Afraid that Shen Bihan's existence will stimulate his mother, Wen Muxi can only wink at him in a begging attitude and ask him to leave the ward first.

As soon as Shen Bihan left, Lin qiaohui cried even more. While crying, she pointed to Wen Muxi's head and scolded.

The theme of tossing and turning is nothing more than a sentence -- not long memory.

When his mother scolded enough, Wen Muxi couldn't help but explain in a low voice: "Mom, in fact, I dumped him..."

She knew that Lin qiaohui had misunderstood it all the time.

Her explanation was in exchange for Lin qiaohui's disdainful eyes. Let alone others, even her mother didn't believe that she had the ability to dump Shen Bihan.

Who would throw away the diamond king five sent into the house? It doesn't make sense at all.

"It's true. Didn't I tell you before?" Wen Muxi had no choice but to explain. He didn't want his mother to have an opinion on Shen Bihan because of this matter.

Lin qiaohui still wrote the word "don't believe" on her face, but she didn't tangle with her on this issue.

"I don't care who dumped you and how you divided your hands, you don't have to deal with him anymore." Ms. Lin rarely took out her parents' dignified order.

Wen Muxi just slowed down for a second and didn't answer her. Tears floated in Lin qiaohui's eyes: "Xi Xi, listen to your mother's words. Your mother won't hurt you."

"OK." Wen Muxi hurriedly replied.

After receiving her daughter's promise, Lin qiaohui still had tears in her eyes. In fact, she also liked Shen Bihan. At least in those years, she could see that the child really liked her daughter and was really good to Wen Muxi.


When Wen Muxi and Shen Bihan just broke up, Lin qiaohui was really scared. She was afraid that if such a thing happened again, Wen Muxi would die.


Shen Bihan just came out of the hospital to ask someone to check the high-altitude throwing, he received a call from Hua Jun and asked him to take someone to a deserted repair shop.

After putting on the shoe covers, Shen Bihan was willing to get out of the car and step into the place full of dust and oil stains.

On a pile of discarded mechanical equipment, Shen Bihan saw Huajun. He was dressed in a navy blue Zhongshan suit and sat on the rusty equipment without mind, shaking his jade folding fan gently in his hand.

"What's the matter? I have to make an appointment in such a place?" looking at Hua Jun's happy appearance, Shen Bihan directly put the word dislike on his face.

"Of course, there are mice hiding here, so I came to catch them." Hua Jun jumped down from the equipment and raised a piece of dust on the ground.

Shen Bihan quickly took out a neatly folded handkerchief from his pocket, covered his mouth and nose, stared at the initiator, and his eyebrows wrinkled even more.

But the originator was very happy to see him like this and smiled next to him.

After receiving the threat in Shen Bihan's eyes, Hua Jun reluctantly pressed down his smile.

"Little boss, I say you are too indifferent to us. You don't even know that this kind of mouse runs around her." Hua Jun said, glancing obliquely at the corner of the wall.

With his eyes, several people noticed that the man who was tied up and thrown in the corner seemed to be a woman.

Shen Bihan looked twice before he found out who the woman was from his memory.

After guessing that Wen Muxi's mother's injury was related to the woman in front of her, Shen Bihan's eyes immediately cooled.

"It seems that the lessons given to the Jiao family before are not enough. They even let the mad dog out to bite people."

Qin Wen, who followed behind, wiped his head with sweat and wanted to remind a young master that the Jiao family had actually given up Jiao Shiwei under pressure, but they didn't expect that the woman's Revenge would be so heavy that they dared to directly attack Wen Muxi's mother and daughter.

"I caught the mouse for you. I'll leave it to you what to do."

Hua Jun smiled and said to Shen Bihan, then turned and left, as if he didn't want to see any bloody scene.

It was supposed to be a bloody scene. Qin Wen knew how to deal with this kind of thing with his habits without Shen Bihan's orders, but this time Qin Wen was stopped by Shen Bihan when he was ready to go up.

"Wait, don't panic."

Qin Wen looked back at his boss with some doubts. He didn't understand when he liked to waste time on such things.

"Let people watch her."

Shen Bihan didn't explain much. He left a word and went out, got in the car and left, leaving some ignorant Qin Wen and the black question mark on the bodyguard's face.



Lin qiaohui took painkillers and went to bed early. Wen Muxi had planned to stay in the chair for one night, but suddenly received a call from Shen Bihan.

Afraid of disturbing his mother, Wen Muxi can only come to the door of the hospital according to Shen Bihan's requirements.

"Shen Bihan..."

She was just about to tell Shen Bihan not to meet again in the future, but he didn't give her a chance to talk more and opened the co pilot's door.

"Get in the car."

As soon as Wen Muxi opened his mouth and refused, he was pressed down by Shen Bihan's eyes.

After a stalemate for nearly half a minute, Wen Muxi had to get on the bus.

"Where are you going?" Wen Muxi asked him after all the cars were driven.

Shen Bihan didn't mean to be mysterious: "don't you want to teach aunt Lin such a person yourself?"

"Who is it?"

Wen Muxi immediately blew up. Thinking of her mother's crime, she wanted to tear up the initiator with her bare hands.

"You'll know in a minute."

After the car drove to the factory that had been abandoned for an unknown period of time, Wen Muxi met the man tied there.

Looking at the man's dry and messy hair and pale and embarrassed look, it took Wen Muxi five seconds to recognize that the man in front of him was the eldest miss of the Jiao family, Jiao Shiwei who opposed her everywhere!

"How is it you!" Wen Muxi was surprised.

"Why can't it be me!" Jiao Shiwei glared at her with bloodshot eyes and scolded: "it's because of you that I've been hurt to this point. Why don't you allow me to retaliate against you!"

"It's all because of you. My parents don't want me. The whole family kicked me out like a pest."

"Your mother deserves it. Who let her give birth to you to beat me!"

"I just hate not being able to kill you!"


From Jiao Shiwei's illogical abuse, Wen Muxi has guessed the general situation of the matter.

It is precisely because of this that the look on Wen Muxi's face became colder and colder.

"Jiao Shiwei, do you really think I have no temper?" when she scolded enough, Wen Muxi asked coldly.

Probably I've never seen Wen Muxi like this before. Instead, Jiao Shiwei was stunned and didn't respond when she looked at her.

Wen Muxi's way to help her recover is to grab a rusty steel pipe next to her and smash it on Jiao Shiwei's shoulder.

"Ah --"

The scream cut through the night sky, but Wen Muxi didn't mean to stop at all. He kept waving down the steel pipe in his hand at the same place on Jiao Shiwei's shoulder.

Every time he tried his best, he was very cruel.

Wen Muxi didn't stop until she smashed Jiao Shiwei's shoulder into flesh and blood and fainted with live pain.

Her eyes stared coldly at the man who fell in a pool of blood: "it doesn't matter if you move me, but you shouldn't involve my mother."

Family, friends.

It's all her bottom line.

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