Wen Muxi hasn't seen Shen Bihan for a whole week since he left the small foreign building.

After the first day of loneliness, the next day she returned to her former state in front of people. Coupled with the spirit of smiling when meeting people, many people often asked her if she had any happy events.

Even if she lost weight with the naked eye, she could explain with a smile that she was losing weight.

As if nothing had changed, it had nothing to do with the importance.

The day after Lin qiaohui was discharged from the hospital was aunt he's birthday. Her best friend, who was more than 80 years old, decided to have a good time.

In a small villa of he Jingxi in city B, aunt he only invited some relatives and friends. It was a small birthday party with her family. Even Wen langxuan at school was called over.

Generally, he finally found a legitimate reason to drink recklessly. Wen Muxi, who has never allowed himself to get drunk since the accident three years ago, got drunk directly.

But even if she was too drunk to open her eyes, she didn't allow herself to relax her vigilance and cry. Instead, she smiled and respected her mother and aunt he with a wine glass.

"Mom, congratulations on leaving the hospital. You must be well in the future..."

"He... Aunt he, happy birthday. I wish you forty-two this year, twenty-four next year and eighteen the next year. You can call my sister then..."

All the people in the audience laughed at her. Aunt he was naturally happy to receive such a "unique" blessing. After all, no woman would hate being young.

"The child is really cute." aunt he looked at Wen Muxi's silly smile, which couldn't open her eyes. She also blossomed with joy and hurriedly greeted her son, who was busy recording videos for Wen Muxi and leaving criminal evidence: "Jingxi, help Xi Xi to the guest room to rest. I'm afraid she'll really call me her sister for a while, which will be a mess."


He Jingxi quickly saved the video, gave a neat military salute, and hurriedly came up to help wenmu.

Wenlangxuan originally wanted to come forward to help, but aunt he was quick to find a reason to hold her.

I'm kidding. I finally found the opportunity to let my son get along with his future daughter-in-law alone. Of course, I can't let my brother-in-law mess up.

The two parties knew nothing about this arrangement. He Jingxi only knew that the process of helping the drunkard to the guest room was not easy at all.

Wen Muxi looked very thin, but when he was drunk, he had brute force and extreme dishonesty, so he spent more than three times more time holding the drunk in less than five minutes.

When he finally threw it on the bed, he Jingxi was too tired to breathe. When he looked up and saw that the initiator slept very comfortably in bed, he couldn't help reaching out and pinching her nose.

"Smelly girl can toss around." he smiled and scolded.

It was about the moonlight crossing wenmuxi's face, so soft that he was bewitched.

After the smile on he Jingxi's face faded, his body fell uncontrollably and finally kissed the pale lips.

Until Wen Muxi raised his hand and patted him on the face, and muttered "Bi Han", he Jingxi suddenly reflected what he had just done.

Is he crazy?

By all means!

He Jingxi deeply despised his behavior of taking advantage of others' danger. When he was preparing to flee, he heard Wen Muxi's choking voice.

She was still crying in her sleep and kept repeating, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

He Jingxi doesn't know what happened, but Wen Muxi can only stay to take care of it and soothe it quietly.

No one noticed that at the half open door, a SLR had clearly photographed every action in the room.

That detonated the whole event.


When Wen Muxi woke up, it was the next morning. The whole villa was empty. Unexpectedly, she was the only one.

The swelling and pain of his head after a hangover, coupled with his unknowingly crying and swollen eyes, Wen Muxi felt as bad as dying.

After washing his face with cold water, he took some ice from the refrigerator and pressed down his swollen walnut like eyes a little, Wen Muxi got up and prepared to go to the company.

At first, Wen Muxi always thought it was just her illusion, but no matter where she went, someone watched her whisper, which made her wonder if she was stained with something dirty.

Until several strange young girls began to look at her with hate in their eyes, Wen Muxi immediately stopped a passing taxi and ran away.

Although after the previous "Design Star" competition and FJ's flower series show, he has gained a lot of fame, but it is not to the point of being surrounded on the street.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon. When Wen Muxi thought of taking out his mobile phone to see what happened, he suddenly found that the mobile phone didn't know what had gone out and turned off.

Completely helpless, Wen Muxi had to be patient. When she got to the company, she asked familiar people, but she was stunned as soon as she got out of the car and walked to the door of the company.

I saw a circle of people with cameras or microphones around the door of the company, and many women with AIDS symbolizing he Jingxi's fans. Wen Muxi was surrounded by people on the third floor and the third floor outside as soon as he approached.

"Miss Wen, are you he Jingxi's childhood wife?"

"As the wife of a popular idol, are you under great pressure?"

"Some time ago, when you participated in the design star competition, he Jingxi also went to the platform for you. Can you tell me what the ranking you won has to do with he Jingxi?"


The reporter like people rushed to wenmuxi with a microphone and asked all kinds of questions. The central point of the topic was one: he Jingxi!

Wen Muxi could see what was going on no matter how dull she was. Her relationship with he Jingxi was exposed!

She had not thought whether she should explain clearly that it was a joke or admit it according to the reporter's words. The people around her were becoming more and more restless. The crowd pushed forward desperately, and a microphone knocked directly on the corner of her lips.

The strong smell of blood and the instant pain made her scold.

Ma egg, you must have broken your mouth!

Wen Muxi frowned and covered his mouth. He was preparing to move the dark scolding to the table. Before opening his mouth, several bodyguard like people opened an aisle from the layers surrounded by reporters and fans.

Wen Muxi did not care which of these bodyguards was. Under the escort of two security guards, he was led to a car.

Close the door and isolate the crazy people. Wen Muxi finally breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't react to a very important thing until the car started and drove for nearly two minutes.

"Who are you, where are you taking me?" she asked, unknowingly sweating all over her back.

How did she react to such an important thing!

Wen Muxi wanted to slap himself, but neither the bodyguard nor the driver in the driver's seat wanted to answer her.

Wen Muxi was even more flustered.

"Stop! Stop!"

Her orders were completely ignored. It was not until she wanted to jump out of the car that the stone like bodyguard around her finally reacted.

"Miss Wen, we won't hurt you, so please try your best to cooperate with us."

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