Think of here, Yi Jin from the heart will still have a burst of fear.

Even if the woman in front of him is standing in front of him, he still has no way to stop the fear.

"Yes, I survived. It's a pity that Hao Meiyu... "Ling still murmured," but now the real cause of the accident has been found out, and everything has passed. "

Yi Jin left silent, the real reason... In fact... She didn't know anything at all.

But he did not have the courage to tell her all that.

She is a person with a strong sense of justice. How can she tolerate someone who knows the truth but chooses to ignore the truth!

"What's the matter, you look like that?" Ling still seems to have some strange way, "as if made a mistake, do not know how to do like."

Yi Jin left her eyelashes trembled, "if... Did I really make a mistake?"

Ling still laughed and said, "that's lenient to confess and strict to resist."

"If you confess, will you be lenient?" He said.

"Then you have a frank look." She joked that she didn't think he would really make any mistakes. Even if he did, he would have the ability to solve them, but --

"ah Jin, if you really have something on your mind, you can tell me that we are already husband and wife. We are both husband and wife

"Still, what I regret most in my life is why I didn't know you earlier." He said, "if I had known you earlier, I would have fallen in love with you, and then you would not be hurt by anyone."

"It's not too late." Ling still said, close to Yi Jin's cheek hand, stroked his head, and then gently rubbed his hair, um... Good touch.

"Isn't it late?" He said.

"Yes, it's not too late." She answered.

It's not too late... He hopes it's not too late! He is willing to take care of her with everything and protect her from any harm.

Only one day, he can really make up for his debt to her.

"I'm sorry," he murmured.

Her face was inexplicable, and she couldn't understand why he suddenly said these three words, "you..."

it was only when her voice started that he bent down and directly kissed her lip.

"Oh... Ah Jin..." her voice was swallowed up by him.

His kiss, domineering but uneasy, with extreme desire, like a wounded beast, in a strong desire for comfort.

She can't help but respond to his kiss, want to comfort him, want to calm all his uneasiness.

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