up, inexplicably wants to be good to her, to recover the moment of memory, she is waiting for him. Even, even he himself did not think that this woman without face would enter his heart so easily.

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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