"..." it's really gossip.

"If not, I'd like to know what the woman looks like when I'll bring her in and let you see." Ye Chongwei.

After all, in their circle, Yi Jinli has always been indifferent to women. Even in Hao Meiyu, who had a engagement with Jin, Jin Li has always been indifferent to her. How ever was she a woman who traveled thousands of miles and surrounded a house with a police car in the middle of the night?

So when he heard about it, he was stunned and even called after the event.

It's just that ye Chongwei's curiosity makes Yi Jin leave inexplicably unhappy. He doesn't want other men to be too curious about her. He doesn't want her to meet those people. He even wants to put her in a place where only he can see.

If ye Chongwei's people saw her, if she knew who among them...

Yi Jin, she would naturally know that ye Chongwei's group was quite popular among women, especially Gu lichen. It seems that as long as Gu lichen's women were interested in her, they would eventually become Gu lichen's girlfriend. Even though those women knew that the preservation period was very short, they still went on and on.

If Gu lichen is still interested in it... Thinking of it, Yi Jinli's mood is inexplicably upset.

Perhaps, in other people's eyes, Yi Jin's departure from these three words means that you can have any woman you want, but... These three words are exactly the biggest taboo he still faces.

"It's just a woman. What can I see?" He's light.

"But this woman is different. You've left your father behind for this woman." Ye Chongwei said, "tut Tut, I haven't seen you care so much about any woman. You might not fall in love with her and want to hide her."

And the more the other side said it, the more irritable Yi Jin became. All that flashed in my mind was the beautiful face. A kind of inexplicable uneasiness surged up in my heart.

Once upon a time, he was afraid that a woman would like another man? Is he really in love with still? No, it's impossible. He just likes the feeling of getting along with her.

He swore that he would never fall in love with any woman in his life!

"It's nothing different. It's just a game. It's just too boring. You don't need to be curious to pass the time." He looks like a casual tunnel.

Just the next moment, behind him came a crisp sound of something landing.

All of a sudden, his body suddenly froze, and when he turned around and saw the people who did not know when to stand behind him, suddenly a feeling of fear spread in the heart, and then quickly edited the whole body.

When was she here? Even, how much did she hear about the conversation just now?!

How many years has he never felt this fear? But now, facing her, he will feel this kind of fear, as if he had something in his hand, but he could not keep it.

"I said Jin Li..." at the other end of the mobile phone, ye Chongwei is still saying, Yi Jin Li presses the end of the call key.

Between the two, there was a kind of endless silence. He didn't put out the smoke until the smoke between his fingers reached his hand.

"Are you... Yi Jin Ling still heard his voice asking. No anger, no crying, no complaining, some... Just calm.

When she opened the glass door and heard him saying that it was just a game. It was also because she was too bored to pass the time. Her original confused heart, somehow, suddenly calmed down.

Yes, that's the answer.

Otherwise, why did people like Yi Jin leave the rental house with her for two months as ah Jin?

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