In the living room of the villa, the ring of the mobile phone rings over and over. Gu Li Chen droops his eyes and looks at the ringing mobile phone with a struggling look, but he does not pick it up.

This is still the phone call, but he did not know what kind of voice to face her.

What's the reason why she called so eagerly one after another? Is it for Guo Xinli? Is she trying to intercede with Guo Xinli?

Just then, Hua Lifang, who had just come in for a while, glanced at the caller ID on her mobile phone, pretended to be puzzled and said, "eh, Li Chen, don't you answer the phone? She is still calling, but she is calling now. It should be about Guo Xinli. I met her at the door of the villa just now. She has been saying that she wants to see you and has something to say to you. I really didn't expect that she could be so persistent for Guo Xinli! "

Hua Lifang deliberately said that Ling was still standing outside because of Guo Xinli.

Sure enough, Gu lichen's face that wipe struggle color is gradually disappearing, picked up the mobile phone directly, turned off the mobile phone.

Hua Lifang saw this and was pleased in her heart. However, she still said on her face, "Li Chen, are you really missing? I don't know if I'm still out there... "

GU lichen said coldly," enough, don't talk about it. "

Still what she is doing now is just for Guo Xinli! Does she really care about that man? He knew that he was jealous, jealous of that man, to her, it was so important!


all night, Ling was still standing like this, waiting. I didn't know how many calls had been made, but when I got to the back, the prompt tone was "the other party's mobile phone has been turned off".

Ling still wryly smile, thin body in the night wind looked a bit shaky, even security guards came forward, advised her several times, but she still shook her head, said to continue to wait.

The body's weariness is constantly sweeping over. When she is about to stand unsteadily and sleepy enough to lie down on the road and sleep in the past, she tells herself that ripple is suffering much more pain and suffering than she is now!

If she can't hold on now, what about ripple?!

I don't know how long it took. It was daybreak and the security guard changed. Ling still saw a silver gray car driving out of the villa. She almost exhausted all her strength and stepped forward to block the car!

The car braked and stopped, while the security guard on the side rushed to Ling and still called out, "if you rush over like this, you will not die!"

Ling is still silent. She just looks at Gu lichen sitting in the back seat of the car through the window glass. Although from her point of view, she can't see clearly. She can only see the outline, even his face.

"I'd like to see Gu lichen. Can I see... My courtiers?" Ling is still almost choked, a whole night, she even dare not close her eyes, for fear of missing, afraid he left, she did not see.

And now, it is not easy to see him, he can know that he is her hope! It's the hope of Lianyi to live!

In the car, Gu lichen also saw Ling still through the window. She looked haggard and her eyes seemed to be more swollen than usual. Her thin body blocked the front of the car in this way.

He was shocked and surprised!

Did she stay here all night? He thought that if she could not get in for a while, she would go back too!

In his heart, it seemed that he was stung by something. He subconsciously wanted to open the door.

Hua Lifang suddenly said, "lichen, if you promise to get off the bus, you will still let go of Guo Xinli. I can... I can not care about this matter for you. Even if Guo Xinli causes me more harm, I will not care about it. Otherwise, I'm afraid that you will still be forced to agree to her requirements. After all, she cares so much about Guo Xinli. "

Gu lichen smell speech, originally intended to open the door of the hand, suddenly stopped.

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