Listening to Shen Bihan's solemn answer, Wen Muxi couldn't help laughing.

Although the lip angle was rising, in fact, Shen Bihan's obvious abnormality made her actually click in her heart.

Obviously... Shen Bihan himself knows that there is a problem in his heart recently, and it is still a serious one. Otherwise, he would not have been trying to stop her from talking to Dr. Isaiah Hayes alone.

"You're probably tired too. Go back to the house and have a rest. I'll be there soon." Wen Muxi tried to coax him away in a soft voice.

Shen Bihan looked at her, originally full of reluctance, but finally looked at her mouth, but he couldn't say anything. He had to turn around and leave first.

After watching him leave the side yard, cross the path in the middle of the orange forest and walk towards the small foreign building, Wen Muxi walked into the room.

In order to avoid Shen Bihan thinking too much or coming back to eavesdrop on something, Wen Muxi didn't close the door when he went in.

"Mrs. Shen hasn't seen you for a long time. You may not believe it. When I first saw you seven years ago, I was sure you would become Mr. Shen's wife. Now it's the same as I guessed."

Dr. Isaiah Hayes smiled and reached out to her with great enthusiasm.

For the foreigner's praise, Wen Muxi could only smile and shake hands with him.

"Don't you wonder how I decided?" Isaiah Hayes looked surprised at her composure.

Wen Muxi had no choice but to ask, "how did you decide?"

"Mr. Shen's paranoia goes deep into his bones. Other people may change it, but he is different."

Listening to these words, Wen Muxi couldn't help raising a bitter smile on her face. In fact, she really couldn't say whether this was good or bad.

"But I believe you should also see that this is his advantage, but it is also the biggest disadvantage," Isaiah Hayes said suddenly.

Wen Muxi knew that what Isaiah Hayes said next was the most important part, so he unconsciously clenched his fist and the whole person began to become nervous.

Just because she hadn't seen each other for a long time, Wen Muxi forgot the old man's bad taste. Looking at her nervous look, Isaiah Hayes not only didn't explain immediately, but also deliberately changed the topic suddenly.

"You should know very well that Mr. Shen is a very clever man."

"Mr. Hayes!"

After a long time of preparation, Wen Muxi was so nervous that her heart was about to jump out. At last, when she heard such a sentence, she couldn't help but call him out and remind him not to sell off again. Her heart can't stand it.

"Don't be so anxious, young man."

Isaiah Hayes smiled. He has been in China for a long time. Although Chinese has not made any progress, it can be said that the Chinese people have been very proficient in what they want to say.

Wen Muxi helplessly raised his eyes and looked at him. Isaiah Hayes bought enough and finally began to continue the topic.

"It is precisely because he is too smart, so when I made a psychological diagnosis for him today, I found that all the psychological data he provided were false."

Isaiah Hayes handed her a piece of information that Wen Muxi couldn't understand, and then began his surprised exclamation.

"Mr. Shen is a genius in this field. If it weren't for my understanding of his condition and knowing that he couldn't recover so quickly, he would have been cheated!"

Listening to Isaiah Hayes's exclamation and complaint, the expression on Wen Muxi's face suddenly became serious.

Although Isaiah Hayes hasn't said it yet, she has vaguely heard that her worry seems to have come true.

"I believe you should also find that when he starts to choose to escape and hide, it means that his psychological condition is very bad, which is a very serious problem."

Why doesn't Wen Muxi know, but what can she do?

"He cares about you very much." Isaiah Heston said to her after thinking about words. "From the way he got along with you just now, I can see that he can show his real emotional state only when facing you, so only you can help him."

"What can I do?" Wen Muxi's dry voice finally made a sound.

"Try to stay with him all the time, guide his emotions correctly and keep taking medicine. If his emotions get out of control too much, you have to find a way to stop him before he attacks."


Isaiah Hayes explained a lot of things again and again. Wen Muxi can only remember madly and dare not make mistakes or omit at all.

When he finished those precautions, it was almost 20 minutes later. I was afraid she didn't remember, so I confirmed with her again before the end.

"Do you remember everything?"

"Well, I remember it all." Wen Muxi nodded affirmatively.

In fact, her memory is not so good, but when it comes to Shen Bihan, she will record these in her mind even if she carves with a knife.

Dr. Isaiah Hayes nodded, but his deep European eyes were full of hidden worries.

Thinking that Dr. Isaiah Hayes had finished his explanation and that Wen Muxi was going to thank the guests, he seemed to hesitate for a long time before he made a pause gesture to her.

"Some words are not what I should say, but I still want to remind you."

Wen Muxi looked at Dr. Isaiah Hayes suspiciously. He didn't understand what he meant.

Dr. Isaiah Hayes bit his teeth as if he had made up his mind.

"Although you are the only one who can help Mr. Shen, his paranoia about you is actually a very, very sharp double-edged sword. Do you understand what I mean?" Isaiah Hayes tried his best to think of the few Chinese words in his head, for fear that she would not understand.

Very stiff Chinese, but Wen Muxi still heard the words of the exotic old man, but she still couldn't understand the meaning.

Isaiah Hayes was so anxious that he took two steps. Finally, he could only change back to his familiar language and try to analyze it more directly with Wen Muxi.

"His paranoia about you has been seriously abnormal. I have never seen any patient paranoid about a person or thing to the point of Mr. Shen. This is actually a very terrible thing."

Isaiah Hayes slowed down and reminded her word by word: "if this point is not handled well, it may destroy him and yourself. Do you understand what I mean?"

After hearing these words, Wen Muxi felt that the astringency in her throat was stronger, and her shoulder was too heavy to lift her head, just like being hit on her shoulder by an invisible mountain.

In fact, she knows that Shen Bihan's condition is getting worse because of her. If she hadn't been exposed that she killed Shen Rou, he wouldn't have been so.

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