And the birthday party time, also almost arrived, the people around are beginning to talk one after another.

"Well, it's not that Gu shaogen didn't intend to come."

"She was not really beaten by the prince yesterday."

"I said," how can the prince like this kind of woman? She is so ugly and ugly that she can't become a famous lady even though she wears expensive dresses. "

"It's said that she helped Gu Shao when she was a child, so she can get Gu Shao's support. However, such a person can't be a phoenix when she flies to the branch."

With more and more sarcastic voices, Huali Fang was more and more embarrassed. So she immediately took the microphone and said to the public that Gu lichen had something to do. She might say later, "here are some clips from my first performance in a film and TV play. I'd like to show you some ugliness. I also hope that there will be opportunities for you to cooperate in the future."

Gorgeous Fang smile standing under the big screen, only for a moment, with their own film and television drama "acting skills" to face those who look down on her.

She wants to let those people understand that she not only relies on the resources given by Li Chen, but also has good acting skills.

Gorgeous Fang raised the corner of her lips, waiting to accept the praise of all.

Sure enough, when the screen lights up, people "Yi" and then focus on the screen.

Huahuafang was proud of herself and felt that others were surprised by her acting skills. However, when the voice was released, the smile on the corner of her lips froze on the spot.

"Ah, you help me to carry things to the car, I can't move it myself. You can get on the car first, please..." that's her voice! It was what she said when she cheated Guo Xinli to get on the bus that day!

Gorgeous Fang suddenly turned her head and stared at the big screen with shock on her face. There was a segment of her TV play on it. It was a steal video, and the lens was obviously inside her car at that time!

When was wechat camera installed in the car?!

Just now, gorgeous Fang also can't care to think of these, she just quickly exclaimed, "quick, close, turn off the screen!"

But in the operation of the machine staff, it is urgent way, "off... Can not close ah!" The key of the machine suddenly failed, and there was no way to turn it off.

"Then turn off the power!" Huali Fang is so angry that she destroys the tunnel.

But even if the power is turned off, the video on the electronic screen is still playing. In the video, Huali Fang sees herself saying to Guo Xinli, "who let you and Ling still know each other, you should consider yourself unlucky!"

After that, she tore up her clothes and ran off the car with a scream on purpose. Only Guo Xinli, whose face was panicked and flushed, was left in the car.

At this moment, anyone can see that gorgeous Fang is deliberately framing the unfortunate man in the car!

And this video, after playing, began to repeat, continue to play from the beginning.

"Tut, it's really a good acting skill! No wonder a new person can play an important role in the play. "

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