Wen Muxi didn't know what happened in the Shen family's living room. After running out, he asked the servant about Ji manru's location and found it.

Ji manru went to the rose garden. Obviously, in the big house of the Shen family, her favorite place is also that place.

Wen Muxi may not be very familiar with other places, but rose garden is the most familiar place except Shen Bihan's room here.

Because it is a large glass room with constant temperature, the rose has always been in full bloom with the most beautiful posture, freely passing through the maze like flower wall pattern design. Wen Muxi easily found Ji manru in it.

She is squatting in a corner of the flower wall. Even her back looks lonely.

The little shame originally obtained from Shen Bihan faded when he saw Ji man's present posture.

Wen Muxi approached carefully.

"Hi, jimanru."

She tried to greet him in a more friendly way, so naturally, the tone should be closer and happier.

Maybe jimanru's hostility to her has really gone deep into her bones, so after hearing her voice, jimanru immediately turned back angrily and looked at her ferociously.

"Why, even you want to see my joke?"

After determining that Ji manru's hostility to her is really deep, Wen Muxi knows that she can't communicate with her in a normal way.

However, she was not in a hurry. She went directly to Ji manru's side. She wanted to squat down like her, but before she could move, Ji manru stood up vigilantly as soon as she saw her approaching.

"Seeing me like this, you should think I'm funny and want to laugh at me." Jiman yelled at her with hostility.

After hearing her words, Wen Muxi asked her, "do you feel very poor and like a joke?"

Ji manru instinctively thought that Wen Muxi was laughing at her, so he became more angry immediately.


The angry voice was interrupted by Wen Muxi as soon as he opened his mouth.

"If you don't think you're pathetic and funny, why should I think you're pathetic and funny?"

Wen Muxi's solemn voice, calm and contemptuous eyes made Ji manru stunned there immediately and looked at her.

Probably it's been too long without skin, so when looking at a trace of emotion called moving on Ji manru's face, Wen Muxi suddenly said, "so it's still your problem."

Ji manru reacted for a while before she realized that she was still saying that she was poor and funny, so she couldn't help getting angry.


But when the slender finger pointed to Wen Muxi, Ji manru couldn't scold a word.

She couldn't refute Wen Muxi's words at all, because she made such a choice with poor and ridiculous confidence.

After taking back his finger pointing to wenmuxi, Jiman couldn't help laughing at himself.

Looking at Ji manru, who was also like a defeated rooster, Wen Muxi was a little flustered.

"I'm just kidding. Don't be so serious." she explained awkwardly.

Because he realized that Wen Muxi really didn't have much hostility, Ji manru didn't bother to pay attention to her and squatted back in place.

"What are you doing here?" she asked stiffly.

"Come and have a look, I also like it here." Wen Muxi answered casually, squatting down and pretending to enjoy the scenery.

Listening to her obvious nonsense, Jiman smiled directly and didn't bother to talk to her.

Wen Muxi looked around and made sure there was no monitoring. He also pricked up his ears and listened carefully for a while. After making sure there were no other living creatures around, he spoke to her.

"You were threatened by her."

Her words immediately made Ji manru's body freeze. Although it was only for a while, the panic in her eyes was caught by Wen Muxi.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Ji man said indifferently, which is worthy of being a popular flower in the past. His acting skills are really like that.

Since she pretended to be confused so directly, she didn't mean to talk to her at all, Wen Muxi naturally couldn't say anything more.

Just thinking about his experience of being counted by Qin Meishu many times, Wen Muxi reminded him out of kindness.

"In short, be careful yourself. Her threats or help will always want more than what she shows. It may be too late when you react or regret."

Although he didn't name her at all, Wen Muxi believed that if Ji man wasn't too stupid, he should be able to understand what she meant.

For her words, Jiman kept his head down and didn't respond in half a sentence, but he also didn't refute it.

I believe she has understood her words, so Wen Muxi is relieved.

Reaching out and patting Ji manru on the shoulder, Wen Muxi wanted to say to Ji manru: if you regret or need help, you can find her.

But when she stretched out her hand and looked at her wrist, she suddenly remembered that now she was imprisoned in Shen residence. She couldn't protect herself, and she couldn't take the initiative to contact anyone. Who could she protect.

To expose Qin Meishu's conspiracy before Qin Meishu, so that Shen Bihan and the Shen family will suffer less harm, is something she needs to do her best.

So after thinking of this, Wen Muxi said nothing to Ji manru, just patted her on the shoulder, stood up and left.

She also promised Shen Bihan to go back earlier.

Wen Muxi left the rose garden, so she didn't notice that after she left, Ji manru, squatting at the corner of the flower wall with his head down, tears rolled down on the stone slab and fainted one after another.

Listen carefully to hear the cry like a mosquito, and Jiman murmured there in a low voice.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I... it's too late. It's too late."

After tearing off the protective film of bluff, the female voice is just a woman one or two years younger than Wen Muxi.

In the face of the huge darkness, the fragile girl has no way and has no power to fight back.


As she said, Wen Muxi quickly returned to the living room. When Shen Bihan saw that she would come back soon, even her light gray eyes lit up.

As soon as Wen Muxi sat down, he couldn't help holding her hand tightly, as if he was afraid of losing her.

"My daughter-in-law is back. You don't know that as soon as you left, my son lost his soul and was fidgeting here." Shen Qian immediately said his son's scandal with a smile. There was no shadow of chairman Huasheng, but a slightly younger version of the old urchin.

"Nonsense." although Shen Bihan despised his father's words, he held Wen Muxi's hand very tightly.

And Qin Meishu's beautiful eyes flashed a trace of cold when looking at all this.

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