The forests on the outskirts of Linyi are not as wide as the forests in the snowy areas. However, because the official roads are repaired here, the trees are not dense, but the ground is covered with white snow and is extremely flat. On the snow, two white figures flashed away, leaving almost no traces.

The woman's chuckle came from the air, and the silver bell was crisp and clear. With the gentle and kind response of the beast, the woman stopped and flew to a big tree to rest. Little cute and obediently kneeling under the tree, he began to recover from the disorderly breathing because of the rapid running. Gu’s only chest is undulating, but the expression on his face is cheerful. This free and unrestrained flying and running is addictive. She likes to fly in the snow, just like the return to the mother, with an indescribable sense of belonging.

Very wonderful feeling, every time I saw the snow, her heart would rise up with an inexplicable incitement. Even involuntarily dancing in the snow, there will be two figures in my mind. She can clearly feel that the two men are men, but they always can't see their faces, and they are often disappointed and somewhat uneasy. Because she is sure that the two people are not all brothers. She feels that she is a brother, but it seems that she is not, she is very familiar, but she can't think of anything.

However, since she can't remember, she won't ask herself to suffer. Now, my brothers are by their side, everything in the snowy area is on track, and what she has to do is already developing in the direction she is expecting. What else to worry about!

Thinking of this, Gu only got up, jumped down and sat down on the little cute back. It’s not too early to get back home. If you return late, your brothers will worry. If he was thinking about the only one, he was stopped when he saw the man in white silver hair next to a glacial river.

The silver-haired man who was half-squatting only left her a back. His hair was white and snowy, and he did not bunch up. Just as he straightened his body, it floated like a gust. Just standing there motionless, the man's hand seems to touch something, but it is such a back, and people can not ignore his existence, and even intuitively believe that this fairy-like, does not belong to the secular existence. However, the only thing that stopped Gu’s footsteps was to see the person’s glimpse of it, the intense pain in the bottom of her heart, the inexplicable pain that made her have to hold her chest and relieve the depression and heavy feeling.

Who is this guy? Why, she will suddenly be so sad, sad, want to die?

The only doubt and painful Gu, did not find, in her forehead, suddenly appeared a blue, looming Liuling snowflake imprint. However, it is fleeting. When I looked up again, I had already disappeared from the white figure, and in the place where he had just stayed, a green grass grew vigorously and vigorously, so bright green, like that in the snow. The glare and the eye-catching, it is like an unyielding life.

Looking at the snow without leaving a trace of footprints, Gu only lost. After half a sigh, I returned to God, indicating that the little cute turned and left.

One person and one tiger, drifting away in the snow until disappeared. There was a heavy sigh in the air, and the man in white silver hair was suspended in the air, and the beauty of the face that was eclipsed by the heavens and the earth was filled with distressed pity and faint helplessness. However, looking into the distance, his nephew is a kind of calm without any fluctuations. If he is not him, is there no pain? However, in this world, why do some people just do not want to let go? Bowing down, staring at his palm, white hair tilted down like snow.

Turn around and quit your world, but, tears, are you still in your heart, never dry? However, the heart, did anyone see its helplessness and sorrow?

Snowy, royal palace.

The splendid hall of white jade is the study of the snowy emperor. At this moment, it is already half a hundred hairs of the snow dezhi Emperor, sitting on a gorgeous dragon chair, feeling anxious panic. In front of him is a young and beautiful little palace girl. At this moment, she is crying and crying to the snowy emperor: "Your Majesty, not good, the gods are gone!"

"How could it be gone! Didn't he stay in the temple all the time? You slaves, how to take care of the gods and gods!" Angrily smashed the desk full of memorials, the snowy emperor looked at the ground shivering palace lady Roaring: "What are you doing here? Go to the National Teacher, and the widow will meet him!"

"Come, come on the car!"

"Follow! Your Majesty!"

Picking up the Star Court, the study of the National Teacher. At this moment, the snow-capped emperor, who is over half a hundred years old, sits in a white dress like a snow, and in front of a beautiful man, he looks excited.

"National Master, how can this be good? The **** sacrifice suddenly disappeared from the temple today. What should I do? Snow god, will not blame her loyal people?"

Looking forward to the eyes, locking the silver-haired man's beautiful and calm face, seems to pin all his hopes on him. Even urgency, forget to be a "little person".

The clear voice sounded, but it was to appease this overly worried country. He was a good emperor, and he devoted his life to his country and people.

"Squatting down, don't be embarrassed. The escape of the gods, in fact, we all know that today is sooner or later, isn't it? Let him go, his fate, from the moment he was born, has been doomed, how can't escape." If you are not as good, give him a short free time."

Freedom, afraid of what the child is most eager for, he does not want to embarrass him.

The decadent body has wilted, and this emperor, who has always been a spirited man, is full of helplessness. Sigh low, muttering.

"But, after all, I am sorry for him!"

The emotion of self-blame has taken on this old face. The beautiful man was faintly glanced at him, and the **** had flashed a sympathy, but it was fleeting.

"Let's go back. The gods can escape from the temple. In the past few years, you have to have your own power, and you don't have to worry."

Nodded, De Zhaodi began to restore his calmness and domineering as a king of a country. Deeply glanced at the beautiful man in front of him, De Zhaodi said with emotion: "The widows always feel that the national teacher seems to have changed a lot. In the past, the national teacher rarely took care of the widows, and would not so comfort the widows. Is my blessing in the snow!"

De Zhaodi opened his mouth, but brought some embarrassment. For this national teacher, the existence of the snow god, he is awe, respected, and even dare not have a shelf of the king of the country. The former national teacher, indifferent as ice, cold as a fairy, always awesome and afraid to approach. However, over the past few years, the National Teacher seems to have begun to have a scent of people, and to be kind to people, even if only a little change, but the whole star-gauge sensation, and even alarmed the entire palace.

However, when this words came out, I saw that the beautiful man changed his face, and De Zhaodi’s heart was tight, knowing that he had made a mistake, and quickly shifted the subject.

"I wonder if the national teacher has heard of living alone? Is it good or bad for this kind of living in the snowy area? I don't know what the national teacher has to see?"

"No problem, you can let it go."

I don't know if it is my own illusion. De Zhaodi always feels that the newly appointed national teacher seems to have once warmed up. However, looking at the state of the country, I am afraid that I am not happy with my own entanglement. At the moment, he said: "Which is the case, the widow will leave, and I hope that the national teacher will forgive the **** sacrifice, and will not blame him for his sins."

"Yeah." Nodded. The beautiful man waved at him. De Zhaodi met, got up, and accompanied by the close eunuch, left the Star Pavilion.

Only the beautiful silver-haired man left, looking at the night sky, the bottom of his eyes, is desperate.

If you want, I will give you everything you can give, as long as you are happy.

Haoyue, has been the emperor for four years, the first spring of March, the gorgeous and magnificent palace, full of pink cherry blossoms, a large piece of land spread in various palaces, gorgeous and broken. A breeze blew, the cherry blossom petals fell and raised a beautiful fragrance, beautiful and dazzling. However, how many people know that in such a beautiful scenery, the burial is actually the body of countless people. The brighter the cherry blossoms are, the more it shows the number of bones buried underneath. Flying cherry blossoms, it is hateful, the dance of death, you know who it is, and pay homage.

The magnificent palace is heavy and oppressive. In this palace where the emperor can live, it is empty, and there is no visible figure of a palace lady or eunuch. Above the gorgeous dragon bed, a stalwart figure curled up on the bed. His sleeping position is curled up and his hands are shoulders. Even a big man, it is ridiculous to make such an action. However, at this moment, no one dares to laugh or despise this man. Because he is the master of the whole month, no matter who he is, he does not dare to despise existence. The sorrow and ruthlessness of the Blue Emperor is a thing that is known all over the world, especially the palace of the Blue Emperor, and will definitely not allow the existence of monks and palace ladies. The emperor left all the monks and the serving ladies, all of them after the succession of the blue emperor, all night slaughter, became the flower fertilizer of the cherry garden.

The person who is an official in Haoyue, whoever is present, must not forget the horrific massacre of that year. It is precisely because of that ruthless killing that the officials of the big and small months of the month did not dare to have a slight sigh of relief for this new emperor. At all times, I was so worried that I couldn’t give up my rebellious disappointment. No one dares to respect the emperor as an enemy, and no one dares not to obey the command of the emperor. All the people are the ants at the foot of the emperor. The emperor wants him to live and the life, and the emperor wants him to die and die! Everything is dominated by the emperor!

However, who knows, the devil-like existence in the eyes of the world, but there are pains and sorrows that cannot be forgotten. His helplessness and sorrow, his dignity and pride, must be repaid by everyone, and he will not be so painful.

The nightmare of the past, the dark house, the indulgence of shouting, the shivering body, the shameful memories, all turned into boundless fear and uneasiness, deeply sweeping his heart. Beautiful woman's sly face, ugly man ridiculed, humiliated, tortured! The nails are deeply trapped in the flesh and blood, and the handsome face is struggling, hatred, and there is no future for salvation. He bears the burden of humiliation and retreats. He has experienced all the filth and sin in the world, but he will never be defeated!

"Mother, mother, you are going to die! I don't believe anything, then, why don't you cry?"

In the dark dungeon, he smiled madly, smiled slyly, and smiled mockingly! Laughing at this life, laughing at the world, and getting the supreme status, he finally had the opportunity to retaliate and finally have the ability to let everyone cry and watch him laugh! He picked up the sword in his hand and killed the woman who killed him and destroyed him! She owes him, she will use blood to pay back, even if he is flowing, what is her blood! Her grace, he has already given her back; but his hate has just begun!

There was a subtle sound in the air, and the emperor in the nightmare immediately woke up. The handsome face of the alert, the sharp eyes revealed the silky haze.


"Your Majesty is under the genus and there is movement in the snow."

Collapse the alert attitude, Blue Sheng Ling got up, regardless of the cold sweat that came out of the nightmare, cold voice: "Let's talk."

"The things that you have commanded are not yet eye-catching, but the snowy royal family has recently had a situation where the son of the **** sacrifice is missing." The dark guard hidden in the darkness, the low and silent sounds, with surrender and slight fear. His character is violent, and the weather is uncertain. He has no opinion. This is a nightmare, and he is afraid of angering Longyan, and his life is not guaranteed.

"Continue to find the whereabouts of that person. God sacrifice, but also send people to follow." Shen Yan half-sound, Lan Shengling slowly open, his face is gloomy.

"As for you, destroy your eyes and go on!"

"Thank you."

There is no expression on the face of the dark guard, and it is not fortunate or desperate. Just reaching out and rushing toward his own eyes, the blood was overflowing, and two white eyes, with bloodshot eyes, fell to the ground. Although he lost his eyesight, the dark guards retired with the help of high-powered martial arts.

The blue sacred in the gorgeous palace slowly spit out a sigh of gas. Looking at the traces and bloodshot of the palm of your hand, the expression is gloomy, such a nightmare is his daily nightmare, from the thirteen years old, from the uninterrupted painful memories. However, such pain is reminding him of the shame that cannot be forgotten. That period, I want to forget, but I can't forget the injury.

What is the meaning of his life? What you want to have, will never belong to him. Then, only power and strength will never betray oneself. The monks he hates, the palace ladies he hates, these are dirty existences. Now he is no longer the child who can't resist before; now he can easily ruin things that he can't look good. This is the power of power! He is already in his hands, isn't he? As long as you find that person again, there will be no way to stop him from being in this world. At that time, he was not in the blue eye of Lan Shengling!

Walk out of the palace and stand in the colorful courtyard. Slender fingers, holding a fallen petal, even if it dies, it still shines like that pink and bright color. Is such a gorgeous funeral a kind of happiness?

The handsome and domineering man under the cherry tree, his face is no longer the indifference of the past, but a slight trace of hunger and sadness. Gorgeous appearance, covering the deepest wounds in my heart, but can not stop, it has begun to rot.

"His Majesty."

The familiar female voice, let Lan Shengling go back to God, look at the front of a palace dress, gorgeous and extraordinary Yaer, now, she is already a good, is also the only one of Lan Shengling, the woman who entered the harem. If it was not because of a promise at the beginning, if it was not because he was afraid that he could not fall in love with a woman, he would never allow the existence of jealousy. Love, ridiculous things, affection, hypocrisy. He has already seen through.

"Ya, what's the matter?"

Yaer, is the only special care woman of Lan Shengling, because she is not only his nephew, but also his men! Yaer is a person who is absolutely loyal to him and will not betray him. This is what anyone can see. The woman’s eyes have no hidden love, and there is no reservation for him. Even if he doesn't give her love, but he will also give her everything that is comfortable. This is his promise, he is not owed to anyone!

"Your Majesty, Yan, no, that person, can't stop the sentence, is dying."

The sharp doubles are revealing the unmistakable hatred and cruelty. "Death, that's too cheap for him! Give me a doctor, absolutely can't let him die! Also, tell the jailer, next time. Give me a good grasp when I use my sentence. If people die, they will go to funeral together!"

The haze of the eyes is like a poisonous dagger. You can kill people with a single blow. Yara couldn't help but fight a chill, and respectfully said: "Yaer knows, and immediately calls people to do it." Looking at Lan Shengling, Ya's exquisite face flashed firmly, approaching the front: " You don't have to worry about your majesty, and Yaer will do everything well."

Stretching out his thin hands and gently holding the waist of Lan Shengling, seeing that he did not refuse, Ya'er face bloomed with a beautiful smile. Your Majesty today, did not reject her! Rejoicing in the strength, Yaer’s voice became softer and more affectionate: "Your Majesty, tonight, Yale will serve you."

Speaking of this, the woman's soft face is dyed with a shy blush, but it is also full of anxiety. Lan Shengling did not look at her, but slightly narrowed her eyes and looked at the flying cherry blossoms. She said faintly: "Ya, you know, why, do you want to plant so many cherry blossoms here?"

why? Lifting the head buried in the blue sacred arms, Yaer looked carefully at the face of Lan Shengling and carefully said: "I planted this, isn't it because I like it?"

like? Oh, ironic, how can he like it! Who would like to have a gorgeous appearance, but it is a disguised body that has been hurt! The eagle is deep and looks at the girl who is close to the bird, but with fear and uneasiness. I smiled unconsciously, but did someone hear the helplessness and desolation in the voice?

"Ya, you know, this cherry blossom is so bright, just because it eats blood! You know, how many people's bones are buried in this land? The richer the nourishment, its life, It will be more colorful!"

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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