Addicted to Boundlessly Pampering You

Chapter 3: Intra-factor mutation

Since she has been on the "big money" of Fu Ma, she has finally lived a good life. Every time after the family feast in the house, she sneaked to the kitchen, and Fu had a lot of delicious food waiting for her. The rest of the time she went to the gazebo that woke up that day and played in a daze. There is an abandoned small garden. There is no one to come. She can safely stay in it until Qinglan calls her back. Although the days are boring, at least no one is bullying, it is safe.

Another half-month has passed, and Gu’s only thing is to eat and sleep, sleep and eat pigs. You don't have to work hard to study, you don't have to work hard, you don't stay up late, you don't have the boss's responsibility, you don't have to struggle for life in society. This calm life is actually very beautiful.

Taking off her shoes and stepping into the lake, the cold touch made her breathe out with a sigh of relief. The small fish in the water also swam over and kissed the bottom of her feet. The gazebo echoed the crisp and tender laughter. When the sun went down, she was tired, and she squatted on the pavilion and slept.

I didn't know how long I slept, and when she opened her eyes, it was dark. The frogs in the summer screamed one after another, and the round moon sprinkled a soft light, making the scenery of the pavilion looming.

Strange, why didn’t you call her today? It’s been so late to see the sky, and the disobedient stomach began to sing, grin, and got up and left.

It’s really weird. I didn’t even see a small cockroach along the way. I ran into the kitchen. It’s messy, no one, let alone eat it.

What should I do? Going to the green, but it is going through the hall of the government. If it is seen by the little lady, then she must die very badly. The hustle and bustle of the room is in the backyard, and the kitchen is just in the opposite direction. Usually, she does not want her to go to her, so as not to be beaten. But now Fu is not there, she is so hungry.

No matter what, try your luck, maybe you won't be able to.

Along the long corridor, she ran, making a creaking sound, and it was very clear in the open night. Suddenly stopped, let others hear it is not good, lightly, out of the hallway, go to the hall.

There was a sweet smell in the air, weird and disgusting. Gu’s only head was a little dizzy, and suddenly there was some nausea in the stomach, so I wanted to vomit. . . .

Seeing the hall from afar, kneeling on the edge of the door wall, a small head sneaked into it, quietly, no one was jealous. Pat a small chest and walk in with confidence. Turned a corner, it is the main hall, some people! But strangely, the guards were lying on the ground, and the blood in the air was more intense.

A bad premonition in my heart, hope is not what she thought. Going over, kneeling, pulling over the man's body, a beggar, fell to the ground.

Blood, full of blood! The eyes of the fear of the eyes, the body is weirdly twisted, showing the coldness of the cold in the moonlight.

vomit. . . . . . . . . . .

God, what's wrong with this! Is there someone killing a village? It doesn't matter if these people are dead, but Qinglu and Fu Ma are two good people to her, she has to care!

The eyes are reddish, and the only one who forces himself to calm down is to find the young and the fuck!

Going to the hall, all the deadly horror and the guards, and a few gorgeous women, must be her cheap old lady. Forbearance of fear and nausea one by one, looking for the past, without them! Fortunately, I let out a sigh of relief and stumbled out.

She went around in a hurry, she barely walked through Zhuang, how could she find a way. Gu only cried in despair, she was always an extremely strong person, crying is a sign of weakness, she actually rarely cries. However, this Shura-like human purgatory is just a scene that appears in the movie. When a 20-year-old girl born in a peaceful era personally knows, the fear and helplessness is self-evident, not to mention the present she still has. Just a five-year-old girl, such a weak body, if Qinglan and Fu Ma are also dead, how can she live?

There was a loud scream in front, and the light of the lantern, the heart was happy, and the only one quietly explored.

This is a small courtyard like a back garden, which is full of people at the moment. More than a dozen black-faced masked men stood facing her back, full of death and chill. Opposite them, there are a bunch of men and women who are shivering together. There are two figures in the middle, one purple and one green, looking like a 13-year-old figure, they can't see their faces from the only direction, but only two of them are moving, and those who are black are respectful. The look of the two youngsters is the boss! Vaguely guessing, Gu only stretched his neck.

Searching for the figure of Qinglan and Fumu in the crowd, I saw that the green scorpion and a small scorpion trembled together and snuggled behind a big tree. But now, how can we save her? It’s really a headache!

Looking at the past with hatred, the middle-aged man who is held by a group of women and children should be her cheap old man. The other ones are his little sister and child. Dead old man, what kind of enemies have you provoked, have not raised me, and still want to die with me to die with you? no way!

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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