When he finally put this sentence in his heart for a long time, Wen Muxi felt that his whole person was relaxed at once.

After carefully saying this sentence, she has been carefully observing the look on Shen Bihan's face for fear of seeing any displeasure on his face.

But Shen Bihan not only didn't say anything after hearing her words, but also looked at her indifferently with a completely expressionless expression.

This expression, which could not see what he was thinking, made Wen Muxi feel bad

She suddenly had a hunch that Shen Bihan might not believe Qin Meishu even if he suspected her.

Sure enough, after half a century of silence, Shen Bihan's first words confirmed her hunch.

"She is my mother, no matter what."

A very simple sentence, but let Wen Muxi's heart cool half at the moment.


Even though he suspected Qin Meishu, he still didn't believe her.

Thinking about the serial sets Qin Meishu gave her again and again, and the way that forced her, Wen Muxi suddenly wanted to sneer.

She wanted to speak directly, so she shook out all Qin Meishu's actions and asked Shen Bihan to make a judgment by herself, but such impulse was only momentarily suppressed by Wen Muxi.

Because that's Shen Bihan's mother, anyway.

The sneer turned into a bitter smile like Coptis chinensis. Wen Muxi shook his head and sat in the co pilot's position. After all, he didn't say a word.

It was Shen Bihan who suddenly thought of something and spoke to her before starting the car.

"Don't do dangerous stupid things."

Hearing that he told her not to provoke Qin Meishu, Wen Muxi couldn't help jumping up with a fire in his heart.

Directly untie the sleeve button of the bubble sleeve, and even the cloth ring she made herself was torn by herself.

Revealing the two terrible scabs on her wrist and the dense needle eyes on her arm, she put all those traces in front of Shen Bihan.

"Is there anything more dangerous and disgusting than these? I've even done these things. What do you think I should be afraid of?"

Looking at those traces and listening to her words, Shen Bihan was surprisingly calm. He even raised his lips and smiled and asked her, "do you think this is the most dangerous and disgusting thing?"

The cold voice was very calm. Even the smile outlined on the corner of his lips could be called beautiful, but Wen Muxi felt a cold force from his voice and smile for no reason.

"In that case, I'll take you to the most dangerous and disgusting thing."

Shen Bihan said that he didn't give Wen Muxi any choice at all. He directly started the sports car and rushed out with the accelerator all the way.

Even Wen Muxi's fear of begging for mercy didn't help.

Several times, Wen Muxi could only hold on to her seat belt and seriously doubted whether Shen Bihan wanted to let her go to huangquan road in such a way.

However, the only good thing about Shen Bihan is that he is not extreme enough to pull her to end her life together. He directly took her all the way to a particularly remote mountain in the suburbs as fast as possible.

As soon as the car stopped, Wen Muxi couldn't help opening the door and rushed out.

As soon as Wen Muxi got out of the car, he didn't even have time to run far. He turned his head and vomited in the flower bed next to the car, as if he had to vomit out his whole stomach.

She was really frightened. She had never taken such a scary car in her life. It was more terrible than the big pendulum in the amusement park.

Shen Bihan didn't know when he came behind her. He was probably used to seeing her half dead, so he didn't mind opening a bottle of mineral water and handed it to her. He helped her comfort her directly behind her.

After almost spitting out today's lunch and breakfast, Wen Muxi eased the discomfort in his stomach and found a sense of reality that he was still alive.

"Thank you."

After receiving the handkerchief handed over by Shen Bihan, he wiped his mouth and rinsed his mouth with the mineral water he handed over, Wen Muxi gently thanked him.

Shen Bihan, who usually feels distressed when he sees Wen Muxi uncomfortable, doesn't have much reaction this time. He even doesn't wait for her to rest. When he sees that she doesn't vomit, he will continue to set off.

"It's just ahead. Go up."

After a cold word with her, Shen Bihan has begun to lead the way in front.

Although Shen Bihan didn't have a good face for her all this time, Wen Muxi clearly felt that he seemed to be colder now.

Wen Muxi didn't dare to delay, and immediately followed up quickly.

When walking up the very flat steps step by step behind Shen Bihan, Wen Muxi was still so quiet in such a beautiful place. It was clearly built well.

Although he was confused, Wen Muxi still didn't ask his doubts when he looked at Shen Bihan's not good-looking face.

When she finally saw the gate, the words on the plaque made Wen Muxi suddenly glad that she didn't ask anything.

Because Shen Bihan brought her to the Shen family cemetery.

This place where Shen Rou is buried

She had guessed what Shen Bihan was going to do, so when he led him to Shen Rou's tombstone, Wen Muxi had no accident at all. Even if he knelt down directly.

Shen Rou's death is the dirtiest thing she has ever done. Compared with those things in her body, they are really nothing at all.

It was a great blessing to be alive, although such a blessing was cruel to her.

After Wen Muxi knelt down, Shen Bihan knelt down side by side with her.

The two knelt in front of Shen Rou's tombstone and looked at the gentle smile of the woman in the black-and-white photos. In a trance, Wen Muxi seemed to see Shen Rou's concerns about her. At that moment, Wen Muxi really wanted to raise his hand and slap himself in the face.

But she couldn't even lift her hands.

"Sister xiaorou, I'm sorry..."

It's the first time in many years that she can say this sentence from the accident to now. She's sorry. She doesn't want to ask for forgiveness, but she's sorry. She doesn't have the face to say anything else.

After she apologized, Shen Bihan also opened his mouth in this silence.

"My sister has always told me that it is the most wonderful miracle to meet the people I love in the vast sea of people. She let me open my heart to accept your approach. Even my confession to you is her idea."

Wen Muxi didn't listen to Shen Bihan talking about this, but she can imagine that Shen Rou was gentle or elated when Shen Bihan said those words.

So unconsciously tears blurred her vision.

An idea suddenly appeared in her mind. She shouldn't be here. People who have made mistakes have to pay for them, not to mention that she has committed a felony.

"Shen Bihan." Wen Muxi suddenly opened his mouth, gently called out his name, and said to him with trembling lips, "let me go."

Hearing Wen Muxi's words, Shen Bihan's face changed instantly.

He didn't even care about being in front of his sister's grave. Wen Muxi's delusion to escape from him was enough to drive him crazy.

With a fierce swoop, he directly threw Wen Muxi, who was kneeling side by side with him, down to the ground. He was originally cold and self-contained, but he would roar at her uncontrollably like a beast in this matter.

"Wenmuxi, you still want to leave me!" when yelling this sentence, the light gray pupils were covered with blood.

"I didn't..."

Compared with Shen Bihan's anger, Wen Muxi's mosquito like explanation sounds so weak.

But Shen Bihan still clenched his back teeth and stared at her, giving her time to make things clear. If she couldn't make it clear... When he thought of this, his light gray eyes were full of cold.

Wen Muxi was directly stared at by Shen Bihan's eyes, and the whole person was a little scared. Her upper and lower teeth were trembling from instinctive fear, but even under such circumstances, she still clenched her teeth.

"I want to turn myself in and accept the punishment I should have accepted."

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