"Don't cry." Gentlely wiped the tears of Gu's only corner of his eyes. Mu Yalun's face burst into a smile like a spring breeze. This smile is like the shock that he brought to her when he first saw it. It is a long time that cannot be calmed down. Gentle and gentle.

He always knew that she didn't care about herself. However, such inexplicable feelings come, but not what he can control. Stupid, isn't he always found out? If it wasn't for the moment that he had risen in the bottom of his heart, and wanted to give up the idea of ​​Blue Snow Fort for her, would he never understand it? He has always been faint and gentle to everyone, but he is very clear that he is actually unintentional. How can someone who doesn't even love themselves love others? From a small goal, from a small faith, to the survival of the Blue Snow Fort, so he has no self, just to protect this home. However, when she met her, he suddenly wanted to work hard to smile, and wanted to catch a little warmth. He wanted a beautiful smile and only bloomed for himself. So, care about her, protect her, even if she dies, he really loves someone so much, knowing what is happiness. Even, that person, does not love him. . . . . .

He wants to be her guardian, even if she can't guard her, she must protect her from afar. In this world, I am not the one who can be kept by her side. Her brother is the one who will be waiting for her life and give her happiness. Even if they don't say it, he can also see the deep love in their eyes. Although he also loves her, but some things, missed, is missed. They missed the time of the encounter, the one who was waiting for her, not him. . .

Sad, no. Falling in love with someone is not sad, sweet and painful. Even if he hurts any more, he has to smile and bless, because that sweetness is enough for his life's aftertaste. Just like now, she snuggles in her arms, only to cry for him, just for his distress. The happiness at the moment belongs to him, isn't it?

Smiling and spit out a blood, the strength of the knife is extremely powerful, his entire back has been chopped, is it turned into two halves? Then, if he dies, will he let himself stay halfway and continue to guard her, even if he is a ghost, as long as he can look at her, he is happy!

"You stupid, big fool!"

Gu only cried, and could not say anything else in his mouth. He can only keep on idiots, they are stupid, but why is there such a fool in the world? What should she do, now, what should she do?

She can't do anything, no drugs, she can't give him a cure; she doesn't have any internal force, she can inject it and let him stick. Even she didn't dare to look at his **** back, fearing that she would collapse immediately, fearing that she would be at a loss.

However, now she is already at a loss. My brothers are still fighting with the black people, there is no way to come over. Lan Shengling looked at her from a distance, ironic, contemptuous eyes, and did not even come forward to stop her. Yes, the current situation, they are an ant pinched in his palm, where there is room for escape!

"Unparalleled," Mu Yalun's weak voice sounded, Gu only looked at him anxiously, eagerly nodded: "I am here, here!"

"I can, can you call me, double?"

"Yes, how can you call it! But I hope you call me one by one, I am the only one!" At this time, she could not face him with a false name. She is the only one, not the one. Unreal snow is unparalleled!

"The only thing." Smiled slightly, and Mu Yalun's pale face showed a strange blush. "This name belongs to them. However, I still want to call you both children, just the name of me." ”

"I have been thinking all the time. If, one day, I can call your name very affectionately. You will also be equally gentle, call me ya, like that, is it sweet between lovers?" On the beautiful eyes, Mu Yalun's eyes, shy and happy smile. This expression stings the only eye.

"Sorry, I……"

"Don't apologize. I, I know, a lot of things can't be controlled by people. You are not wrong, so please, give me a dream."

The tears fell slowly and fell on Mu Yalun's palm, which was so cold that he smiled happier. This tear is his own, even if the original intention of tears is not love.

Turning slightly, looking at the sad and remorse of Zhuangsheng, Mu Yalun laughed so still tolerant: "Zhuang Sheng, do not blame you, really. You are not a traitor to the Blue Snow Fort, you, have been taking care of my Zhuang Shu ""

"Less master, don't say it, the subordinates know, everything under the subordinates understands!" On the ground, this middle-aged man shed tears.

"Please take care of me, double children?" Mu Yalun is faint, but very firm.

"Well, my subordinates will swear to follow Miss Xue from now on, and will never let her have a slight danger!" How could he not agree, how can he bear to let him down!

Gu only, I am already crying at the moment! This is the second time she has been crying since she was in this world. For the first time, she is afraid that Tsing Yi will die. It is so helpless. This time, why is it so painful and even desperate?

"Mu Yalun, Ya, I beg you not to die! Don't say that it is like a last word, don't allow it!" Crashly screamed, Gu only cried out.

"Okay, I am not dead." Gentle, mournful eyes, like the sun, warmly, the only thing that covers her, tightly grasping her hand, not willing to let go, so she has been holding her hand, that is How good. Just like that, I have been smiling gently, watching her, how good it will be. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The pair of warm hands, slowly and coldly in their palms, the only panic in the heart was widened, holding back him tightly, to see only Mu Yalun, close the eyes of the beautiful smile. His five senses are not exquisite and beautiful, but they make people feel that they are so fascinating. However, now, he smiles happily like this, cold in his arms.

Never thought that one day, I will meet you,

Even fall in love with you, unconsciously.

Is fate, or destined,

I don't want to care at all.

For you, I am willing to lose myself.

Love, not to completely occupy you,

As long as you are happy forever, you will be very casual.

I love you, everything has nothing to do with you,

Not who is wrong.

Watching you silently, waiting quietly for you.

No need for any response from you, no need to apologize,

Because, there is no reason to love you.

If you remember one day, please don’t forget,

There used to be someone who loves you so much.

For you, he buried himself and returned.

Hey, Jing wrote this chapter, spent a night, crying so badly, can't see the screen. The scene is very emotional, thinking of Mu Yalun, you will want to cry, perhaps, Jing's writing is very raw, not enough to touch the dear, but the scene is very serious, in the construction of that desperate love. This lyric is written by Jing himself, ~(@^_^@)~, I hope that you will like @@@本本首首, please do not reprint!

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