"Ha ha ha ha, now even if you know, it is already late!"

A mad man with a long, smug smile, interrupted the silence of several people. Zhuang Sheng looked incredulously at the elders who looked up and laughed, and was surprised: "Long, elder?"

"It's you, the secret of Blue Snow Castle, it is you!" Mu Yalun got up and said with deep sorrow, his eyes were endless sadness. He did not think that the closest person actually betrayed himself and betrayed his home.

"Hey, what about me?" Fu elders sneered and laughed. Suddenly, he swept away the only one on his side, and he was far away from the ten feet. Snow cloud songs and snow are not good for the moon, and the long whip soft sword instantly greets them. Mu Yalun was shocked and picked up the "broken cherry" and chased it. However, the elders fled early. What's more, after the veteran, there suddenly appeared a group of black people! Such a dress made the Xue family’s eyes flash in the eye. It was them, that night, the one who plundered one by one!

“Why?” Mu Yalun asked with grief.

"Nature is for the sake of this treasure. Oh, the young master, the old man believes that the martial arts ability is not lower than you, rest assured, this Blue Snow Fortress will lead it to the extreme! At that time, I will let the blue Snow Castle leads the entire martial arts, and it is a hundred miles!"

Did not say live, Mu Yalun silenced. Suddenly remembered the day and the unparalleled dialogue, the world, the human ** is endless, the peace he wants, but an illusion. Beautiful, but easy to break. It turns out that everything is really just a luxury.

"You, you traitor! Blue Snow Fort does not need fame, it is already the martial arts supreme! In the end, you just want the position of the fortress, to satisfy your own ambitions!" Zhuang Sheng angrily opened, full of hatred .

Snow cloud songs and snow are coming from the moon. At this moment, this mutation cannot be regarded as a farce. The person who is held in the other's hands is the most important one in their life. The castle of Lanxuebao changed their minds and they didn't want to take care of them. Just make sure that the people in your arms can return to them, everything in the world is superfluous!

Picking up the charm of the eyes, Xue Yunge is facing the vulgar vulgar opening: "Who is the person behind you? As long as you hand over the woman in the hand, I can help you get the position of the owner!"

"Oh," Fu Long’s eyes flashed. "Your Highness is true. This woman is very important to you! Although your conditions are tempting, I don't need your help to get it all." Moreover, Shura Mountain Villa is also what the Highness wants. I won you, and I can make another contribution!"

Your Royal Highness, the Seven Emperors! Snow cloud songs and snow-faced faces suddenly look hard, I can't think of it, all that happened is actually the Seven Emperors! It seems that it was a mistake to let one out of the village, and it was a tool that should be used in the hands of others. It is still subject to people now, only because of the other party’s chips, the love they are willing to die and not willing to hurt. Their pride, their madness, can not be released, can only resist, and wait for the opportunity to move.

"So, what are you going to do?" The snow is cold and cold: "No matter what the conditions, we promise!"

"Oh, Snow Master is really willing, then, if I want your Shura Mountain Villa?"

Behind him came a domineering and arrogant voice, and this voice, Snow Cloud Song and Snow, I am afraid I will never forget it. Turning around, I was greeted by a dazzling yellow shirt, a man who was calm and overbearing, a handsome and deep face, an eagle-like sharp eye, and a ridiculously smiling expression, but it was to let Xue Yunge and Xue monthe wait for the future. He shredded!

Lan Shengling brought more than a group of black people. Behind him, he was a short black man with a black gauze mask. However, at this moment, he seems to have some unusual reactions. His body is slightly trembled and he seems to be suppressing himself. . Five men, also dressed in black, stood respectfully at one end, just to protect the blue sacred in the center, but from these few people's frivolous breath and stiff expression, it seems that there are many unusual. Further away, it seems that there is a large group of uniformed people, that is the Royal Forest Army belonging to the court! Looking at this scene, Xue Yunge secretly sinks. It seems that Lan Shengling really has the heart to destroy the Blue Snow Castle! From the beginning of the planning, design, and then to the Shura Mountain Villa, his every move is perfect. Such a man is indeed awkward, and has the ability to be the person on that person! Such a plan and means, even his snow cloud songs are not as good as they are!

However, why should he involve Shangrao Mountain Villa, and it is right, one is the decent Supreme, the other is the leader of the underworld, the two biggest forces on the rivers and lakes, and the last two loses, and his seven princes can enjoy the success and hold the entire rivers and lakes. In the palm of your hand, plus his power in the court, even if the palace changes immediately, it will succeed! Yellow robe is added, just around the corner! The so-called concern is chaotic, and their brothers are too concerned about one by one. This kind of performance is too obvious. Therefore, using them one by one, they have a conflict with Blue Snow Castle. The black man who escaped that day must be the seven princes, ridiculous, he actually confused their sights so easily. Xue Yun song secretly blaming himself for being so negligent, unwilling to look at Lan Shengling.

"The seven emperors are strategizing, and the plan is deep, and Xue has taken it. As long as he handed over the sister, I would like to hand over the Shura Villa!"

"Oh?" With a low laugh, the expression on the face of Lan Shengling was very satisfying. Looking at the snow cloud song slowly open, but the words are to give to the elders to listen to: "Volt, bring the snow unparalleled to me!"

The elders of Fu looked at the only one and flew directly to Lan Shengling. Xue Yunge, Xue Yueyue and Mu Yalun's line of sight are all wrapped around the unconscious figure, eyes worried and eager. Lan Shengling will be the only one in his arms, looking at the expressions of those people and having a smile.

"It seems that my Highness is really looking for the right chip! This little girl is very attractive. Even the owner of the Blue Snow Fortress is fascinated by her."

"Why did you want to do this?" Mu Yalun looked a little awkwardly and seemed to be unwilling to see others see through his mind. Such as jade's cheeks also raised a faint blush, actually like a shy girl.

"Why? Isn’t it already clear that it’s already clear? Your Highness wants you to be a huge force in the Blue Snow Fort. Naturally, there are some means. However, you should be honored for this. For this day, this Highness is spent. Five years to plan. Can make me so heart-felt, you will die if you die!" Inadvertently open, Blue Shengling's slender fingers hang around Gu's only smooth face, as if this is against Mu Yalun What a great gift.

As the face of jade instantly became pale, Mu Yalun suddenly asked: "So, the people who will kill us from the lanterns will be sent by you?"

"That is nature. The black people sent can make the Shura Mountain Villa misunderstand. Naturally, you can think that the person who has no reason to assassinate is from Shura Mountain Villa. It is a perfect plan, isn't it?" He smiled easily and cheerfully. Looking at the woman in her arms who was still unconscious, he said slyly.

"Original, Snow has never escaped. I was not in my expectation. I thought that this plan could not be successful. I also specially arranged a substitute. But when I knew that Snow Unparalleled has entered Blue Snow Fort, all my fears will be redundant. That avatar, it doesn't matter if you die."

Proudly scornful eyes, looking at them, Lan Shengling means deep and profound: "Fu will do everything he can to provoke your misunderstanding, huh, huh, and this Zhuangsheng, your credit is not small!"

Zhuang Sheng, whose face changed suddenly, turned to Mu Yalun and shook his head and explained: "The young master, his subordinates are not intentional! The skeptical Snow Maiden, but definitely not a traitor in the fort!" turned angrily and anger, Zhuang Shengdao : "Fu Elder! You used me!"

In other words, the real thing is going to be abused, my brothers, I am sorry, forgive me, this stepmother, the so-called bitterness, the future will let you enjoy! ! !

Dear friends, please bring your own paper towels, and be sure to calm down and not be violent!

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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