Addicted to Boundlessly Pampering You

Chapter 42: Entering the fort

In the middle of the hollow jade, it is a moon shape, and the moonlight is projected onto the blue jade, gradually condensing into an aperture. After an exception, a jade is refracted to the wall, which is the wall of the barrier, gradually peeling off, revealing the original, a white European door.

Behind the scene, I looked at this scene, and my eyes were slightly surprised. The other 20 Xueweis were inevitably shocked. After all, it is a snowy guard that has undergone extremely cruel training. It is much more tolerant of things than the average person. The faceless expression was quickly restored, and the door was carefully watched to prepare for the upcoming, unpredictable scene.

As the gate slowly opened, the surrounding snow guards held their breath and the whole body was martial. Strange, there is no one behind the door, perhaps it is not expected that they will raid at night, and even open the barrier of the Blue Snow Fort, they did not send people to station.

In fact, these reasons are all there. The door of Lanxuebao can only be opened in the daytime. The people in the castle are convinced that their homes are hidden and difficult to believe. It is too much to look at themselves. Even if Mu Yalun has already told the Blue Fort, who is too arrogant and arrogant, he has only sent a patrol, and in the middle of the night, there may be such a lazy, arbitrarily departed. Or maybe there are other reasons for this.

Sure enough, the door suddenly popped up a plain-clothed person, Xuewei was trying to kill him, but was waved by Xue Yunge and stopped. The plain-clothed man stepped forward and stood respectfully on the ground. He said in a low-pressure voice: "Hey, I have seen the owner!"


Not much to say, Xue Yunge directly asked the question he most wanted to know.

"Miss is in the dungeon, please ask the owner to come down." This said, but he did not walk away, but continued to look at the surrounding Xuewei, said: "Snow can not come."

"Hey, hey, who do you think you are, why should the owner listen to you?" A small shadow, dare to speak to him in a commanding tone.

"Today's subordinates and duty patrols have changed the date, this will be able to meet the owner, Blue Snow Fort is now martial law, very strict. Under the suggestion, Xue Wei first hidden, too many people, it is inevitable to stun the snake." Not humble, sly, said quietly, staying in the same place, and did not want to carry them forward. Obviously, it is necessary to leave Xuewei out.

Snow Cloud Song and Snow look at each other month by month, and the fascinating purple is on the green of the captain, and it looks like a strange look. Immediately, Xue Yunge turned and said to Xue Wei: "You stay outside and wait for the dispatch. Without our orders, you are not allowed to enter the fort."

I will nod my head, "I will obey."

"It's so good, hey, can you take us in?" Snow looked at him coldly and coldly. For this embarrassment, his heart is always repelled. Such a person with impure motives, absolutely, will not be the person of their Shura Mountain Villa. What else is there, and soon, it will be revealed. The green eyes are dark, the eyes are dark and unpredictable.

There was no expression on the ordinary face, and he nodded respectfully and got up. "Please ask the owner to follow."

In the dark night, Blue Snow Fort seems to be transparent. Bypassing a curved corridor, far away, there was a huge white castle in front. When I saw it, Xue Yunge and the snow turned back at the same time, looked at each other and took a breath. Then they looked calmly and intertwined, obscuring the dark tide of the bottom of my heart. This place is exactly the same as Snow. . . .

"Where, where is it?" The sound of Xueyun song sounded, and he walked in front, did not look back, only faintly replied: "Blue Snow Castle, but there, besides the owner, the elders and Suyi Xuewei, the rest are Can't enter. The subordinate is a small patrol and is not qualified to go in."

After walking through a woods, I continued to walk for about half an hour. Then I stopped and pointed to a gray room in front of me. "Zhuang, we are here."

Some doubts, the snow asked for help from the moon: "Why is there no one in this road, don't you say that the Blue Snow Fortress is martial?"

"The subordinates made all the preparations as early as a month ago. This road has always been rarely seen. Moreover, Blue Snow Castle is very self-sufficient, and it is inevitable to neglect in this respect."

Is it sneer in my heart, oh, I am looking forward to it, what are you going to do?

The dark gray door is gently pushed open, and it is a jailer, naturally having a key. When I saw the door being opened, the snow cloud song and the snow were all shocked by the moon. The eyes were full, expecting, thinking, swearing, and a little uneasiness. The thoughts that were difficult to distinguish were fermented in my mind, and I took a deep breath. Both of them calmed down and walked down the ladder in the prison.

The prisons in Blue Snow Castle are not as messy as other prisons, and even full of various instruments of torture. This place is somewhat like a basement, clean and tidy, but the more you walk in, the darker it is, the smell of damp and decay gradually spread, and there seems to be a **** smell in the air.

Sensitive snow smells this smell every month, and the heart can't help but mention the eyes of the blind, one by one, isn't it really used? At the thought of this possibility, his heart was filled with raging flames, and there was a tearing pain. Can't wait to fly in, Snow Cloud Song is close behind. A dimly lit candlelight, in a dark room, a woman's petite body was hung on a stone frame, she was unable to let her body hang in the air, messy and broken clothes, the original smooth and jade skin Covered with red welt marks, it looks terrible. Only, the slender figure, the jade cheeks that were covered by long hair, the figure of the people who are familiar with them for a thousand times and 10,000 times, isn’t that the one who cherishes the most in their hearts?

The purple clothes flashed, and a fierce beam of light hit the sling in an instant. The snowy clouds and the seductive purple eyes released a strong killing effect, shining in such a dark gray room. The snow is darker and the green is darker. It has become a kind of blue-green, brighter and bloodthirsty. The white figure flashed and caught the fallen body.

"One by one, don't be afraid, my brother is coming." The sound of snow and moon is hoarse and trembled. It is a distraction to the words of the people in the arms. It is extremely difficult to say, and the microstrips are sobbing. The woman with a weak breath, the body of the snow, is also shuddering.

The woman in her arms does not seem to be awake. Pulling out the long hair that covers her forehead, revealing a white jade-like face, such a face, except for one, who will have it? Suddenly, the woman in her arms seemed to have a nightmare, her whole body trembled, and her mouth whispered in trembling. Seeing her as weak and helpless, the snow is tightening her every month, silently comforting. The snow cloud song on the side is also very distressed to go forward, and snow with her to catch her. "One is not afraid, my brother is here!"

"Big brother, second brother, come and save me, come and save me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A woman who is extremely distressed, shouting uneasy. The two beautiful men are more gentle and close hugs. The two men who were immersed in the joy of lost and recovered did not find that the woman in their arms suddenly opened their eyes.

Today, the second weekend, dedication! Robbery tickets, collections, and long comments 1! ! ! ! ! ! !

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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