It didn't end because the black T-shirt man was dragged out, because Shen Bihan came to another fat man with the valuable tungsten golf club and stopped.

"Next, just you."

Shen Bihan's voice didn't even fall. The golf club in his hand had been pulled directly towards the man's forehead.

One shot directly opened the fat man's head. The blood flowed all over his face along his scalp. He couldn't even open his eyes. He covered his head and rolled into a group of wailing on the ground.

Shen Bihan held the grip, the ball head slowly followed the position of the man's head, crossed his chest, and finally stopped at the place between the man's legs. His thin lips gently asked him.

"What did you want her to bite for you?"

Smelling the cold sweat on the man's back, he didn't care about the pain on his head. He quickly protected the fragile land and knelt on the ground one by one to beg for mercy.

"Dad, no, Grandpa, Grandpa, I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. Please let me go. I have old people and young people to take care of..."

The man's voice was so noisy that Shen Bihan was more upset. Before he finished, Shen Bihan directly hit the place protected by the man's hands. The man was so painful that he couldn't even scream.

It's estimated that not only the third leg, but also the fingers are wasted.

The man who started the operation looked at the blood on the ground, but he didn't even tremble his eyelashes. He took time to straighten the folds on his shirt. He was still the lazy state of your childe.

"Let's pull it down, too. I've wasted all three legs and dropped them into the middle of the Sahara." Shen Bihan repeated emphatically after finishing his words: "remember what I said is that all three legs are wasted."

"Yes, young master."

A bodyguard stood up and hung his head. He dragged the man out like a dead dog with the man's back collar.

The remaining five people have already shaken to death by now. It is probably the principle that people will rise up and resist when they are afraid to the extreme. The person who took the lead in making trouble before finally jumped up from the ground.

"I, I don't care who you are, but now it's a civilized society. If we die for no reason, do you think you can escape the punishment of the law?"

Shen Bihan immediately pulled up his lips and smiled, still like a gentleman.

"Sorry, I'm the law."


"By the way, it's you who took the lead in making trouble, isn't it?" Shen Bihan's voice was with a three-point smile. Such a gesture fell into the eyes of others and made people tremble, as if he saw Satan.

The corridor of the hotel is quiet. The sound insulation effect is so good that people can't hear the screams and cries for help. The dark clouds cover the moonlight and hide everything silently.


Wen Muxi asked for leave the next day, bought a new mobile phone and applied for a new phone card.

Although after a night's rest, his feet were still bumpy, and his knees were wrapped with a piece of gauze. He walked carefully.

Just put the phone card into the new mobile phone, and the app application to be downloaded has not finished yet. Suddenly, Wen Muxi was scared to death by a phone call.

The phone call was from her brother Wen langxuan's associate professor. Wen langxuan got into trouble at school and pushed other students down from the third floor. Now the student is being rescued in the hospital.

How can I do such a thing with my brother's character?!

Wen Muxi had no time to go to the subway station. He stopped a taxi directly and rushed to the hospital.

On the way, she tried to call Wen langxuan to ask about the specific situation, but Wen langxuan's phone couldn't get through all the time, which made her more anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

When she got to the hospital and reported the student's name, Wen Muxi finally met Wen langxuan at the door of the orthopaedic ward.

Two middle-aged men and women are surrounding Wen langxuan in the middle. The man is holding Wen langxuan's collar and yelling, and the woman is crying nearby.

From the words, I heard something like "comminuted fracture of left leg", "concussion" and "are you responsible?".

Seeing that the middle-aged man raised his fist and was about to beat Wen langxuan, Wen Muxi didn't care about the injury on his foot. He rushed up quickly, grabbed the man's fist and blocked his brother directly.

"You are Wei Ke's father. Hello, I'm Wen langxuan's sister."

Wei Ke is the male classmate who is said to have been pushed downstairs by Wen langxuan.

Wei Ke's father frowned even more when he saw such a little girl film. He blushed and shouted at wenmuxi: "what responsibility can you take for a woman to come here? Call your parents to come here!"

Wen langxuan listened to others yelling at his sister and jumped at once.

"Why are you so fierce with my sister? I said I didn't push the Wei down. He fell down by himself!"

"You little bastard, do you mean my son can still wrong you?!" Wei Ke's anger suddenly burned even more, his eyes were red, and the veins on his fist jumped, as if he would attack Wen langxuan at any time.

Wen Muxi naturally believed in his brother, so he stopped between them.

"Sir, since you insist that my brother pushed your son downstairs, do you have any evidence?"

"Evidence? What I said is evidence!" Wei Ke's father was arrogant and totally unreasonable.

"I warned you, don't yell at my sister!"

Wen langxuan almost picked up and fought with Wei Ke's father. Fortunately, Wen Muxi stopped in the middle, and Wei Ke's mother and the associate professor came to help separate them.

"Wen langxuan, no nonsense!" Wen Muxi took out his elder sister's momentum and scolded his brother before going to others.

Although Wen langxuan was unwilling, he was obviously honest.

"He's a little bastard. Labor and capital haven't bothered him yet. He dares to fight labor and capital." Wei Ke's father scolded repeatedly.

Wen Muxi took a cold look at the middle-aged man and said coldly, "Mr. Wei, my brother, I will teach you. You don't have to tell me."

Wei Ke's father was stunned at that aura. He didn't jump to trouble immediately.

Wen Muxi also took advantage of this time to understand the specific situation with the associate professor at that time, but Wen langxuan jumped again when he heard the associate professor's words that he fought with Wei Ke and pushed people down.

"Fart, he came to trouble me and tried to push me down when fighting. After I avoided him, he fell down by himself. Whether he broke his arm or leg is none of my business!"

The words of the two sides were completely different. Before Wei Ke's father had to fight with Wen langxuan, Wen Muxi quickly stopped the man in the middle.

"Since what the two sides said is different, it's not good to directly adjust the monitoring. There should be monitoring in the corridor to prove everything?" Wen Muxi said.

The associate professor dodged his eyes when he heard the speech, and then said righteously: "the monitor just broke down, so he didn't record the situation at that time, and it was still early. There were only two of them in the corridor, which could only focus on the words of the victim."

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