As usual, his gentle tone somehow made Wen Muxi feel a chill of fear in his heart.

The bad feeling in her heart is expanding and spreading, so that she can't restrain herself, because Shen Bihan seems to be more angry than she thought.

Naturally, the consequences will be worse than she expected!

When Wen Muxi thought of it, he didn't even have time to speak. Shen Bihan's hand holding her wrist suddenly changed her direction.

"Ah --"

When the wrist bone was twisted to a limit, Wen Muxi heard the sound of dislocation of his wrist and the scream he couldn't help, because the pain was really the kind that penetrated from the bone into the soul, which made her sweat.

And the man who did it still looked at her with his light gray eyes and a cold smile.

After screwing Wen Muxi's left hand to dislocation, his right hand naturally could not survive.

Shen Bihan calmly dislocated Wen Muxi's two hands one after another, still looked at her with a smile, even took out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped the sweat stains on her forehead because of pain.

"Hate me?" he asked her suddenly.

Wen Muxi was so painful that he couldn't even speak. How could he answer him.

But Shen Bihan seemed not to want her answer at all. He gently wiped all the sweat stains on her forehead, and then looked at her with a smile.

"After all, I'm just like this because of you, so you're actually wrong, so you don't have the right to hate me." Shen Bihan said to her in this way, which was so soft that he could only hear a little cold in the ending, which made Wen Muxi shudder.

She couldn't help shivering, but Shen Bihan was looking at her with a smile.

He raised the hands that had just broken her hands effortlessly, and his slender fingertips gently crossed her face through gloves.

"You only need to bear my torture here, but it will be difficult for me if you don't cooperate like now."

Shen Bi frowned coldly, as if he was also distressed. His voice suddenly asked her, "do you really want me to break your hands and feet, or control you with those drugs, so that you can be a little better?"

Wen Muxi's heart trembled after hearing Shen Bihan's remarks. The fear bred in her heart made her unconsciously shake her head at him.

She's really scared.

But Shen Bihan seemed to be inspired by her fear, and pulled up the corners of her lips and smiled.

"Now I'm afraid, isn't it a little late?" his tone of voice was as gentle as the smile on his face, but his light gray eyes didn't know when they began to rise a touch of red blood.

Wen Muxi was really afraid. Even by this time, she couldn't even speak, but Shen Bihan was just looking at her with a smile.

It seems that he really thought about Wen Muxi's appearance that he cut off his hands and feet at last, and then shook his head.

"Well, if you cut off your hands and feet, you're not you. Why don't we change another way."

Shen Bihan smiled like an angel, but the angel had such a smile and said what the devil would say. He smiled and asked her, "what Wen Guohua depends on for survival, I think Xi Xi must not be strange? It's convenient to use."

Wen Muxi's words were accompanied by Shen Bihan's calm tone, and he couldn't help shaking and jumping fiercely.

What Wen Guohua depends on for his survival is poison!

"Shen Bihan, you can't do this!" Wen Muxi didn't calm down and admit his life any more, and roared at Shen Bihan out of control.

That's the thing she hates most in her life. It's that kind of thing that destroyed her original father and family. How can Shen Bihan

Facing Wen Muxi's roar, Shen Bihan raised his beautiful lip line.

He also smiled and asked her, "what do you think I can't do?"


Wen Muxi was just about to say something, but before she could even say it, Shen Bihan raised his hand and hit her back neck.

Before he could even say it, Wen Muxi fell straight into Shen Bihan's arms.

The familiar white rose mixed with the taste of light disinfectant was originally the most reassuring harbor for her, but now it is completely the opposite.

She hoped that all this was just a nightmare. When she woke up, everything could return to the previous way, or be greedy and directly let her go back to before Shen Rou's accident.

If only life could really go back like a rebirth novel.

Before Wen Muxi lost consciousness, he felt that the host in his arms held her very tightly. His cold voice was softly saying to her, "darling, I won't let you leave me."


I don't know what pulled on her cheek, and the pain forced her to wake up from her sleep.

Looking at the familiar chandelier on the ceiling and glancing at Shen Bihan smiling with her, the memory before being knocked unconscious quickly penetrated into Wen Muxi's mind, which made her instinctively start to have a deep fear of the people in front of her.

Wen Muxi just wanted to escape, but found that not only her hands and feet, but her whole body and even her neck were tightly fixed on the bed with a particularly tight rubber band. Let alone running, she even wanted to move.

Found that Shen Bihan tied her up like this, coupled with his previous words, Wen Muxi has no reason not to panic.

"Shen Bihan, what on earth do you want to do!" Wen Muxi called his full name and shouted at him loudly, so as to release her inner fear.

But Shen Bihan just raised his lips and looked at her with a smile.

"Although you like to do some useless things, don't waste your energy struggling. You know you can't run away." he comforted her.

In fact, Wen Muxi was not comforted by his words, but even more frightened her.

Wen Muxi clenched his teeth and tried hard to escape from the bondage of the rubber bandage.

Looking at her doing useless work again, Shen Bihan just sighed and shook his head. He didn't say anything more to her and took out the box he had already prepared.

From the box, Wen Muxi saw a lot of glass bottles and syringes, which made her tremble.

"You..." looking at Shen Bihan who really wanted to do this, Wen Muxi couldn't even say a complete word.

She knew that Shen Bihan's Revenge must not be what she could bear, but she never thought that he would do it!

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