Capable people never resent fate. They will only rise up to change fate and end all bad luck under the oppression of fate.

But wenmuxi can't.

When her body was injected with that dirty and disgusting thing, she knew that her life was over.

Although her life may have ended when she killed Shen Rou, this time will undoubtedly be the most thorough one.

It has been three days since Shen Bihan injected things into her body. Wen Muxi sat on the bed without eating or drinking these three days.

Shen Bihan also went with her, but he never allowed strangers to enter his territory. For the first time, he arranged a doctor and a nurse next to wenmuxi's room to take care of her. She refused to drink water and eat, so she hung glucose for her every day, and would never let her die easily.

Shen Bihan is like eating regularly every day. When it's almost time, he will come to inject her. His good name is that he doesn't want to see her crazy for the time being.

Wen Muxi struggled, resisted and despaired from the first day until he was allowed to do what he did. The expression on his face would not change from beginning to end.

Sitting on the bed without any expression, in addition to breathing, it looks like a dirty doll left there at random.

The doctor and nurse in charge of taking care of her only dared to sigh when they looked at her. They didn't dare to say more to her at all.

"Xi Xi."

Shen Bihan came back. When he stepped into the room, he called her as intimately as before.

Funny to say, he clearly said he hated her, but after injecting those things into her body, he became as close to her as before.

Perhaps it was the way she was now really worse than death that pleased him.

"How are you today? It's time to take medicine again. Are you happy?" Shen Bihan said to her with a smile. He skillfully took things out of the box and began to get up.

It is said that after being stained with these things, there should have been a feeling of reaching heaven when injecting. Wen Muxi doesn't know whether she is too disgusted with this kind of thing or whether Shen Bihan hasn't stopped for her, so she doesn't feel too much when he injects it for her except for slight tingling.


Every time Shen Bihan injects that kind of thing into her, she always has an impulse to feel the dagger that ye Yongsheng left for her to escape from Simmons mattress and get rid of Shen Bihan.

But she never really did such an impulse. She just clenched her fist and waited for him to finish it.

After pulling out the needle and skillfully changing into a prepared cotton swab, Shen Bihan looked at her with a smile.

"Don't talk to me today, too?" Shen Bihan asked her with a smile, as if they were just making a little awkward couple.

His answer was still wenmuxi's silence and his face without any expression change.

As if he didn't mind, Shen Bihan reached out and gently fiddled with and placed her hair for her. After sorting it into a neat appearance, it seemed that he opened his mouth unintentionally.

"You know, I've never had much patience, so you'd better not be wayward for too long, otherwise I can't guarantee what I'll do."

An understatement, but the threat made Wen Muxi tremble deeply.

When Shen Bihan was ready to touch her hair, she instinctively avoided it because of fear.


He just hummed softly, frowning slightly, which led to the deepest fear in wenmuxi's bones.

She quickly and obediently leaned back, and even actively rubbed her head against Shen Bihan's floating palm.

She did not dare to disobey him any more. The price was too heavy. She paid such a painful price only once. If she came again, or Shen Bihan thought of other ways, she could not afford it.

Originally, the slightly frowned eyebrows spread out under her clever action. Shen Bihan couldn't help but show a satisfied smile.

"Look, that's good, isn't it?"

Wen Muxi didn't speak, but tears blurred her sight in her eyes.


In the dead of night, after the whole world slept, Wen Muxi opened his eyes in the dark.

She didn't want to run away.

The things Shen Bihan injected into her made it impossible for her to ask Huajun for help and let him see her so embarrassed. Therefore, even if she escaped now, Shen Bihan would be tortured back sooner or later even if she didn't retaliate against Wen langxuan.

She had seen Wen Guohua's madness when he became addicted, so she was sure that if she really got there, she couldn't control herself.

But now she has had enough, so before she becomes so embarrassed and crazy, she wants to end her life earlier.

So... It's good for everyone.

Being forced to bear it, she chose to commit suicide. This is Shen Bihan's revenge. She should no longer target the people around her.

This is also the main reason why Wen Muxi can persist for so many days. If she didn't think of this, she would have committed suicide after she was released by Shen Bihan that day.

From the depth of the mattress, he felt the dagger that ye Yongsheng left for her to survive. When Wen Muxi came to the bathroom configured in the room, he turned on the light.

When she put hot water in the bathtub, she was looking at the dagger. Ye Yongsheng was very sharp with a dagger that could cut the iron ring.

She shouldn't be in pain for long.

But ye Yongsheng probably wouldn't think that the dagger originally left for her to survive turned out to be a tool for her to understand herself.

After the bathtub was filled with moderate hot water, Wen Muxi didn't mean to turn off the tap, so he stepped barefoot into the bathtub with his nightgown.

The water in the bathtub overflowed because it added its own weight.

After lying down, Wen Muxi picked up the dagger and pointed it at the position of the upper artery of her wrist. Although the dagger was sharp enough, because her heart trembled and her hand trembled, the first blood flowed out, but the wound was not deep.

Whether it hurts or not, Wen Muxi can't feel it anymore. He just feels his hands are so cold that he doesn't feel it at all.

Trembling his lips slightly, he bit his teeth and repaired the original wound. Wen Muxi was satisfied and put his scratched hand into the hot water of the bathtub.

The bright red blood quickly faded into thick in the hot water, but Wen Muxi seemed to be unaware of anything, and the corners of his lips even raised a smile for the first time.

She has experienced the taste that life is better than death, so no one expects death more than she is now.

Probably only death can redeem the fault she can't make up for.

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