Water otter hospital.

"His Royal Highness, you and the substitute are dead."

The dark room, the window was closed, did not reveal a trace of light. Like a accustomed to such darkness, tall and handsome man, sitting at the desk motionless, the eagle-like sharp eyes shine.

"Dead, what about them?"

The shadow bowed his head. "The assassination failed, and they saw our tricks."

"Failed." There is no ups and downs, calm, calm and no waves. As if it was not at all concerned, Lan Shengling continued to ask: "So, is the two sides fighting?"

"He sent an alarm signal before he died. The battle between Blue Snow Castle and Shura Mountain Villa is inevitable." There was a trace of luck in the shadow of the shadow. Although he did not complete his plan, he did not destroy the layout of His Royal Highness. As usual, just a little mistake.

I don't know, it is his expression and secret self-respect, let him lose his life in an instant.

The body that fell to the ground was silent. The short man with black gauze approached, took out a small porcelain bottle, poured some powder on the corpse, and soon after, a thick smoke rose, and there was nothing but a pool of blood.

"Arrange the secret guards and the Guards of the Army, and block the entire West Gate. I want them to be defeated. In the end, all disappear!"


A hoarse and unpleasant voice predicts what is going to happen.

Blue Snow Fort.

The killing of the Shura Mountain Villa and the Blue Snow Castle has not stopped. Numerous plains and ambassadors emerged, blocking the way out of Xuewei, and the offensive and martial arts, compared with the previous batch, were fierce and radical. Since the 30 snow guards can be used as a ten, they are not likely to withstand the attacks of so many people, and they are gradually at a disadvantage.

The long sword stabbed into the chest of a plain-clothed messenger, and also watched as a snow guard fell down in front of his own eyes, biting his teeth. The same decades of training for Xue Wei, even if there is competition and conflict between them, he is the head of Xue Wei, but can not bear to see his own hands to die like this.

Pulling out a cylinder from his arms, pulling open the wooden cover of the base, a loud noise of "touching", the night sky was suddenly illuminated.

"Less master, not good, more and more intruders are in the fore!"

A plain clothes messenger stumbled into the Chamber of Deputies, anxiously. In an instant, the faces of the elders are discolored, and the face of Mu Yalun is more dignified. The raid was too sudden, and they were caught off guard and were at a disadvantage. However, Blue Snow Castle must not be put into sin.

"Recalling the feathers across the country!"

"This!" Several elders face each other, actually want to recall Yu Yu, what should be done in the management of the various points? Withdrew the feathers, how do they still constrain the martial arts people below?

"Less master, this is absolutely impossible!"

"I know." Mu Yalun said: "But now, we can't take care of it. Moreover, we just secretly withdraw the feathers, and we can't let people discover them."

The room was heavy and low, and the elders were very clear. The move was so indispensable.

On the exquisite and beautiful big bed, Gu is the only one who can't sleep. In fact, she is already asleep, and now she wakes up, but she is alarmed by a strange noise. Tonight's Blue Snow Castle always made her feel a little unusual, and her heart was very embarrassing.

During the trouble, there was a slight change in the window, and Gu opened his eyes with vigilance. It seems that the door and window of the paper paste was shattered, and a thin bamboo tube came in. There was a dark fragrance in the air. Gu only sneered in the bottom of my heart and held her breath. This trick, the TV series is tired of watching. Moreover, according to his own body, the small fragrance can trap her. She wants to see who it is, what to do with her!

After waiting for a while, the door was pushed open, and Gu only closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. The ear is keenly aware of the sound of a person approaching, so frivolous footsteps should be a master. The footsteps approached and stopped at the bedside. Gu could only feel a strong gaze watching himself. The hidden light inside, somehow, Gu only knows, is not friendly, and even makes her feel like a man on the back, cold and cold.

The man looked at him for a long time with a very strong line of sight, without a slight movement. The only way to sleep is to sleep, and the cold sweat is coming out. What is this guy doing now, and what to do is not to be quick, she has to be stiff and stuffy.

Just when Gu was almost unable to bear it, the man finally had a movement, leaned down and took the only one to pick up, hit the shoulder and flew out of the room. The rude action of the cherished jade, let Gu only secretly complain in the bottom of his heart, the body is sore, but can not speak, only to resist. This **** guy, who is it, she only vowed to pay back ten times tonight!

I feel that the man has been rushing forward, and Gu is the first time to be a flying trapeze, being treated so rudely. Also pretend to be unconscious, keep a steady breath, upside down the body, you can feel the whole body's blood is concentrated in the brain, the feeling of congestion is really tormented. The face is hot, Gu only knows that he must be confused because of bloodshot blush. Fortunately, at night, the man did not look at her and found nothing.

Quietly opening his eyes, although the night sky is dark, Gu can still find that this place is the most corner to the Blue Snow Fort, and is also a small stone house that has been used to pile up idle items. Here she only saw it once in the boring after the fortune, and asked, but did not go in. However, who is this person, why did he get her to this remote corner?

The sound of the door being opened, and the soft voice of the man. Gu only immediately closed his eyes and immediately felt the stimulation of light. It should be that the candle in the room was lit.

"Come on, how?"

This voice sounds very serious, with a trace of oldness, and only one doubt, this voice, she is sure to have heard, who is it?

"Hey elders, have already slept to death. This demon woman does not have martial arts. It seems that Shura Mountain Villa is really sure!"

This voice is Zhuang Sheng! The one who always looks at himself is not pleasing to the eye, always wants to drive himself out of the castle! Now, is he going to violate Mu Yalun and take her out privately? Unexpectedly, he actually hates himself so much. The inner heart is dark, she cares for the only one, and there is such a time of failure. What do they want now, is she throwing her out directly, or is she doing it all, killing her? However, the elder, this voice, is it that the serious old man who grabbed himself that day? Does Zhuang Sheng unite with him and calculate himself?

I thought a lot in my heart and it was a mess. In the ear is the voice of elders and low voices. "No matter what, now grab her, and I want to marry Shura Villa! They have already attacked the castle. With their sisters, I don't believe they will not be scrupulous!" ”

Attacking? Did you get into Blue Snow Fort? Or brothers, it’s impossible, how can they know that they are in Blue Snow Fort? According to the message I heard outside the window that day, did Lan Shengling not release his words in his hands to his brother? Even if he escaped, Lan Shengling could not tell the news to his brother, maybe he would find a substitute to deceive them. So how did they get into Blue Snow Fort?

For a moment, Gu’s only brain is in chaos! There was a strong uneasiness in her heart. If the brothers really attacked the fort, they would not easily let go of Blue Snow Fort with their fierce means. Then, will such a paradise on earth be destroyed by her? If there is such a result, how can she face Mu Yalun? Such a gentle and watery man, he is good to himself, so that she can not ignore.

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This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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