You know, in Shencheng, how many women want to be able to enter Yi's family with their mother's high price, but don't say "son". The "mother" has no chance to get close to Yi Ye!

This Ling still, also too lucky!

Gao Congming couldn't help sighing in his heart, then patted the doctor on the shoulder and left the ward with the doctor.

As a private secretary, Gao Congming naturally understood that his boss needed to calm down for a while, and Ling was still alone.

In the quiet ward, there are only two people breathing.

Yi Jin from gently lift up the hand, across the white bedding, touching Ling is still the position of the abdomen.

At the beginning, he accompanied her to see gynaecology. Naturally, he knew that her son / palace had been injured and wanted to get pregnant. Even if the treatment was good, it would be very difficult to use artificial methods, let alone... Naturally pregnant!

This probability, too small, too small!

Therefore, even after the two separated, even if he saw her puking up that day, he did not think about pregnancy.

But now... She is pregnant, and in her womb, there is a child belonging to them!

Is their child male or female? What will it look like?

His hand, from her abdomen, turned to her cheek, slender fingers, gently stroking her pale cheek. Fingertips touch, is a cool.

"Do you know you're pregnant?" He murmured, "if you choose, I'm afraid you won't want to conceive of my child, but... Now we have a common child, you..."

his voice stopped, as if thousands of words were stuck in his throat, but in the end, the spitting out was more than... "Will you leave me?"

But he who lies in deep sleep cannot answer him.

Ling still didn't know how long she had been sleeping. When she woke up, she saw the white and strange ceiling.

Where is she?! She subconsciously blinked her eyes, and slowly remembered it. By the way, she went to Yi's group and asked Yi Jinli to borrow 2 million yuan. Then she was rejected by Yi Jinli. After that, she seemed to be planning to leave... And then she had no memory.

Did she... Faint?

"You are awake." Magnetic with a touch of cold sound, ring in the room.

Ling is still a sharp, suddenly sat up, staring at the room from Yi Jin, "how do you..." then, her eyes fell on the furnishings of the room, as well as those medical equipment, suddenly reacted, "this is the hospital?"

"You fainted, so you were sent here." Yi Jin left the way, "you have been in a coma for 7 hours, what do you want to eat?"

She sipped her dry lips. "No, thank you for sending me to the hospital. It's just the cost of treatment. I'm afraid I can't give it now. I'll pay you back slowly in the future."

Then she lifted the sheet and stepped out of bed.

However, as soon as she woke up and didn't eat for a long time, she felt weak as soon as she got out of bed. The whole person faltered for a moment and was about to fall down. Yi Jin stretched out her long arm and caught Ling still.

All of a sudden, she fell into his arms.

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