Disaster star.

This appropriate title made Wen Muxi stunned on the seat of the car immediately.

Yeah, isn't she the disaster star?

Shen Rou, her mother and Chu Hao's last child died because of her. Shen Bihan also died because she was always tortured and tortured in various degrees.

In a word, no one around her seems to come to a good end in the end.

Wen Muxi lost his mind because of Mu Zhige's words, but his words only began.

"Since the boss met you, he has not been the pride of the day before. All kinds of bad luck have happened to him, and those things are related to you."

"..." Wen Muxi couldn't refute a word.

But mu Zhige's eyes were cool and leisurely staring at her and swearing: "you'd better pray that the boss has nothing to do with you this time, otherwise I will never let you go."

Wen Muxi could not refute it, but Chu Hao, who was sitting in the back seat with her, was not happy to hear this. He immediately patted the back of the driver's seat in front of Mu Zhige and scolded angrily.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? We're the ones who hurt him. I also said he did everything in our family!"

Chu Hao can see that Wen Muxi is not bullied at all, even in words.

This one is his wife and the other is his brother. Han yuanjiu, who is in a dilemma in the middle, can only persuade him to coax mu Zhige better.

"Brother, you can't say that. The boss doesn't want to hear you talking to sister Muxi in this tone."

"Isn't what I said true?" Mu Zhige replied coolly.

At the time of Korean won 91, he couldn't find any chestnuts to refute his words. It was mu Zhige who despised Wen Muxi's attitude. He was so angry that he almost wanted to do it directly.

But no one gave her the chance to do it, because although mu Zhige still had a cool tone when talking to Wen Muxi, the content of his words changed.

"Boss Shen has always loved you, which is obvious to everyone, so even for him, you must cheer me up. Who can see the way that so half dead and the whole world hurt you?"

Chu Hao was angry, but when he heard this, he still heard mu Zhige's purpose.

Although the method really makes people's teeth itch and fists itch, it has to be said that the purpose is to warm the wood. We can't keep her depressed or flustered all the time.

How could Wen Muxi not hear the purpose that even Chu Hao understood? She was just surprised. Shouldn't mu Zhige hate her to the bone? How could she comfort her in such a way?

In fact, it's not just Wen Muxi. Even Han won Jiu on the co pilot is looking at mu Zhige with a very strange look.

If it wasn't for the wrong time, won 9 even wanted to rush up and pull Mu Zhige's face to see if he was counterfeit.

But the party seemed to have no reaction. He was still cold when stared at by three pairs of eyes.

"With Shen Bihan's urine, tomorrow is the time when he can show off his feelings to the world openly, so I believe he will come as long as he is still alive." Mu Zhige said calmly.

When Han yuanjiu heard this, he couldn't help nodding and echoing: "yes, that guy is reluctant to give up such a good opportunity."

In fact, the words of Han won Jiu and mu Zhige can't make Wen Muxi feel much better. Her heart is still hanging, because what she's afraid of is - what if something happens to Shen Bihan?

However, after calming down, she was not so panicked at the beginning, so she asked the two people around her: "have you informed the Shen family?"

"I have called Qin Wen. He and my family and Zhige family are also trying their best to find out. There should be news soon." Han yuanjiu quickly replied.

If the situation is not particularly serious, it is the most tacit habit of modern young people not to bother their elders as much as possible.

Wen Muxi also agrees with this arrangement of won 9, but she is still a little uneasy about this arrangement that can not ensure foolproof.

After discussion, Chu Hao and won 91, Wen Muxi and mu Zhige each began to look for Shen Bihan's whereabouts.

At first, when several people heard that Wen Muxi wanted to act alone, they all expressed their disapproval. After all, Shen Bihan's whereabouts are unknown. If the other party came for the Shen family, Wen Muxi is undoubtedly very unsafe.

After Wen Muxi directly kicked a maple tree at least ten years old by the side of the road, no one dared to doubt her self-protection ability.

It was won nine. Looking at the broken tree at the waist, I remembered my previous behavior of deliberately provoking Wen Muxi. I always felt that I had been looking for death several times.

Everyone thought that Wen Muxi had been hiding her strength. No one would believe that she had been held by Hua Jun for almost a month.

According to Shen Bihan's habit, Wen Muxi must have returned to Shen residence first. After she threw herself into the air as she expected, she was really anxious.

It was at this time that she suddenly remembered that she also had a plug-in reinforcements.

Wen Muxi hurriedly found his mobile phone and called Ye Yongsheng.

"Miss Wen?"

After the phone was connected, ye Yongsheng's uncertain voice came, because it was too late at 3 a.m. he was not sure whether Wen Muxi himself called him. According to the records on his data, with Shen Bihan's jealous temperament, it was not surprising to see a strange phone call.

"Sorry to bother you so late." Wen Muxi also responded that it was too late, but she couldn't help it.

"No, it's my honor for you to find me at any time." when ye Yongsheng heard Wen Muxi's voice, he immediately smiled and asked, "is there anything urgent?"

"Well, Bihan is missing, so I hope you can help me find his whereabouts."

"Young master Shen is missing?" even ye Yongsheng was extremely calm. When he heard the news, he couldn't help being surprised.

Until the words had been finished, he suddenly reacted. At this time, Wen Muxi should be very worried. His words will only bring greater sadness to her.

Ye Yongsheng quickly adjusted his tone of comfort: "don't worry, I'll check for you now. Finding someone is what I'm best at. I'll give you the results in less than half an hour."

Wen Muxi quickly thanked, but this kind of thanks was rejected by Ye Yongsheng. He didn't think he could stand Wen Muxi's thanks.

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