She finally... Is his, is his rightful wife!

Even if he never cares about this piece of paper, it can help him to bind her.

Even if she is with him, for Qin Lianyi and for the children, it doesn't matter. He can't go anywhere as long as she is by his side!

"Still, if you really want to leave me in the future, then at that time, I will never be as" gentle "as last time, I will not hesitate to break your wings, unscrupulous, even if you hate me, even if you kneel down again, will not let go." He murmured in a low voice, which only he could hear at the moment.

He has been looking at this, eyes, full of endless obsession.

Never thought before, there is a woman, can make him so infatuated.

Even though the woman hurt him deeply, but he was reluctant to hurt her, or so want her in his side.

How deep was his feeling for her? Is it like the father's feelings for his mother?

However, he is not his father, and his ending will not be like that of his father...

just at this moment, suddenly, the direction of the car, which was driving smoothly, suddenly changed suddenly, and then the driver stepped on the brake.

Ling still because of the sudden brake, vaguely wake up, ear to hear the voice of Yi Jin from asking, "how to return a responsibility?"

"Ye Yi, we were forced to stop our car just now." The driver hurried back.


Ling was still stunned for a moment. She looked out of the window naturally, but after seeing the silver gray car, her body suddenly shocked.

That's... Gu lichen's car!

Then she saw a familiar figure and stepped down from the car.

It's Gu lichen!

Ling was still looking at the figure, but at the next moment, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. Then, her upper body fell into the arms of her descendants, "what's the matter? Looking after Li Chen so focused? What are you thinking now? Do you love him? Or do you regret your promise to marry me Low voice, in her ear side gently ring, his tone, like a whisper, gentle and with a touch of tone / feeling taste, but the tone, but it is so cold.

Ling still bit his lip and said, "I don't regret marrying you. As for Gu lichen, he saved my life. If it wasn't for him, I couldn't sit in the car and talk to you. The three babies in my stomach can't be safe now!"

After a meal, she turned her body slightly, and her apricot eyes looked at him, "ah Jin, I have some words to say to him, and some things, also want to give him an account."

His eyes flashed, "ah Jin? Are you calling me ah Jin for fear that I won't allow you to get out of the car and talk to him

"No matter whether you promise me to get off the bus or not, I will call you ah Jin." She said, "we are married. We are husband and wife. No matter what happened before, we can't get married. I still call you Mr. Yi. What I said in the Civil Affairs Bureau was serious, not just casual. Since I chose to get married, I want to manage this marriage well. "

His eyes looked at her deeply, and then he said, "well, you go and give him an account."

With that, he stretched out his long arm and opened the door.

When Ling is still walking down from the car, Gu lichen's pupil shrinks, and the whole body seems to be a little shaky.

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