In the snow-capped country, in the mysterious snow-capped mountains, a land like a paradise is hidden on the top of the snow peak. Bypassing a normal snow cave, there is a hot spring water lake that appears in front of you. The more you go forward, the green vegetation is there, and even the blooming flowers are dazzling.

A tree without leaves appeared in front of it. This is a huge tree that five people can't hold together. The **** red roots, filled with white, big, strange flowers, look very strange.

A huge tree edge suddenly appeared a white old man. His face was kind and gave a kind of wise affinity. The old man looked at the big tree and suddenly gave a sigh of relief. "The Lord, the feelings have returned. Now, as long as you return to Benedict, the Lord can be born again!"

The red-blooded tree slowly splits, and there is a man in white and silver hair sitting there! However, at this moment, the man closed his eyes, and the white hair shook down, shining with a silver shimmer. A beautiful and exquisite face, but it can't be described in the language! A little cinnabar between the foreheads, under the slender sword eyebrows, the long and curled double-thick butterfly wings hang down, under the nose of the nose, cool, actually did not breathe!

But in an instant, there was a man’s clear sound like a spring: "Wing, it’s not working now."

"Why?" The old man was puzzled. "The Lord is spiritually sorrowful, and the feelings are all returned. Benedict is now in the snowy area. It is close to Sanyi, why not?"

"The guard has already broken the mirror." The clear male voice sounded again, with a pity.

"What? He actually went to practice this evil kung fu?" The old man was shocked and angry: "To keep every world so embarrassing, this time actually split into two, turned into twins! Actually, they also cultivated the mirror crack, the Lord Do you really want to look at her like this in the world, and consume your own spiritual power to protect her?"

The elegant male voice stopped for a while and continued to sound, but it seems to bring a very heavy feeling, such feelings, is a desperate and sweet poison, let him, can not give up.

"Wing, you don't understand."

"Yes, I don't understand! I am just a spiritual tree under the seat of the Lord. I naturally don't understand the feelings of this world. But the Lord, the wings can't bear it, you have been suffering like this!"

"Wing, I know what you think. Just, if there is such a person in the world, there will be people who will become the ones. And I, I don’t want to." It is obviously beautiful without expression. Man, his face suddenly seems to bring a sweet and bitter smile, so that makes people feel worried.

Silent, helpless sigh.

They used a mirror crack, actually decided to do so? Everything is like this, and it is better to keep together. But the Lord is more stupid, every world will split his own life into three, suffer from the pain of heart, protect her from afar, and clean up the mess for their desperate love. Watching them fall in love, watching them happy, they are suffering again, but they can only smile, smile and silently guard the side, waiting for the catastrophe they are going to transfer to themselves. Why do you want a person to suffer such pains silently, even if the life of the immortals is endless, you can always transfer their catastrophe by losing their age. However, the long-lost loneliness of that long-term, that suffering from the smashing of the time when it was not in the catastrophe of yourself, how are you, smiling and spent? You know how much the wings are so embarrassing and want to ruin that woman! She is not worthy of your love at all. She never even looked at you seriously and ignored your affection, but turned and put it into the arms of others. But why, you still have to be obsessed with such a desperate love?

"Wing, wait for me to sleep, take out the coffin and help them."

"What?" Unbelievably wide-eyed, the wing fiercely opposed: "In order to move that woman from the world to the moon, the Lord has consumed the power of the entire coffin, and now it is hard to sleep for fifteen years before reuniting. With aura, how can we continue to sleep for them! The wings do not agree! Although they have broken mirrors, they are not dead, why should the Lord waste their spiritual power for them!"

"After the mirror crack, it is an ordinary ordinary person. They don't know the consequences. They think that they are only being countered. Without power, plus their sorrowful experiences in this world, those who are so proud will never accept themselves. It has become a waste of facts, then she will follow the pain."

"So what is your pain? Lord, why have you never thought of yourself?"

"I, look at her happiness, I am already very happy." The gentle voice sounded, the spring is so clear, with such a touch of tranquility and joy. He chose to be her guardian, so he could only look at her from afar and make her happy. This is his fate of choice, forever, no regrets.

From the first sight of her, he decided to love her and guard her. They grew up together, childhood, and thought that when she was an adult, they could be married and live happily together. From then on, Qin Hehe, the world is happy.

However, a change, once went out, encountered a robber, their family, except her, did not survive. He looked at her crying desperate figure, and his heart was so painful. From that moment on, he decided to go to martial arts. He wanted to protect her and could not let her hurt. This is eight years.

No hard work, no hard work, no hard work. Eight years later, he became a master of martial arts, full of hope to return home, hoping to see the beautiful figure, the gentle smile. Since then, he has the ability to protect her, they will live together happily and happily.

However, when he looked at her, lying in a man's arms with tenderness and tenderness, all his expectations were broken in an instant. In particular, her belly is already high. She is already married. The man, who is famous, is a general, and they have been married for a year.

So, what is he, his efforts, his waiting, what is it? She has fallen in love with others, and in her life, she no longer has him. He is just a brother she considers to be her own, just a brother. So, is everything all his own passionate? How can he accept such a cruel reality?

Because of love, she left her for eight years, and eight years later, he lost his love.

What a satirical, ridiculous fact!

He escaped, he left here, traveled around, don't think of the desperate sad past, don't think of her again, don't see her love for others!

However, what to do, he still can not fall in love with others, his heart, in the eyes, except her, she is only her!

After drifting for ten years, he is not the young and energetic boy. He gradually understands that he has lost her. A lot of things can't be recovered if you miss it. When he finally wanted to face it, there was a sudden loss of news, a general family, concealing rebellion, all being smashed!

At that moment, the blue sky, his world, suddenly lost color. However, it was a high-powered earthquake, and it brought a murder. She and the man smiled and died together.

Resentful of the injustice of this world, but he can do nothing. At this time, he suddenly realized that there is no strong martial arts, it is equivalent to nothing. The man is a general, he must have martial arts, but he can't resist power.

The master told him that if you want to do whatever you want, not to be made by this secular, then go to practice as a fairy. Become a fairy, there is a mana, mortal, can never resist the immortal. However, cultivation of immortality requires perseverance and perseverance, and it is necessary to endure endless loneliness and suffering. Moreover, there will be a robbery after becoming a fairy. What is this catastrophe? Only after I become a fairy will I know.

Then, he wants to become a fairy, become a fairy, he can do whatever he wants, let her be happy, reborn, these are no problem.

A person stays in the icy snow-capped mountains, he cultivates and endures the boundless loneliness. I don't know how many years passed, until one day, he suddenly opened his eyes.

In the clear spring water, he saw his own look, white silver hair, beautiful and transcendental, this is the god? He hesitated, then flew up, he could let the snow melt, let the iron tree bloom, let the dead rise, look at an incredible miracle from his hands, he is very happy, he has really cultivated into a fairy!

He decided to go to her. Now she should have been reincarnation. He wants to meet her, guard her, will not miss her again, let other men appear in her life!

In a beautiful long pavilion, he recognized her at a glance, he was ecstatic and wanted to be close to her. But in an instant, stop.

Beautiful and gentle, she ran to the arms of a handsome and extraordinary man. Looking at the moment they embraced, his mind constantly showed such a sentence: You will never get her love in life! When you are born, you will never get her love!

He suddenly understood that this is his catastrophe! He will never get her love forever!

This is the ending he has exchanged for a thousand years.

Laughing, desperate, a tearful smile, blooming in the corner of his mouth. At that moment, he heard his heartbreaking voice.

Love has already entered the bones, there is no way to lift it. He is a fairy, never dies, and once in a round, he has nothing but watching them fall in love. Looking at their obsessive love, but there is never good fruit. The love of each world is a painful death together, ending.

He also followed the pain, the result of no pay, just because she is, can not stop the love. Transfer their catastrophe so that they can live happily together, he suffers endless pains of heart, endless sleep, countless cracks, as long as she can get happiness, everything he does is worth it.

"Wing, this time, I should have been sleeping for two years. In the past two years, you have to take care of her, remember?"

"Wings know, Lord, you can sleep comfortably."

Lord, wing, don't look at you again, desperately continue to have that hopeless love, sorry, this time, the wing may have to violate your order. Wing wants to let the Lord, have real happiness!

The bridge section of Xiuxian and Tianzhuo borrowed from Ming Xiaoxi’s "Fire Like a Song", and I believe that the pros who have seen it know. Jing personally likes Ming Xiaoxi, O(∩_∩)O~. However, there is a big difference between Mu Mu and Xue. I hope that my parents will be more like Mu Mu!

In order to admire, Jing did not know how many times he cried. Mu Mu’s love for one by one, Jing thought of a song, although it is a song that a woman sings to a man, but Jing thinks it is suitable. To the admiration.

When I see you happy and happy, my heart is like a cloud of leap.

Gently, follow your footsteps and walk forward, not letting you see me the farthest.

When I heard your crying, my hand was like a gentle breeze.

Slowly, wipe away your tears and let it go, no need to pay attention to the nearest me.

Why, just want to wait for you, it is enough for you, I accept it from far and near.

Every time when you turn around, my tears are flowing; but I only tell myself to let you,

Seeing my smile,

Every time when you turn around, my heart hurts; I can only watch you silently.

It just disappeared into my eyes.

I will hold out my hand and hold on to you, and finally understand that it should make you more open.

Tight, hug your figure for a minute, it is a farewell step.

Why, just want to wait for you, it’s enough for you,

I accept it from far and near.

Every time when you turn around, my tears are flowing; but I only tell myself to let you,

I saw my smile.

Every time when you turn around, my heart hurts; I can only watch you silently.

It just disappeared into my eyes.

When did it start, I forgot if I would mourn,

Why do you cry so much, but feel very happy.

See the back of your departure again.

When turning around

Singing: Lai Yazhen

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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