"No lies?" He sneered. "If you don't lie, then you mean, do you have me in your heart? You still love me? Never put me down, have you? "

"Yes." She answered.

The sarcasm on the corner of his lips became more intense. "How can you prove that you have me in your heart, how do you love me, how you haven't put me down

Ling is still staring at the man in front of her. In fact, she is also taking her to the villa today by Gu lichen. The words she said let her understand. In fact, what she loves is always the man in front of her.

Even if Gu lichen said those miss, never miss, then she thought, she will fall in love with the person, also or Yi Jin left.

She was moved by Gu lichen, who had childhood friendship, gratitude for saving lives, but... It was not love.

And she, willing to swear to stay with ah Jin for the rest of her life, is not all for the children, but also for her own sake.

If she really does not love, then perhaps her heart will not be on the future marriage, there are expectations, and will not ask her those "if" will not hesitate to say to Gu lichen has never been moved.

A man like Gu lichen, who is willing to sacrifice his life to save him, how many women can not be moved!

And she, did not move, is because her heart, is moving for another man.

Ling still raised her hand and gently held Yi Jin's face away. In her eyes, she seemed to be making some kind of determination. Then she put her lips over her head and printed them on his lips.

Different from the previous kiss in front of Gu lichen, the kiss at this moment is more entangled / soft, and more gentle, as if to use this kiss to iron his anger.

His body was shaken and his face was shocked.

And she, with her eyes closed, her hands gradually encircled his neck, drawing the distance between them closer.

Her kiss, has been continued, for a long time, he was stupefied, when her lips left his lips, he only kind of sense of loss.

As if... Wasn't enough, as if... Wanted her to kiss longer.

"Ah Jin, I want you." Her voice, soft ring in his ear, "you said, if you don't mean to you, then don't touch you, so now I touch you, it means I'm interested in you."

He stares at her, and his voice is like squeezing out of his throat. "Do you really want me?"

"Am I not obvious enough now?" She asked. If she wasn't pregnant now, well... Maybe she could be more obvious.

He pressed his thin lips and closed his eyes as if thinking.

After a while, he opened his eyes again. His eyes, like a net, caught her in a dense net. Then his lips suddenly fell on her lips and firmly stabilized her. His hoarse voice overflowed in the kiss, "still, don't lie to me..."

- -

in the evening, Zhuo qianyun called Ling and asked her about her love After all, in the daytime, Ling is still taken away by Gu lichen, which really makes Zhuo qianyun a little uneasy.

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