The shining star in the sun,

With you, I can see clearly.

Open your eyes, I touch the light,

I would rather not sleep without you.

As long as you have it, in my sight,

I can, cross the heavens and the earth.

Looking up at you, you can’t always be yourself.

Suck into the breath you breathe,

Can sustain my life.

Out of the mother, just to find you,

No, you don't want me.

Growing up in your arms and dying in your arms,

This is the fate of my choice. The snow country is located in the northern part of the country. The weather is extremely cold in all seasons. Among the three countries, although the snow area is vast, the economy is not prosperous because of the vast majority of snow and ice. In contrast, the snow area is the end of the three countries. However, the rest of the two countries did not dare to send troops to the snow, because it was because of the snowy weather that created a powerful snowy army! They can fight for good fights, resist heat and cold, and can be described as invincible, famous in the three countries. The snowy emperor today, De Zhao, has been a Mingjun for 30 years. Dezhao Emperor has five sons and seven daughters. The Prince has already set, and obeying the ancestral system is the great emperor of today. The difference between the snowy region and the other two countries is that the snowy area has a national division and has a high status, so it is impossible to worship. The snowy region believes in the snow god, and the national division is the **** who can communicate with the snow **** and convey the will of the snow god. Therefore, even if there is no emperor in the entire snowy area, there can be no national teacher!

The snowy forest is the largest snow forest in the snow country. It is located in the most corner of the snowy area. Because of its cold climate and remote status, there are few people here. At the foot of the mountain, there are dozens of families. They are all hunters who depend on forest hunting for their livelihood. It is very far from the town, and it takes a day and night to get to the nearest town of Luoshui. Because the hunters usually put the daily prey to the town of Luoshui after half a month, and sell those furs for daily necessities.

A dense coniferous forest, a snow forest tree that grows stubbornly in the cold, with dark green foliage. A little bit of snow piled up on the branches, but it could not bend the straight trunk of the snow forest tree. Perhaps the meaning of life lies in such unyielding and tenacious, daring to fight with fate, this world will be its own. The more suffering, the stronger it is, thinking that no one but us can defeat us.

This is a snowy world, but it is also beautiful, full of vitality and vitality. A white tiger suddenly came from the forest and ran forward, bringing a cold wind and scattered white snow. Subsequently, there were rapid footsteps and breathing sounds in the forest, and the voice of the man was rough and dissatisfied: "I don't believe it, this big guy, I can't catch the old man! I must get it when I catch it. Lessons learned this guy!"

The laughter that sounded round and round was apparently directed at the man who claimed to be an iron third.

"I said the third child, you don't want to be here! The last wild boar, you didn't say that. The result is not to let Xue Junzi shoot, so that you are not killed by the wild boar!"

"Ha ha ha, yes, the third child, this time is a white tiger, much more powerful than that wild boar!"

". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Appearing in the forest is a dozen of rough clothes, but most of them are furry snow coats made of animal skin. The man headed for forty years old, with a thick beard, an honest and rough face. At this moment, I was dissatisfied with the companions around me. Obviously he was an iron third.

"I am naturally not as good as Xuezi, but compared to you, my third child is the boss!" It is not that he boasted that before the appearance of Xue Gongzi, only his iron third knows where there will be beasts, How to catch the beast and set the trap. It’s just that Xue Xuezi knows a lot, and he seems to be a lot of self-satisfaction. Moreover, the two Xue Gongzi martial arts, when hunting, it seems to be dancing, when he saw the fairy-like figure when he was old, naturally he willingly handed over the title of the hunter king.

"Well, less nonsense, the white tigers are running far, you still don't want to catch!"

A dozen people chased them out together, and the iron old man took out the bow behind him and pointed at the white figure in front. It was a rare snow tiger, and the bright color was a bit more white than this white snow, so it was very good. Slightly rubbed his eyes, the iron old three pull the bow, the black arrow pointed straight to the rear thigh of the snow tiger. "Beep", suddenly deep into the bone marrow. The snow tiger had a painful sigh, and screamed with anger and anger, but still limped forward.

"Iron old three, the sword is not old! You archery, it is still so powerful!" The people around praised. Iron Laosan apparently accepted the praise of his companions without humility, and proudly said: "That is, I am the oldest archer, who does not know?"

A few people rushed forward quickly, and the snow tiger was injured, and it must not run far. Fortunately, what they encountered today is a juvenile snow tiger, otherwise, how can it be so easy to succeed. Snow Tiger is smart and witty, it is very difficult to grasp, its fur is exquisite and gorgeous, and it is difficult to find a thousand dollars. If you catch it, it will be enough for their hunters to eat for a month.

With a cheer, the hunters of their peers have stepped up and followed the blood. At the end of the forest, the white tiger was found. However, a few people, but they are looking at the scene, they dare not move.

The white man, like a snow, gently squatted on the ground, slender fingers wrapped around the wound in the hind legs of the snow tiger, lowered his head, could not see his face. Long hair is not bundled, the hair of the ink is scattered on the shoulders, and the waterfall is generally tilted down, which is blurred and beautiful. On his side, a purple man, a fascinating enchanting man, a crumbling tear in his eyes, more and more charming and charming. The purple man just stood there quietly, watching the action of the white man bandaging. His pupils were dark and dark, and his face was full of smiles.

"This, we want it." The cold voice sounded, and the white man on the ground looked up, revealing a face that was exactly the same as the purple man, but with a fascinating face. The slender fingers pointed to the left side of the forest and slowly said, "That, give it to you."

The eyes of the people looked at the place he pointed to, only to see the side of the forest, lying on a huge, long-lasting black bear! The black bear is as big as three snow tigers, and there are blood marks in the snow, but there are not many traces of fighting. The horrified people looked at each other, or the iron old man was daring, and went into a look, the black bear's chest constantly vomiting blood, as if he was shocked by a palm!

"How, isn't it enough?" The purple man's seductive voice sounded, but it was cold and cold, without a trace of affection.

Of course, enough, a juvenile snow tiger, how can you have a majestic black bear! Counting them, they still take advantage of it. Iron Laosan is busy and nodded: "Enough is enough. In fact, if Xue Xuezi wants it, this Snow Tiger can give you all."

This is true, only after they came from Xue Gongzi, they helped them to arrest their prey and make their lives better. Not only that, the two Xuegongzi are also good at medical skills, and the two men and women in the forest have got sick, and they are both cured by Xue Junzi. These hunters are respectful and fearful to Xue Gongzi. Although they are very good, they are too cold and not easy to get close. In contrast, it is still a good girl, a long beauty, and a dear, but also free to be the children's master, teach them to read and read. These vulgar people, who have the money to send their children to private school, have never touched the pen and paper in their lifetime, but their children can have this opportunity, how can they be unhappy.

"Snow son, the sky is dark, let's go home together." Iron Laosan looked around and gave up the courage to speak.

Two beautiful men, but they are too lazy to care for him, the white man picked up the snow tiger, and the purple man also walked forward together, leaving them a back.

Iron Laosan was embarrassed to scratch his head, but he didn't care. He was a rude person. He didn't feel much about it in his heart. He felt that such a rough person was not worthy of talking to such a fairy-like figure. More than a dozen hunters, in two rows, raised the black bear and walked outside the forest.

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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