Although she still holds the evidence that Shen Rou is not Qin Meishu's own daughter, Wen Muxi can even suspect that Qin Meishu was not trying to help her, but hiding something for herself.

But this is one of Wen Muxi's cards. Before finding enough evidence to prove it, she can't easily show it in front of Qin Meishu.

If Qin Meishu is really in a hurry, Wen Muxi estimates that Qin Meishu will not just kill her at that time.

He dropped a rare antique vase on Qin Meishu's Museum shelf, and Wen Muxi left the vice president's office in a swagger.

Especially looking at Qin Meishu's angry stare, Wen Muxi finally felt that he had relieved a small part of her anger.

As for most of the others frightened, she will make Qin Meishu regret that the people sent this morning failed to kill her.

Although he failed to settle accounts with Qin Meishu, Wen Muxi still held his head high and arrogant as if he had just won the war when he left the vice president's office.

But her fierce pride was only maintained before she saw Shen Bihan. She returned to her job, and even saw Shen Bihan waiting there before she could change her makeup and clothes.

A pure black suit without any copywriting pattern was worn on him. When he stood at the end of the corridor, the rare sunshine in winter outside the French window poured on him like a preference, like plating a layer of natural light on his whole person. At any stop, it was the level of advertising by top male models.

Wen Muxi was as proud as winning the war. At the moment of seeing Shen Bihan, the whole person softened.

"How did you come?" she took the initiative to come forward, and her voice was still filled with faint joy.

She was always happy to see him.

Human beings are like this. When they see the person in their heart, even if they show no restraint on the surface, their mood will still be uncontrollable. Even... They just broke up unhappily yesterday.

Shen Bihan was in a gloomy mood. When he saw Wen Muxi's dress, the whole person's mood fell to the freezing point in an instant.

When his paranoid personality broke out, everything would go to extremes. In his opinion, Wen Muxi's dress was deliberately dressed up for Huajun.

Even Wen Muxi's first words provoked him.

"If it's not me, who do you want it to be?" Shen Bihan asked, and his slow voice seemed to float a layer of thin ice.

When Wen Muxi heard Shen Bihan's tone, he stopped there and stopped.

Obviously - Shen Bihan is not happy. If she goes up at this time, she may be blown into cannon fodder.

Seeing Wen Muxi's hesitant little action, Shen Bihan's cold expression on his face didn't change much, but his eyes and tail were red because of anger.

"Come here."

When he spoke to her, his voice was at least stable. Outsiders could not see anything different from his voice and expression alone.

But Wen Muxi could see that he was very angry now, and he was very angry.

After hesitating for half a second, Wen Muxi still stepped in front of him.

"What's the matter?" she asked with a soft tone of concern.

Shen Bihan didn't answer, but his light gray eyes kept looking at her. Almost five seconds later, Shen Bihan grabbed her neck and forcibly pulled her around.

As soon as the sight in front of him changed, Wen Muxi was suppressed in the corner by him in an absolutely oppressive attitude. The tightening force under his gloves seemed to want to kill her directly.

Wen Mu was so cold that he couldn't breathe. He struggled twice out of instinct, but he chose to give up under his light gray eyes full of cold and anger.

It's just a life. After the events of that year were exposed, Wen Muxi was ready. If Shen Bihan was in a bad mood that day, he came and took it directly.

Her laissez faire attitude made her light gray eyes directly stained with a scarlet color, and even the hands that had strangled her neck began to tighten more in vain.

For a moment, Wen Muxi even had the illusion that his throat would be forcibly cut off by Shen Bihan.

It was also at this time that the whole person's mood was out of control. Shen Bihan suddenly saw the band aid attached to Wen Muxi's jaw, which was completely consistent with his skin color.

Because it was too close to the skin color, it caused an invisible effect. If Wen Muxi hadn't been pinched by his neck and turned red, he might not have noticed it.

But it was also because he noticed the signs of injury on Wen Muxi's body that he suddenly loosened his hand holding her neck.

At the moment Shen Bi Han Song opened his hand, the breath suddenly poured into his throat made Wen Muxi cough painfully.

While coughing, it is human instinct to bend down subconsciously. But when Wen Muxi is coughing fiercely with his neck covered, Shen Bihan pulls away her subconscious hand protecting her neck, forcibly pinches her chin and lifts her face up.

Turning a blind eye to the white five finger print on wenmuxi's neck, Shen Bihan focused all his eyes on the long band aid.

After pulling off the glove of his right hand from his little thumb, the unusually pale finger pinched the edge of the band aid and tore it a little bit.

After applying ointment and carefully disinfecting, the scars gradually revealed traces, not like scratches or scratches, which were revealed after tearing and pasting.

Compared with Wen Muxi's scar that may have to "bathe blood all over" for direct coma rescue every once in a while, in fact, such an injury is nothing at all, but Shen Bihan knows what this scar is.

This is the mark left by the bullet passing at high speed.

It was at this time that Shen Bihan suddenly remembered what Huajun said when he scolded him almost 20 minutes ago. Wen Muxi almost died at the mouth of the wooden warehouse. It was not his exaggerated adjective, but something really happened.

Such a close distance, coupled with Shen Bihan's action of lifting her chin, Wen Muxi can completely take all the changes in the light gray eyes into the bottom of his eyes.

Looking at the man who was still like a fierce beast one second ago, Wen Muxi suddenly became like the eyes of a wounded animal cub. In addition to helplessness, he was also more helpless.

But anyway, it's good for him to calm down a little from the completely out of control state just now.

"It's all right." she also soothed Shen Bihan with a soft voice, although it was clear that the person who almost died was her.

Shen Bihan kept staring at her wound with red eyes and didn't say a word at all.

"You see, it's just a small injury. It doesn't hurt now." she can only continue to coax him. She thought Shen Bihan couldn't see that it was the mark of the bullet.

Hearing this, Shen Bihan finally began to have some reactions. He no longer looked at her wound, but looked at her gently.

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