Nothing was found in Shen Bihan's office, and Wen Muxi didn't dare to stay in the company any more than Jiang Xue had said.

She was taking the elevator and was about to leave the company, but when she just got out of the elevator door, she ran into someone she didn't expect.

Looking at the graceful figure even in winter, wearing a moon white cheongsam with a outlined figure and a light tweed coat, Wen Muxi can only walk up with a hard scalp.


There was no camouflage on his face, so it was difficult for Wen Muxi to pretend he didn't know Qin Meishu when he ran into Qin Meishu in such a public place, so he had to come forward and say hello.

Although it is in the same company, Huasheng Group is very large. It is normal that ordinary employees can't meet the management half a year after entering the company. Wen Muxi doesn't know where he got his luck. He didn't come back to the company until he met Qin Meishu.

There were people coming and going in the company hall. Of course, Qin Meishu would not show any trace of meanness at this time, so after Wen Muxi greeted her, she immediately smiled softly with her.

"Why did you come out alone and Bihan didn't send you back?" Qin Meishu asked with a soft smile, as if she really regarded Wen Muxi as her own daughter.

But this performance only made Wen Muxi smile a little stiff. She didn't believe that Qin Meishu knew nothing about her later experience, so she inevitably appeared embarrassed.

Wen Muxi hasn't adjusted his state and found a suitable reason to deal with this sentence. Qin Meishu has already spoken first.

"If Bihan has something to do, I'll take you back, so that he won't worry if you go back by yourself."

"No..." Wen Muxi's refusal was still in her mouth. Qin Meishu interrupted her with a light sentence.

"You should have been afraid to drive by yourself now?"

Hearing the hint of the car accident that year, Wen Muxi pursed his lips and could only swallow all the unspoken rejections.

She changed her mouth and said with a smile, "that's troublesome for mom."

So many people in the hall watched her leave with Qin Meishu, so Wen Muxi didn't worry about what she would do to her at this juncture.

Moreover, the matter that Qin Meishu once threatened her has now completely fallen out, so she has no fear.

In the eyes of onlookers still lamenting Wen Muxi's excellent luck. In addition to meeting a good husband, Wen Muxi also met a good mother-in-law. Wen Muxi and Qin Meishu came to the door of the company and took the car that hadn't come yet.

In the driver's seat, Sister Zhang was driving, so as soon as Qin Meishu got on the bus, she stopped playing the trick of "good mother-in-law and daughter-in-law" with Wen Muxi, and the gentle smile on her face immediately stopped.

"Go to Shen residence." after Qin Meishu gave the address to Sister Zhang, she gave a voice.

With Qin Meishu's words, the car parked at the door of the company did not move, and then it started slowly.

Looking at the familiar scenery passing by, Wen Muxi was not in a hurry to speak. After all, Qin Meishu had taken the initiative to come to the door. Naturally, she had something to tell her.

Sure enough, Qin Meishu lost her patience as soon as she got on the elevated road before she drove halfway.

"That woman is looking for you, isn't she?" Qin Meishu said her purpose with a horizontal knife.

Wen Muxi was like he didn't understand. He took back his sight outside the window and even interpreted the confusion in his eyes properly, as if he really didn't understand her.

Looking at Wen Muxi's appearance, Qin Meishu, who was still cold, suddenly outlined a rising arc, but the eyes of Danfeng, whose shape is the same as Shen Bihan, are full of cold frost and cold.

"I thought you'd be smarter. You don't need me to remind you so much." the cold voice was as cold as coming from the freezer of the refrigerator.

After Wen Muxi heard the sound, he smiled, and even smiled provocatively.

"You are so humorous." Wen Muxi smiled enough, still kept the posture of not afraid of death, and smiled into the cold eyes: "my handle has been made public by you. What else can you threaten me to be smarter?"

Even if she divorced Shen Qian, the Qin family's own status and reputation have always been looked up to. Qin Meishu has never received such ridicule in front of others.

Beautiful eyebrows immediately frowned together, but Qin Meishu's upbringing did not allow her to get angry easily on such an occasion, so she had to swallow the impulse to swear.

One breath, Qin Meishu had adjusted her state. She not only didn't get angry, but also raised her lips and smiled.

"I think you probably forgot that I am Bihan's biological mother, so if something happens, do you think - does he believe you or me?"

With a smile, she immediately made Wen Muxi's body stiff, because this was a fact she had known for a long time.

It is precisely because she knows this very well that she has been afraid to tell Shen Bihan what happened between her and Qin Meishu.

Looking at Wen Muxi's gradually frozen body, Qin Meishu smiled more and more brightly.

She also smiled and said, "it is understandable that young people are impulsive in everything. Only those who support and can change are good children."

Does the tone of this still want to pull her to the camp of the Qin family?

Wen Muxi, who was a little hesitant when he mentioned whether Shen Bihan trusted or not, raised his lips and outlined a smile when he heard Qin Meishu's words.

After his mind completely calmed down, Wen Muxi began to speak.

"I really lied to him about that year, so it's natural that he couldn't trust me 100 percent."

She analyzed rationally. When her seemingly soft words came to the end, she raised her lips and looked at Qin Meishu's voice and smiled in vain.

"But you seem to have forgotten that you were my partner..."

When Wen Muxi said this, she stopped. Seeing the obvious change in Qin Meishu's face, she knew that her goal had been achieved. With Qin Meishu's IQ, she didn't need her to go on.

Qin Meishu's delicate face couldn't help but show a trace of gloom. Although she was soon restrained by herself, she couldn't maintain a stable voice for the time being, so she simply chose to be silent for the time being.

Wen Muxi took advantage of this opportunity to pursue the victory.

"And... The more I think about what happened in those years, the more I feel strange. Why did you help me?"

Even if it seems to be asking, the word "you" still shows respect, but it is completely different from what it shows in its aura.

It's just that after substantiating the "test", it's put on the surface, and it's still the kind with an aura.

Also afraid of Qin Meishu escaping or pretending not to understand her hint, Wen Muxi still stared at the delicate face that couldn't see any traces of years.

As if he hadn't noticed the cold in the eyes of those Danfeng, he opened his mouth and asked, "does sister xiaorou's death really have nothing to do with you?"

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