"You -" she blushed, her teeth bit her lower lip, and her hair fell on her cheek. Her beautiful and beautiful face would give people a kind of beauty of quiet years!

As if just looking at her quietly like this, people will feel calm in their hearts.

Yi Jinli is so obsessed with looking at the people in front of her, thinking that she wants him at the moment, her blush, her shyness, all because of him - which makes him feel happy.

Want her to be more attracted by him, want her more heart for him, also want her, whether it is body or heart, can be infatuated with him.

Perhaps only in this way, will let him more at ease, more sure that she can not leave him.

"And... It's not impossible." He murmured, one hand untied his buttons, the other hand, was holding her hand, let her hand, slowly from his cheek, stroked to his jaw, neck, clavicle, chest...

Ling was still a little confused, the palm of his hand was becoming more and more hot.

"Do you like it?" He laughs very beautiful, as if in order to attract her, in order to keep her eyes, he can show his beautiful side.

Her face was hot, and his smile was like the most intoxicating wine, and she was to be completely drunk.

"Hi... Like..." her voice stuttered, but she said it frankly.

He gently breathed to her, "just like it. You see, everything I have is yours. As long as you want, you can have it at any time. If you feel that you are not strong enough, can I help you?"

It's a real seduction! Ling still has an impulse to spray nose blood...

his body slowly approached her, pleasing her in the most gentle way.

As long as she is willing to move her heart and love for her, then he can give everything...

does she know how much he yearns for her?

Does she know how much he loves her?

He was uneasy about this, I don't know if one day, she will really fall in love with herself again, as before, she will say the word "love" to him clearly, rather than just try to love him again.

"Still, I love you."

He whispered the deepest language in his heart. He loved her and would spend his whole life!

when Ling still woke up the next day, she thought about everything last night, and suddenly turned red.

Last night, she, um... Seemed a little bold!

However, he was so charming that she could finally understand why so many emperors in ancient times could not even give up their country for the sake of beauty.

It turns out that sometimes, once a person is fascinated by another person, he will seem to be out of control physically and mentally, and will also indulge in that kind of gentle country.

But now, as if she and he get along, more and more like before, will feel very warm, that estrangement and deliberate, are slowly reducing, two people get along, also more and more natural.

He and she... Are really starting over and moving on the bright side.

Her marriage life is better than she imagined.

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