The new boss of FJ is Shen Bihan.

Obviously, it was Shen Bihan who bought FJ and specially invited Hua Jun who had left his job back.

But -- why?

Wen Muxi guessed Shen Bihan's intention, but he couldn't control his eyes and greedily looked at the cold figure, just as when she first saw him in the University.

On the first day of school, Shen Bihan spoke on the stage as a representative of freshmen. Like most girls at that time, she just caught the soul of this handsome young man with a good voice at a glance. Up to now, she still hasn't woken up.

Shen Bihan seemed to feel something. He suddenly looked in her direction and collided with the crowd from a long distance. Under the fluorescent green light, their eyes collided in the air.

At the same time, Wen Muxi's heart almost jumped out of his throat, but it was probably because there was still half a steak stuck in his throat, so he picked up his life.

Wen Muxi hurriedly looked away and scolded the evil spirit as powerful as before.

I vaguely heard someone talking around saying that it was a kind of blasphemy for ordinary people to stand beside Shen Bihan, a god like man.

Wen Muxi, who once blasphemed the God of heaven, had to bury his head lower and didn't dare to answer.

For fear that Shen Bihan will trouble himself, Wen Muxi can only weaken his sense of existence and pray that the boss had better directly forget her existence.

Fortunately, what she was worried about didn't seem to mean to happen. The reception was going on according to the normal steps.

The boss of the public relations department dressed in Chinese clothes as the host of the reception, invited Shen Bihan and Hua Jun to the stage, made a few formulaic remarks, looked forward to the future, and announced that the ball officially began.

Seeing that Shen Bihan doesn't have a female companion around him, all the women in the banquet hall are secretly finishing their hair and makeup to show the most perfect side. I hope Cinderella's fairy tale can happen to me.

Wen Muxi's hanging heart was just put down. After a while, she pulled it up again, because she saw the man walking towards her step by step across the sea of people.

Obviously, Wen Muxi's Prayer did not take effect. Even if she sat in the corner and buried her head to the lowest, the man stopped in front of her.

In a surprised voice, the hands with pure white silk gloves extended their hands to her.

From this moment on, Wen Muxi knew she couldn't stay in FJ.

"I don't know if I have the honor to invite Miss Wen to dance again." Mr. Shen Bihan looked very charming when he got up.

Dance again

Her dance was taught by him at the school dance.

Wen Muxi bit the tip of his tongue and pressed down the rolling astringency in his heart by pain. For a time, neither acceptance nor rejection.

But at this time, another slender and white hand also extended to her. When Wen Muxi subconsciously looked up, he saw Huajun's gem like blue eyes.

"What should I do? I also want to invite the little guy to dance." Hua Jun pretended to be worried, and the next second he raised his lips and smiled: "how about choosing one of the two?"

Wen Muxi didn't know why Huajun ran out and stabbed her, but it was a life-saving grace for her.

When she did not hesitate to put her hand on the palm of Huajun, Shen Bihan suddenly asked her, "have you considered it?"

Shen Bihan's tone is very calm and can't afford any waves. Just like the image he shows, he is a gentleman, but his slightly narrowed eyes make Wen Muxi tremble instinctively.

She knew that the man was not asking, but -- threatening.

Wen Muxi is not afraid that Shen Bihan will retaliate against her afterwards. He is afraid that the stingy man who will repay her will anger her idol afterwards.

So he could only forcibly put his outstretched hand on Shen Bihan's big hand with white silk gloves.

"Boss, you are so rich, of course I have to choose you." she smiled very dogleg and couldn't see the rejection on her face just now.

Shen Bihan smelled the speech and aroused a symbolic smile on one corner of his lips, but the smile was not as good as the bottom of his eyes.

The light gray eyes are always cold.

The elegant and light Waltz was abruptly jumped out of a sense of war by Wen Muxi, because she would "accidentally" step on Shen Bihan's feet when she was three or five, leave small marks on the spotless black leather shoes, and then pretend to apologize in fear.

She did it on purpose.

At ordinary times, the most effective way to revenge the cleanliness addict was Shen Bihan, but it didn't work this time. He could really stand the gray footprints on his leather shoes and tightly hold Wen Muxi's hand to jump through the whole process.

Yes, hold it.

It's like crushing her hands and waist. He's really a man who won't eat at all.

In contrast, those girls want to kill her like a knife eye is nothing at all.

"Thank you for your advice."

At the end of the dance, Wen Muxi bit his teeth and saluted Shen Bihan. He planned to go back and write his resignation report.

Just before she had time to take half a step, he grabbed her wrist and forcibly dragged her back. She was caught off guard and hit the hard chest.

White rose fragrance mixed with a trace of disinfectant smell, which is the most familiar flavor of wenmuxi.

He lowered his voice in her ear, spitting out sad words like a lover.

"Before, in order to be a designer, you could even seduce an old man with a married husband. Now I let you be a designer of FJ. How are you going to repay me?"

"I don't know what kind of reward boss shen wants."

She smiled and didn't hurry to escape from his chest. Instead, she smiled and threw the question back to him. She looked like she wouldn't refuse if she told her to promise by example.

Just waiting for Shen Bihan's answer, Wen Muxi added: "as long as you don't dislike the people and things I have exchanged with my body over the years, I think we can still get along very happily."

"Click --"

At that moment, Wen Muxi heard the sound of her wrist being dislocated by Shen Bihan. It hurt so much that she almost shed tears.

"OK, let's get along happily." the steady tone puts a little stress on the word "happy", and there is a layer of coolness in the ending.

Wen Muxi's face turned white and a very bad premonition rose in his heart.

Shen Bihan held her dislocated wrist directly, as if he didn't notice the strange range of distortion, and directly pulled her out.

Shen Bihan won't lower his status and make trouble with her in front of people, but it's not necessarily when he comes to people!

"Boss Shen, you..."

Before Wen Muxi could finish his words, Shen Bihan noticed her intention.

"If you don't want me to solve our problems in front of others, I can also satisfy you." Shen Bihan controlled the volume within the audible range of the two, and kicked Wen Muxi's little Jiujiu out of the sky in a moment.

You can't really annoy him.

Finally, Wen Muxi was dragged into an empty lounge by Shen Bihan.

As soon as the door was locked, Shen Bihan bullied her and pressed her on the sofa. The cruel fall almost knocked Wen Muxi's viscera out, and her wrist hurt so much that she couldn't even cry out.

"Wen Muxi, what good is it for you to deliberately provoke me?" he asked her.

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